Player topic: Yaya Toure (2014/15)

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Re: Yaya?

allblues09 said:
Sojib_citizen said:
I don't know what will happen this
season after shortage of squad size
(ffp punishment) but it's obvious
next season we have to find out
Yaya's replacement & it could be
pogba, miralem pjanic, barkley or
anyone! Even we need to buy a good
forward with cheap price tag and
attacking mid like isco or rues.
Surely it will be zucilini, assuming his loan goes well this season.

If it is too soon I would take pogba.
I don't understand why zucillini choose Valencia rather than deportivo? at deportivo he would get more first team appearance
Re: Yaya?

allblues09 said:
mosssideblue said:
allblues09 said:
Wow! I want to congratulate everyone. This is one of the most absurd threads on bluemoon in recent memory. That really says a lot.

I love how quickly people are willing to turn on our team and players.

So you are content with Yayas performaces then this season?

I do not think that he has been great, but he has been nowhere near as bad as people are making out.

At 30, it is difficult to play the number of games, and travel, that he has, so I am not surprised that he looks fatigued. With that said, he is not the reason we lost either of the last few games or the draw against Arsenal (considering he did not play). The team as a whole played poorly against Stoke and we should have got a point out of Munich.

Moreover, we are a much stronger team with him in the line-up, particularly with Fernando injured and Fernandino still lacking fitness.

If only Yaya was that good he could turn back time, he'll be 32 next birthday.

In response to those who have flagged up his running stats from the other night.

There are plenty of people I see at the gym who convince themselves they are doing a proper workout simply because they are able to jog on a treadmill, well within their comfort zone, for the best part of an hour.

They have done precious little and would have had a proper impact running on the same treadmill doing interval training at three times the speed and in half the time.

Plenty of boxing stats to prove where one guy has high numbers for flicking out cursory jabs, but nothing is registering of note.

Yaya was/is going through the motions, it has no relationship to performance.
Re: Yaya?

tolmie's hairdoo said:
allblues09 said:
mosssideblue said:
So you are content with Yayas performaces then this season?

I do not think that he has been great, but he has been nowhere near as bad as people are making out.

At 30, it is difficult to play the number of games, and travel, that he has, so I am not surprised that he looks fatigued. With that said, he is not the reason we lost either of the last few games or the draw against Arsenal (considering he did not play). The team as a whole played poorly against Stoke and we should have got a point out of Munich.

Moreover, we are a much stronger team with him in the line-up, particularly with Fernando injured and Fernandino still lacking fitness.

If only Yaya was that good he could turn back time, he'll be 32 next birthday.

In response to those who have flagged up his running stats from the other night.

There are plenty of people I see at the gym who convince themselves they are doing a proper workout simply because they are able to jog on a treadmill, well within their comfort zone, for the best part of an hour.

They have done precious little and would have had a proper impact running on the same treadmill doing interval training at three times the speed and in half the time.

Plenty of boxing stats to prove where one guy has high numbers for flicking out cursory jabs, but nothing is registering of note.

Yaya was/is going through the motions, it has no relationship to performance.

I think ffp just ruined our summer transfer. after his birthday saga we could easily signed Cese Fabregus but that time mangala was our first priority with ffp restrictions. fernando and fabregus can easily surplus yaya's place!
Re: Yaya?

tolmie's hairdoo said:
Yaya was/is going through the motions, it has no relationship to performance.

You missed out in your opinion.

Because your opinion has no relation to facts. You simply do not nor cannot know the facts.

You do not know what Yaya was instructed to do by Pellers. You do not know what the overall instructions to the team were. All you can do is assume and procrastinate.

In my opinion Yaya was not on top of his game or anywhere near the other night, but he was not alone. Yet he still looked most likely to fashion any counter attacks we had.

His problem is his languid style looks like he doesnt care but we cant change that. And some of the hysterical overaction on this thread is basically just pathetic and shows most football fans know fuck all about football.
Re: Yaya?

tolmie's hairdoo said:
allblues09 said:
mosssideblue said:
So you are content with Yayas performaces then this season?

I do not think that he has been great, but he has been nowhere near as bad as people are making out.

At 30, it is difficult to play the number of games, and travel, that he has, so I am not surprised that he looks fatigued. With that said, he is not the reason we lost either of the last few games or the draw against Arsenal (considering he did not play). The team as a whole played poorly against Stoke and we should have got a point out of Munich.

Moreover, we are a much stronger team with him in the line-up, particularly with Fernando injured and Fernandino still lacking fitness.

If only Yaya was that good he could turn back time, he'll be 32 next birthday.

In response to those who have flagged up his running stats from the other night.

There are plenty of people I see at the gym who convince themselves they are doing a proper workout simply because they are able to jog on a treadmill, well within their comfort zone, for the best part of an hour.

They have done precious little and would have had a proper impact running on the same treadmill doing interval training at three times the speed and in half the time.

Plenty of boxing stats to prove where one guy has high numbers for flicking out cursory jabs, but nothing is registering of note.

Yaya was/is going through the motions, it has no relationship to performance.

What a great way of putting it.

So disappointed with the way the lad has seemingly decided to 'go out'. He will obviously be mentioned in City folklore in the years to come, but could have been held in the same reverence as Colin Bell had he just decided to do things a little differently.

His bell end of an agent must take some of the blame for the way things went in summer, but it isnt his agent that has put in 5 half arsed performances so far this season. Fingers and toes crossed he is just getting back in the groove because if not we could really end up regretting not getting shut.
Re: Yaya?

