Player topic: Yaya Toure 2014/15 (continued)

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Paulmcfc2703 said:
Blue Mooner said:
avoidconfusion said:
To the person who asked who could replace his skillset in a 2 man midfield? I don't think a 2 man midfield with Toure is working anyway so that point is a bit moot for me. There are enough similar players out there to buy and maybe adapt the system a little bit to make it work with them (Koke, Pogba...)

I don't buy into the whole "irreplaceable" thing. The only exception might be someone like Messi perhaps although I am 99.9% Barcelona would be fine if they didn't have him anymore.

Liverpool and Spurs did not even try to replace Suarez or Bale, they used the money to buy 3-4 players rather than a replacement.

The point I am making is, Yaya Toure has been average to good this season, nowhere near the player he was last year or the year before.
He looks completely disinterested and the verbal diarrhea that is now coming from his camp YET AGAIN is just emphasizing, in my opinion, that his time should be up here.

Big clubs sell big players all the time for the right money.

What is the point in selling a player of Yaya's quality for 10million. I hear wages may be saved but that's irrelevant when you need to find minimum 50-60m plus wages to replace him in the midfield.
Because the 10 million outlay would be used to pay off the initial year of the new players amortisation cost and I would assume the new player would be on a structured deal where bonuses are key and be on a basic wage of less than Yaya's £10million a year hence bringing our total salary cost down.

Not to mention it would mean we could build for the future.

mosssideblue said:
dasblues said:
Fact is, without him we wouldn't have won ANY trophies in the last four seasons...

2011 Match winning goals in the semi and final
2012 Match winning goals in the game that put the title in our favour
2014 Unbeleivable goal to equalise in the final , a game we never looked like getting back in.
Match winning performance in the game that put the title back in our favour.

He will be massively missed when he goes, yes he can be a cnut at times but he is irreplacable in my eyes.

From all the stuff coming out in the press from him and his agent it seems like they realise that he isn't the player he was. He isn't able (or willing?) to play in a two man midfield so we should have changed our system to accomodate our best player.

Not wanting a keyboard war with you but :

The matches you are quoting, Yaya scored is the only fact you can claim. To say we wouldn't have won anything without them can only be supposition.
He will be missed when he goes for the job he did for us to winning the 2013-2014 season. He will not be missed for his contributions this year.
He is 32 soon. We haven't done well in Europe at all. Why would we change our game ethos to suit a player in the twilight of his career.
Yaya of two or three years ago would have been difficult to replace like for like. Today, there are many who can do a better job than what Yaya is doing and who will have more commitment than him, so irreplaceable is a weak argument.

He can no longer do what he used to do, and taking off your blue specs, you will eventually see that

I still think he has a lot to offer if the manager is willing to find a system that could get the best out of his talents.

I remember when AC Milan let Pirlo go as they beleived he was past his best and approaching 32.

He could still be a massive asset in a three man midfield if properly motivated.

Hopefully a change of manager will see that realised..
dasblues said:
mosssideblue said:
dasblues said:
Fact is, without him we wouldn't have won ANY trophies in the last four seasons...

2011 Match winning goals in the semi and final
2012 Match winning goals in the game that put the title in our favour
2014 Unbeleivable goal to equalise in the final , a game we never looked like getting back in.
Match winning performance in the game that put the title back in our favour.

He will be massively missed when he goes, yes he can be a cnut at times but he is irreplacable in my eyes.

From all the stuff coming out in the press from him and his agent it seems like they realise that he isn't the player he was. He isn't able (or willing?) to play in a two man midfield so we should have changed our system to accomodate our best player.

Not wanting a keyboard war with you but :

The matches you are quoting, Yaya scored is the only fact you can claim. To say we wouldn't have won anything without them can only be supposition.
He will be missed when he goes for the job he did for us to winning the 2013-2014 season. He will not be missed for his contributions this year.
He is 32 soon. We haven't done well in Europe at all. Why would we change our game ethos to suit a player in the twilight of his career.
Yaya of two or three years ago would have been difficult to replace like for like. Today, there are many who can do a better job than what Yaya is doing and who will have more commitment than him, so irreplaceable is a weak argument.

