Players who might improve us

Re: Players that have no link to us but had a decent game th

nah your wrong mate it finished 4-2 someone must of for them. HA!HA!HA!

Robertson did a thing for Hull and has a lovely rising from nothing story? Lamberts got a story like that to, and he did a goal today.
There's no need to always go for big expensive names, backup players from lower leagues can be trusted to do a decent job. Or even more.
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Not so much players who would improve us, more players to watch. Robinson Fulham he had a good game against us probably their best player, if we are after a Zinchenko replacement he could do the job.
Schade Brentford plays like Sane, as i said two players gaining experience in the PL worth watching.
Not so much players who would improve us, more players to watch. Robinson Fulham he had a good game against us probably their best player, if we are after a Zinchenko replacement he could do the job.
Schade Brentford plays like Sane, as i said two players gaining experience in the PL worth watching.
Do we need a Zinchenko replacement? We're spoiled for left back variants at the moment, when we actually play with one.
Thought that Duran who came on for Villa looked promising when he came on. That match was all I've ever seen of him, but he's 20, fast and got a shot on him so it seems. May be some way off us as yet, but I'd like to see more of him for Villa and see how he goes.

Hell of a strike by this guy Jhon Duran for Villa today. Good young player, only 19. Villa are building a decent team, which gives them a fair chance of finishing above the laughable trafford shite this season...

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