Playing sport as you get older


Well-Known Member
13 May 2006
Hitting my early 40s I’ve decided to take on playing a few sports again to keep my body ticking over after stopping while kids were toddlers.

But Christ alive I’ve no idea how some people have the energy, dedication and body to do it.

I’m playing football and tennis and seemingly every week I pick up some new injury and my body is really feeling it.

Do people still try and keep fit and active or just accept old age while slowly turning into a fat unhealthy mess who spends too much time watching tv and the internet - which seems very tempting right now?
I'm mid 40s mate and i gave it up as well years ago to spend more time with my young family. I tried getting back into it now they're older but the 2 days to recover wasn't worth it and playing 5 a side the young whipper snappers were just too quick. I'm either all in or I'm out and my competitive edge forced me away. I play pool now in my local league but I haven't put much weight on. Still stay active with bike rides with the kids and just have to be careful with alcohol and food intake. Life doesn't have to end, I have been invited to play walking football and rugby but it just isn't for me. I believe some areas have an over 40s football 5 a side but there isn't one near me. Might be worth a look? A slower pace might suit you more and lead to less injuries?
Hitting my early 40s I’ve decided to take on playing a few sports again to keep my body ticking over after stopping while kids were toddlers.

But Christ alive I’ve no idea how some people have the energy, dedication and body to do it.

I’m playing football and tennis and seemingly every week I pick up some new injury and my body is really feeling it.

Do people still try and keep fit and active or just accept old age while slowly turning into a fat unhealthy mess who spends too much time watching tv and the internet - which seems very tempting right now?
I got up at 4 am this morning and walked/ hiked up to Dovestones.I'm 60 next february.Been walking on one of my days off for about 1 year now.Iv noticed my stamina and strength is getting better week on week,but today i overdid it ,Im in bed now ready to sleep,got work tomorrow.I was out just over 7 hours,here is my steps for today.
Hitting my early 40s I’ve decided to take on playing a few sports again to keep my body ticking over after stopping while kids were toddlers.

But Christ alive I’ve no idea how some people have the energy, dedication and body to do it.

I’m playing football and tennis and seemingly every week I pick up some new injury and my body is really feeling it.

Do people still try and keep fit and active or just accept old age while slowly turning into a fat unhealthy mess who spends too much time watching tv and the internet - which seems very tempting right now?
That's the problem when you hit your 40's. You're far more likely to start pulling muscles
I was playing 5 a side in my 40s with mates of a similar age and every week someone was injured
Got myself super fit by using a gym, then started playing squash again, then I jolted my knee so that was the end of squash
I carried on at the gym, then started playing over 35's football. So by this time, I'm late 50's competing against lads 20 odd years younger and I held my own until I then got a heel injury
That's where I chucked in competitive sport and just did my gym stuff
Just before I hit my last injury I did a cardio class in the studio in the gym and used the lad next to me as motivation to see if I could keep up with him as he was at least half my age and fairly trim
Next time I was in, the PT asked how I felt after his class
I said really good and thoroughly enjoyed it
He then said he coached a football team and the lad who was next to me was part of the squad and was complaining the workout was too strenuous
Diet and stretching is key. I'm 38 and work a manual labour job 5 days a week. I'm fitter now than I was at 21. Just have to make more sacrifices in other aspects of my life to feel this way. Out with the crap food, alcohol and poor sleep. In with the good diet, early nights and 4 litres of water a day. There's near 100 year olds out there running marathons. 60 years older than you
I played five aside and cricket till I was 50 and would have carried on but for RA. I played rugby too till I was 35. Headingley duffers!
Then I had to content myself with walking and was ok till 70. Then the arthritis set in and I was done. Still a frustrated Woosnam. Just love sport, even tho’ I was never much cop. You can always find a team at the right level.

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