He can no longer do what he used to do, and taking off your blue specs, you will eventually see that

I still think he has a lot to offer if the manager is willing to find a system that could get the best out of his talents.

I remember when AC Milan let Pirlo go as they beleived he was past his best and approaching 32.

He could still be a massive asset in a three man midfield if properly motivated.

Hopefully a change of manager will see that realised..
Pirlo's attitude, on the pitch and via his agent, was much better than Yaya's.

I don't fancy another summer of his bellend agent spouting shite. If they want out, let them fucking go.
dobobobo said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
Blue Mooner said:
What is the point in selling a player of Yaya's quality for 10million. I hear wages may be saved but that's irrelevant when you need to find minimum 50-60m plus wages to replace him in the midfield.
Because the 10 million outlay would be used to pay off the initial year of the new players amortisation cost and I would assume the new player would be on a structured deal where bonuses are key and be on a basic wage of less than Yaya's £10million a year hence bringing our total salary cost down.

Not to mention it would mean we could build for the future.


Too many 'assumptions' going on for my liking. I would far sooner we get rid of dead wood like Sinclair, Richards and possibly Jovetic to reduce the wage bill and then 'supplement' the squad with another quality player rather than replace one ie Yaya with another.

As players like Yaya get older you use them in specific matches and when their experience will be invaluable, albeit I totally disagree with Blues that seem to think Yaya is 'over the hill' and on the decline. He's not matched the level which he did last year but then that was always going to be difficult to match.

In a squad game where you need players who won't play every game he will be invaluable. That's exactly what Ferguson did with Scholes, Giggs, Vidic, Ferdinand & Evra. (albeit all of them at much older ages than yaya is now)

A renewed and refreshed Yaya after a close season of rest (& No world cup or brother dying) and with the fans right behind him I have absolutely no doubt that Yaya still has the potential to contribute significantly, and despite what many blues are telling me is a poor year, he is still ranked the 15th best player in the prem across the key stats. Do not tell me that a player is done and dusted when just turning 32, physiologically no player would decline that quickly.

The difference between me and many fans on here is that I trust the club and management to make the right decision with Yaya armed with all the facts (around salary, bonuses etc) not supposition and assumptions.

The truth is that the 'cost' associated with Yaya is marginal and that is the cost between his salary and whatever player we were to sign. That may be 3m tops.

Don't forget in today's football 10m buys you an Adam Johnson or Jack Rodwell - with respect their not even fit to lace Yaya's boots.
Blue Mooner said:
dobobobo said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
Because the 10 million outlay would be used to pay off the initial year of the new players amortisation cost and I would assume the new player would be on a structured deal where bonuses are key and be on a basic wage of less than Yaya's £10million a year hence bringing our total salary cost down.

Not to mention it would mean we could build for the future.


Too many 'assumptions' going on for my liking. I would far sooner we get rid of dead wood like Sinclair, Richards and possibly Jovetic to reduce the wage bill and then 'supplement' the squad with another quality player rather than replace one ie Yaya with another.

As players like Yaya get older you use them in specific matches and when their experience will be invaluable, albeit I totally disagree with Blues that seem to think Yaya is 'over the hill' and on the decline. He's not matched the level which he did last year but then that was always going to be difficult to match.

In a squad game where you need players who won't play every game he will be invaluable. That's exactly what Ferguson did with Scholes, Giggs, Vidic, Ferdinand & Evra. (albeit all of them at much older ages than yaya is now)

A renewed and refreshed Yaya after a close season of rest (& No world cup or brother dying) and with the fans right behind him I have absolutely no doubt that Yaya still has the potential to contribute significantly, and despite what many blues are telling me is a poor year, he is still ranked the 15th best player in the prem across the key stats. Do not tell me that a player is done and dusted when just turning 32, physiologically no player would decline that quickly.

