Playing sport as you get older

I'm 53 and run at least 15km and swim at least 5km each week. Always do stretches before and after my runs and my swims sort themselves out, and never pick up any injuries.
Can''t be arsed with any team sports as I'm a bit of a "Lone Wolf". Have lost about 3.5 stone since I started exercising but I'm on a bit of a weight plateau at the moment, but I'm happy with my fitness for my age.
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Football occasionally, but that's coming to an end due to an occasional dodgy hip, possibly arthritis. I ran around Derwentwater yesterday - 16km on my 63rd birthday. Another 10km today back home in Cheshire. It's hard work, but enjoyable

My lad took his dart board with us on holiday last week. He plays every day. My other son plays occasionally. I won every game, much to their annoyance. Also beat the two of them at pitch and putt.
Hitting my early 40s I’ve decided to take on playing a few sports again to keep my body ticking over after stopping while kids were toddlers.

But Christ alive I’ve no idea how some people have the energy, dedication and body to do it.

I’m playing football and tennis and seemingly every week I pick up some new injury and my body is really feeling it.

Do people still try and keep fit and active or just accept old age while slowly turning into a fat unhealthy mess who spends too much time watching tv and the internet - which seems very tempting right now?

I’m out the sports game.

Just dedicate a lot of days to running, I can be my own boss and can do it on my own time.

I stick to Parkrun religiously and sign up for a 10k/half marathon race once a month to keep me training for something.

* I never stretch, I’ve never had an injury.
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59 and started walking about 3 years ago, and after retiring last year went back to archery, which I've done for a couple of periods before work/family meant I couldn't dedicate the time needed.

I had dodgy knees from 5 aside injuries in my twenties, and walking caused a problem until I built up the muscles around them, they're better now than they have been in years. Archery I went to fast too soon and have something akin to tennis elbow. Slowly building back up again with the help of an elbow brace, still can't draw the bow weight I did in my forties but getting there.

Not sure what I'd do without some form of sport, probably just curl up and expire
Walk around 6/7 miles a day, unfortunately my back injury just puts me off doing anything else I just don’t want to aggravate it, I’m going to start swimming see if that helps and I need to start stretching as well.
Just turned 60 and I’ve been retired since the start of lockdown…

I’ve cycled ~4,000 miles a year for the last few years but I’m now cycling for ~100 miles a week and having a couple of rounds of golf.. Golf is causing me massive issues with Plantar Fasciaitis (sp) though.. Love it but it’s causing horrendous pain.. I’ve tried new shoes, rolling a golf ball under the affected heel but nothing shifts it.. I’ve now ordered a foot roller massager that’s supposed to work before I consider a visit to get proper insoles prescribed

I’m loving the golf and after a two month trial at my local GC (Hawarden) I’m due to become a member so I need to sort it..
I had plantar fasciaitis a few years ago, the pain in the morning was really bad, like standing on a needle. I tried all sorts to fix it, but nothing worked. I ended up having shockwave therapy, which is like a gun with a ball bearing in that shoots the ball bearing back and forth against the underside of your foot. I had about five/six sessions on the NHS, and have never had any problems since.
Walk around 6/7 miles a day, unfortunately my back injury just puts me off doing anything else I just don’t want to aggravate it, I’m going to start swimming see if that helps and I need to start stretching as well.

Swimming is great as it's low impact so doesn't put too much stress on your body if you are nursing an injury.
Don't try to do too much too soon, but gradually build up your distance over time, and swim at your own pace. Don't get put off by passive aggressive people swimming front crawl at ridiculous speeds whilst creating massive splashes!
I was shit at sport as a kid, consequently my knees and hips are OK. 72 now and play a lot of table tennis but this year I have discovered pickleball which I absolutely love!
Hitting my early 40s I’ve decided to take on playing a few sports again to keep my body ticking over after stopping while kids were toddlers.

But Christ alive I’ve no idea how some people have the energy, dedication and body to do it.

I’m playing football and tennis and seemingly every week I pick up some new injury and my body is really feeling it.

Do people still try and keep fit and active or just accept old age while slowly turning into a fat unhealthy mess who spends too much time watching tv and the internet - which seems very tempting right now?
Walking riding golfing running, pick one or more. Do some weights as well or bodyweight stuff.

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