Player's Perspective On Being Boo'd By Fans

I think footballers will have a very negative view of fans and the media whatever they might say in public.

But confidence is such a key part of a player's form that booing is totally self-destructive. Fans have a right to do it, but I'd only do it if I don't think a player is pulling his weight which is very rare.

Have booed occasionally out of frustration at the final whistle, but again rarely. Booing a team I can understand, but hardly ever a player. That's out of order and fans who do it should expect some comeback from other fans
supercity36 said:
booing shows players we are not putting up with half arsed performances *cough* yaya toure. we shell out, so we get an opinion. playing badly shouldnt be booed, as long as you put in 100% having a bad game is acceptable.

Trouble is, how do you judge if they are not arsed, or if they are tired, or carrying an injury? Yaya had a thigh injury a few weeks ago, didn't he? As he came back earlier than expected, I assumed it might still be affecting him a bit. God knows he put in the effort at WBA, then played two more full games within a week. I remember VK playing with his toe injury for the best part of two months; he was pretty lousy, well below his usual standards but no-one booed him. Why? Because the injury was obvious.

think the booing of mancinis sub was a showing of frustration, we can hardly create a chance and we are taking off a striker for a holding midfielder.

that's fair enough. sort of.
Chick Counterfly said:
supercity36 said:
booing shows players we are not putting up with half arsed performances *cough* yaya toure. we shell out, so we get an opinion. playing badly shouldnt be booed, as long as you put in 100% having a bad game is acceptable.

Trouble is, how do you judge if they are not arsed, or if they are tired, or carrying an injury? Yaya had a thigh injury a few weeks ago, didn't he? As he came back earlier than expected, I assumed it might still be affecting him a bit. God knows he put in the effort at WBA, then played two more full games within a week. I remember VK playing with his toe injury for the best part of two months; he was pretty lousy, well below his usual standards but no-one booed him. Why? Because the injury was obvious.

ok example is tevez vs birmingham. performance wise he was all over the show, wayward passing, bad first touches, but his effort was still as great as ever. vs united and brum, the amount of times players just passed yaya without him reacting is unbelieveable, he dosent jump for headers and loses them to much shorter and weaker players, just to start with yaya's lack of effort
macmanson said:
Seeing as there have been a number of threads on here with fans arguing the pros and cons of boo'ing players, I thought it was interesting to have a player's viewpoint. Here is an interview with Kolo Toure after the Birmingham game where the reporter asks him about being boo'd by City fans.

Knowing that it does bother players to be boo'd and discourages them, does that alter any one's view point? For the record, I'm not against fans boo'ing their own teams, but I don't necessarily feel compelled to do it myself.
Most of our players have 100,000 reasons per week not to give a stuff what we think .
themadinventor said:
Most of our players have 100,000 reasons per week not to give a stuff what we think .

It seems a bunch of you think that making money completely solves a person's problems in life. Couldn't be further from the truth. Making more money does not make you happier, more emotionally stable, or better able to cope with hardships.

You can say, "Well give me "100,000 pounds/week and I'll be show you how to do it!" Do you think that because you have a lot of money:

- Your family life improves?
- Your past friends don't have any jealously towards you?
- You can be seen in public places without being harassed?
- Many people don't just see you as a walking stack of cash, constantly trying to squeeze some of it from you?

I'm not trying to say that being rich is horrible or even mildly bad. I too dream of being a mega-millionaire. But just because you have money your problems don't disappear. Sure your more immediate needs may be satisfied (food, shelter, sex, people doing tedious tasks for you...), but your many of your problems (especially psychological) become worse. You can no longer trust people who were once your friends and every mistake of your life is documented as national news.

Some people can deal with being rich better than others (just like some people can deal with life better than others). Sure boo then when they don't put in enough effort. But I can guarantee you that they want to win as much as you (if not more). They didn't practice for countless hours without having some kind of competitive drive. Booing when they are unlucky or frustrated just (like in the Birmingham game) just discourages them from giving their best.
themadinventor said:
macmanson said:
Seeing as there have been a number of threads on here with fans arguing the pros and cons of boo'ing players, I thought it was interesting to have a player's viewpoint. Here is an interview with Kolo Toure after the Birmingham game where the reporter asks him about being boo'd by City fans.

Knowing that it does bother players to be boo'd and discourages them, does that alter any one's view point? For the record, I'm not against fans boo'ing their own teams, but I don't necessarily feel compelled to do it myself.
Most of our players have 100,000 reasons per week not to give a stuff what we think .

But ultimately the players do care. Generally, their ultimate desire is to be a top notch player who has the admiration of fans and/or colleagues. Players who tend to achieve that status acquire the high wages because of it and not vice versa.

I don't think you can take a star athlete who doesn't like soccer and turn him into a top international simply by paying him more than others. If there is no desire there, than money won't change that.

Point being that top notch players aren't going to shrug off being boo'd because of their income. They feed off of the positive energy that fans can create and I would argue that is their primary motivation for playing. Very similar to your average Joe who works in the normal world where wages play a big part in your employment decision but so do things like work environment, how needed you feel, how valued you are, etc. We ultimately make an employment decision based on our emotional intelligence and not what is being offered money wise.
City Raider said:
constantly referring to how much they get paid says more about the posters motivations than the players
This, never a truer word wa spoken. It is obnoxious jealousy in it's firmest form.
"All the top teams pass the ball and push their opposition back" - I take it Kolo was saying that's what we're trying to do. How is it that United, Arsenal and Chelsea would knock 2 or 3 past Birmingham at home when we arguably have a better squad? (other than Chelsea)

I feel sorry for the players to be fair, they're being told to play the way they are, I'm glad Mancini was booed when the Tevez sub happened. Hopefully it will kick him up the arse.
skillman said:
"All the top teams pass the ball and push their opposition back" - I take it Kolo was saying that's what we're trying to do. How is it that United, Arsenal and Chelsea would knock 2 or 3 past Birmingham at home when we arguably have a better squad? (other than Chelsea)

I feel sorry for the players to be fair, they're being told to play the way they are, I'm glad Mancini was booed when the Tevez sub happened. Hopefully it will kick him up the arse.
Arsenal that lost at home to West Brom and Utd that drew with them!!


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