Players targeted / Leg breaker hack on Sterling and kdb

Kane, Alli and Murphy - all red cards.

Murphy didn't even receive a yellow card for a studs up challenge , midway up Gundogan's leg.

That means Murphy can get banned for it now though mate? If he was booked I dont think the FA can do anything about it after
All decent players are targeted. What I notice is that most of the challenges on our players never seem to carry the sanction that the Laws of the Game mandate. A foul on Otters last night and NUFC get a corner. One of the clearest fouls of the night. The nasty challenge on Ilkay. And which player got spoken to last night for a challenge? Why, Ferny! There was a NUFC player had three major bites at our player and ne'er a card!
Did not get a good view of the challenge from up in the gods at Newcastle last night has anyone got a link to it.
Didn’t think it was a particularly dirty game last night. Save for the shocker on Gundogan, and Benítez moved the culprit thereafter, the game was played in quite a good spirit. Rather felt as if both sides were happy with the shoreline and had their eyes on the next fixtures.

I can't believe anybody is happy with that shoreline it is a bit drab and grey mostly :)

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