The difference between me and many fans on here is that I trust the club and management to make the right decision with Yaya armed with all the facts (around salary, bonuses etc) not supposition and assumptions.

The truth is that the 'cost' associated with Yaya is marginal and that is the cost between his salary and whatever player we were to sign. That may be 3m tops.

Don't forget in today's football 10m buys you an Adam Johnson or Jack Rodwell - with respect their not even fit to lace Yaya's boots.

dobobobo said:
Blue Mooner said:
dobobobo said:

Too many 'assumptions' going on for my liking. I would far sooner we get rid of dead wood like Sinclair, Richards and possibly Jovetic to reduce the wage bill and then 'supplement' the squad with another quality player rather than replace one ie Yaya with another.

As players like Yaya get older you use them in specific matches and when their experience will be invaluable, albeit I totally disagree with Blues that seem to think Yaya is 'over the hill' and on the decline. He's not matched the level which he did last year but then that was always going to be difficult to match.

In a squad game where you need players who won't play every game he will be invaluable. That's exactly what Ferguson did with Scholes, Giggs, Vidic, Ferdinand & Evra. (albeit all of them at much older ages than yaya is now)

A renewed and refreshed Yaya after a close season of rest (& No world cup or brother dying) and with the fans right behind him I have absolutely no doubt that Yaya still has the potential to contribute significantly, and despite what many blues are telling me is a poor year, he is still ranked the 15th best player in the prem across the key stats. Do not tell me that a player is done and dusted when just turning 32, physiologically no player would decline that quickly.

The difference between me and many fans on here is that I trust the club and management to make the right decision with Yaya armed with all the facts (around salary, bonuses etc) not supposition and assumptions.

The truth is that the 'cost' associated with Yaya is marginal and that is the cost between his salary and whatever player we were to sign. That may be 3m tops.

Don't forget in today's football 10m buys you an Adam Johnson or Jack Rodwell - with respect their not even fit to lace Yaya's boots.


Sergio Leone fan?
^quality! Both love and agree with the gifs.

I'll always love yaya for being the heartbeat of a city team that rose from mediocrity to something I wouldve never dreamed of. This season I've been more mad at him than anyone else. Because I love him so much. Because I forgave him for being a pick last summer. Because he is so influential as a man in our club so his lack of fire and fight can be so much more damaging.

He takes a heavy portion of the blame, for me, just like he takes a heavy portion of the credit when we have a great season.

I think it's time for him to move on.
dasblues said:
dobobobo said:
Blue Mooner said:
Too many 'assumptions' going on for my liking. I would far sooner we get rid of dead wood like Sinclair, Richards and possibly Jovetic to reduce the wage bill and then 'supplement' the squad with another quality player rather than replace one ie Yaya with another.

As players like Yaya get older you use them in specific matches and when their experience will be invaluable, albeit I totally disagree with Blues that seem to think Yaya is 'over the hill' and on the decline. He's not matched the level which he did last year but then that was always going to be difficult to match.

In a squad game where you need players who won't play every game he will be invaluable. That's exactly what Ferguson did with Scholes, Giggs, Vidic, Ferdinand & Evra. (albeit all of them at much older ages than yaya is now)

A renewed and refreshed Yaya after a close season of rest (& No world cup or brother dying) and with the fans right behind him I have absolutely no doubt that Yaya still has the potential to contribute significantly, and despite what many blues are telling me is a poor year, he is still ranked the 15th best player in the prem across the key stats. Do not tell me that a player is done and dusted when just turning 32, physiologically no player would decline that quickly.

The difference between me and many fans on here is that I trust the club and management to make the right decision with Yaya armed with all the facts (around salary, bonuses etc) not supposition and assumptions.