Rascal said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Yaya was/is going through the motions, it has no relationship to performance.

You missed out in your opinion.

Because your opinion has no relation to facts. You simply do not nor cannot know the facts.

You do not know what Yaya was instructed to do by Pellers. You do not know what the overall instructions to the team were. All you can do is assume and procrastinate.

In my opinion Yaya was not on top of his game or anywhere near the other night, but he was not alone. Yet he still looked most likely to fashion any counter attacks we had.

His problem is his languid style looks like he doesnt care but we cant change that. And some of the hysterical overaction on this thread is basically just pathetic and shows most football fans know fuck all about football.

I'm pretty sure Pellers didn't ask him to amble back towards his own goal when Bayern were on the break, allow Silva to give him a 20 yard start and still arrive after him in a defensive position.

I'm pretty sure he also wouldn't have said " tell you what YaYa, if we get beat, don't let it get to you, just pop over to Pep, in full view of our travelling support who've spent a small fortune to come and support us, high five him and share a few laughs, it won't wind anyone up, promise'

YaYa Toure......A supremely talented footballer who can be a lazy, thoughtless, arrogant,fucker.

Love you Rasc but you can't defend the indefensible......
Re: Yaya?

Rascal said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Yaya was/is going through the motions, it has no relationship to performance.

You missed out in your opinion.

Because your opinion has no relation to facts. You simply do not nor cannot know the facts.

You do not know what Yaya was instructed to do by Pellers. You do not know what the overall instructions to the team were. All you can do is assume and procrastinate.

In my opinion Yaya was not on top of his game or anywhere near the other night, but he was not alone. Yet he still looked most likely to fashion any counter attacks we had.

His problem is his languid style looks like he doesnt care but we cant change that. And some of the hysterical overaction on this thread is basically just pathetic and shows most football fans know fuck all about football.

Some fans think if you run around like Paul dickov that makes you a good plauer.

However his distance stats prove he wasn't wanting in effort it just wasn't his night.
Re: Yaya?

Rascal said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Yaya was/is going through the motions, it has no relationship to performance.

You missed out in your opinion.

Because your opinion has no relation to facts. You simply do not nor cannot know the facts.

You do not know what Yaya was instructed to do by Pellers. You do not know what the overall instructions to the team were. All you can do is assume and procrastinate.

In my opinion Yaya was not on top of his game or anywhere near the other night, but he was not alone. Yet he still looked most likely to fashion any counter attacks we had.

His problem is his languid style looks like he doesnt care but we cant change that. And some of the hysterical overaction on this thread is basically just pathetic and shows most football fans know fuck all about football.

It does baffle me how you can accuse people of slating Yaya's application in that game as lacking any knowledge of football.

Yaya's style hasn't changed overnight. Like you've just said, he has a languid style which *can* give off an impression of lacking in effort. Last season when he was probably your best player he still had that style, however he also looked switched on, interested, up for the flight etc.

That performances on Weds was nothing of those. Not in the slightest. The only time he appeared to change gear is when he had the ball in a position where there was a gap to try a surging run, and I only saw a couple of those. However, you were up against Bayern, not Crystal Palace, Sheffield Wednesday or Alfreton Town, so not only does he have to make those surging runs that we all know he does well, he has to put the dirty work in when you're up against it, and certainly IMO it was clear as fuck that he wasn't willing to do that. Fernandinho was covering his arse pretty much all game - it was a great performance by him, but his job could and should have been made easier with a bit of interest shown by Yaya.

Now of course that could well have been a one off (although a few of my City mates have said he's been lacklustre and lacking effort since the start of the season), and he could rip up trees against Chelsea come Sunday. But that showing at Bayern on Weds, given it's importance, was extremely poor, and you expect a hell of a lot more from last year's star player.

I can understand some of you defending him after last season's heroics - it may well be a lull which he will snap out of, but despite that it's a performance worthy of criticisim and I find it strange that you can then criticise people who share that view and label them clueless about football.

It didn't take a brain surgeon to see it.
Re: Yaya?

Blue Mooner said:
Some fans think if you run around like Paul dickov that makes you a good plauer.

However his distance stats prove he wasn't wanting in effort it just wasn't his night.

David Silva runs around like Paul Dickov,so does Zaba and Vinny,oh,and Aguero too - all great players,some might say 'world class'......and ones we can rely on and,I hope,retire here.
Re: Yaya?

I'm in with rascal to the extent that we don't really know what Yaya was instructed to do. I thought he was pretty solid in the first half. Looked at the matchday thread and it appears as if several thought this as well (and that would be "several" more than usually say so.)

It seemed like the club as a whole played quite defensively in the second half. I don't know if it was us trying to hold a 0-0 result. Or confusion against Pep and all that goofy stuff he was doing moving Alaba around. Whatever. We seemed of a "defend first" mentality and that is just not Yaya's environment.

For me I'd have subbed him off. I'd have been with a lot of the people in the media I saw rating his overall day at 5/10. Far from his best but find me a player who doesn't have a 5/10 from time to time. Messi for example in the W Cup final might have been flattered to get rated 5/10.

We're four games into a season played for him. I wouldn't have called him great in any but far from shocking in any. Just in a bad bit of form by his standards. Doesn't seem like anything worthy of fucking him off to play EDS matches till being sold in January over. No club on earth would do this, obviously. But if we did I can't see how it would help the club in any way whatsoever.
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