Players targeted / Leg breaker hack on Sterling and kdb

Lost count on how many times gundo got hacked . He was the target today .
Instructions were clear from the manager who to pick .
I forget which match it was, but Silva was a target a few weeks ago, as well; there must have been 9 or 10 “late” challenges on him alone, a couple from behind that received only simple fouls.
The way prem teams are setting up against us now must be making the EPL look a bit pathetic to overseas viewers. I watch the Spanish league games regularly and have never seen managers setting up against Barcelona or Real Madrid like prem managers do against us. At this rate the Premier League is going to start losing a lot of revenue from overseas for TV rights to show Prem football because it's getting ridiculous now, and embarrassing.
The way prem teams are setting up against us now must be making the EPL look a bit pathetic to overseas viewers. I watch the Spanish league games regularly and have never seen managers setting up against Barcelona or Real Madrid like prem managers do against us. At this rate the Premier League is going to start losing a lot of revenue from overseas for TV rights to show Prem football because it's getting ridiculous now, and embarrassing.

Oh rest assure that city's succes is no gift to the PL as a whole, hence that i can see more media bs comming. ;)

That tackle earlier was in the first 10 minutes, frustration had fuck all to do with it.

Probably. I wouldn't exclude frustration as a big part why we often get fouled, besides individual players simply making errors. I don't think it's something of a deliberate strategy except perhaps a few scarce cases.

I do think some of the lower teams are intentionally more physical and reckless

Probably, it's something of a strategy if youre the underdog to use heavy physical play. Afterall, lesser teams will often put in more defense oriented players even at midfield, and when youre team then turns out overal more physical it makes sense to try to exploit that to it's maximum potential. Besides that certain lighter more technical players will often more easily take a knock, and some players are known to be injury prone.
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Neville mentioned both the horrible challenge & the pathetic tactics by Newcastle (because he knows the title has gone from Utd, so it no longer matters to them if he's honest about us).

He mentioned people watching the Prem on TV, as did Carragher.

That suggests to me, that Sky are concerned about their 'product' which is good news for us, as we are one of the few teams selling it for them.
It was a bad tackle but I do not think we are being targeted as even in this game Newcastle hardly laid a glove on us.

There has been a few poor tackles of late though.
Alternative view being that they knew they got away with a bad one, which would have been talked about at half-time amongst the officials, and knew they couldn't do it again.

That was a red card offence, as were the two vs Tottenham. Could argue Otamendi's was too.
When have City players got protection from referees in the modern era?
Bet Sky, BT, The BBC and the rest of the UK media don't even mention it.
Think this is why it keeps happening, until they start giving us abit of protection it won't stop.
We don't need special treatment, we just need equal treatment.
Thats a great vid is that, Craig Burley, Shaka Hislop and Paul Mariner waxed lyrical about us with gusto there, fair play to them. And them talking about teams being negative and sitting back won't last forever. These next 18 games will see teams more open as the games tick down and points become more desperate , in theory we should batter most teams.
It won't. They open up, they lose 4 or 5 nil, guaranteed. They park the bus and kick and they lose by 1 goal most times. Much better for the goal difference. The final relegation place will be decided by 'who lost to City by more goals?' It'll be that close. Teams will change in other games, but not against us.
Didn’t think it was a particularly dirty game last night. Save for the shocker on Gundogan, and Benítez moved the culprit thereafter, the game was played in quite a good spirit. Rather felt as if both sides were happy with the scoreline and had their eyes on the next fixtures.
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No better players are too quick/skillful for shite ones and will get fouled by mistimed tacklea and tackles out of frustration, happens to every team

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