The truth is that the 'cost' associated with Yaya is marginal and that is the cost between his salary and whatever player we were to sign. That may be 3m tops.

Don't forget in today's football 10m buys you an Adam Johnson or Jack Rodwell - with respect their not even fit to lace Yaya's boots.


Sergio Leone fan?

Blue Mooner said:
dobobobo said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
Because the 10 million outlay would be used to pay off the initial year of the new players amortisation cost and I would assume the new player would be on a structured deal where bonuses are key and be on a basic wage of less than Yaya's £10million a year hence bringing our total salary cost down.

Not to mention it would mean we could build for the future.


Too many 'assumptions' going on for my liking. I would far sooner we get rid of dead wood like Sinclair, Richards and possibly Jovetic to reduce the wage bill and then 'supplement' the squad with another quality player rather than replace one ie Yaya with another.

As players like Yaya get older you use them in specific matches and when their experience will be invaluable, albeit I totally disagree with Blues that seem to think Yaya is 'over the hill' and on the decline. He's not matched the level which he did last year but then that was always going to be difficult to match.

In a squad game where you need players who won't play every game he will be invaluable. That's exactly what Ferguson did with Scholes, Giggs, Vidic, Ferdinand & Evra. (albeit all of them at much older ages than yaya is now)

A renewed and refreshed Yaya after a close season of rest (& No world cup or brother dying) and with the fans right behind him I have absolutely no doubt that Yaya still has the potential to contribute significantly, and despite what many blues are telling me is a poor year, he is still ranked the 15th best player in the prem across the key stats. Do not tell me that a player is done and dusted when just turning 32, physiologically no player would decline that quickly.

The difference between me and many fans on here is that I trust the club and management to make the right decision with Yaya armed with all the facts (around salary, bonuses etc) not supposition and assumptions.

The truth is that the 'cost' associated with Yaya is marginal and that is the cost between his salary and whatever player we were to sign. That may be 3m tops.

Don't forget in today's football 10m buys you an Adam Johnson or Jack Rodwell - with respect their not even fit to lace Yaya's boots.

Totally agree.

New contract , club ambassador , good rest and we go again.
toffee balls said:
Blue Mooner said:
dobobobo said:

Too many 'assumptions' going on for my liking. I would far sooner we get rid of dead wood like Sinclair, Richards and possibly Jovetic to reduce the wage bill and then 'supplement' the squad with another quality player rather than replace one ie Yaya with another.

As players like Yaya get older you use them in specific matches and when their experience will be invaluable, albeit I totally disagree with Blues that seem to think Yaya is 'over the hill' and on the decline. He's not matched the level which he did last year but then that was always going to be difficult to match.

In a squad game where you need players who won't play every game he will be invaluable. That's exactly what Ferguson did with Scholes, Giggs, Vidic, Ferdinand & Evra. (albeit all of them at much older ages than yaya is now)

A renewed and refreshed Yaya after a close season of rest (& No world cup or brother dying) and with the fans right behind him I have absolutely no doubt that Yaya still has the potential to contribute significantly, and despite what many blues are telling me is a poor year, he is still ranked the 15th best player in the prem across the key stats. Do not tell me that a player is done and dusted when just turning 32, physiologically no player would decline that quickly.

The difference between me and many fans on here is that I trust the club and management to make the right decision with Yaya armed with all the facts (around salary, bonuses etc) not supposition and assumptions.

The truth is that the 'cost' associated with Yaya is marginal and that is the cost between his salary and whatever player we were to sign. That may be 3m tops.

Don't forget in today's football 10m buys you an Adam Johnson or Jack Rodwell - with respect their not even fit to lace Yaya's boots.

Totally agree.

New contract , club ambassador , good rest and we go again.

How can you have a club ambassador with a history of throwing tantrums and threatening to leave every summer?
Kompany, Zabba, Silver and Hart are all club ambassador material. Yaya Toure is not.
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