Players targeted / Leg breaker hack on Sterling and kdb

One post wonder, that one.

On a serious note, good to see them discussing it, only real chance of Riley and the refs getting pulled up and the players responsible being punished is of the FA and PL start to worry that the reputation of their product is taking a battering abroad.
Thats a great vid is that, Craig Burley, Shaka Hislop and Paul Mariner waxed lyrical about us with gusto there, fair play to them. And them talking about teams being negative and sitting back won't last forever. These next 18 games will see teams more open as the games tick down and points become more desperate , in theory we should batter most teams.
I was actually surprised they all agreed. It really shows how obvious it has become.

We are very lucky not to have Raheem, Kevin, and Ilkay all out with long-term injuries.

It is a bit odd—it’s as if after Mane’s kung fu kick to Ederson’s face [influential] entities have swayed the officials to be more lenient... but that is probably just crazy talk.


On a serious note, good to see them discussing it, only real chance of Riley and the refs getting pulled up and the players responsible being punished is of the FA and PL start to worry that the reputation of their product is taking a battering abroad.
Agree completely. I felt it was worthy of a thread as you very rarely hear SSN, BBC, BT, or many other outlets discussing these challenges.

There are actually other examples against us this season outside of the three mentioned in the video but they’ve been lost to time due to the lack of action during the match, as well.
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It was a bad tackle but I do not think we are being targeted as even in this game Newcastle hardly laid a glove on us.

There has been a few poor tackles of late though.
Shouldn't be in the interrest of teams to injure us. We have a 15 point lead and rather good depth in our squad, it's unlikely something like that would make the difference and it could only serve a very few teams at most. And otoh, as long as were focussed on the league we might give a bit fewer attention to the cups.

I think our opposition just get frustrated with us, especially some of our players that are just toying with the opposition. Like Spurs when the were 4-0 down, must have felt as a humiliation to those players, it kinda was.
Shouldn't be in the interrest of teams to injure us. We have a 15 point lead and rather good depth in our squad, it's unlikely something like that would make the difference and it could only serve a very few teams at most. And otoh, as long as were focussed on the league we might give a bit fewer attention to the cups.

I think our opposition just get frustrated with us, especially some of our players that are just toying with the opposition. Like Spurs when the were 4-0 down, must have felt as a humiliation to those players, it kinda was.
That tackle earlier was in the first 10 minutes, frustration had fuck all to do with it.
Shouldn't be in the interrest of teams to injure us. We have a 15 point lead and rather good depth in our squad, it's unlikely something like that would make the difference and it could only serve a very few teams at most. And otoh, as long as were focussed on the league we might give a bit fewer attention to the cups.

I think our opposition just get frustrated with us, especially some of our players that are just toying with the opposition. Like Spurs when the were 4-0 down, must have felt as a humiliation to those players, it kinda was.
I defintely think frustration is an element, though, I do think some of the lower teams are intentionally more physical and reckless, hence Murphy’s comments (and other opposition players/managers) to that affect.
Lost count on how many times gundo got hacked . He was the target today .
Instructions were clear from the manager who to pick .

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