Please Help Protect Racecourse Ground Wrexham!

Thanks to all the City fans for their tremendous support ! It is greatly appreciated.

Petition has reached 7,349
Even though your ground is a shit hole(that's a joke,honest) it would be an outrage to knock it down.I have signed it as well.

Good luck with your fight against the evils of property developers.I think you will need it.
Kirkstall Blue said:
Bumped, for any one who missed it. The petition now stand at, 7549

Thanks Kirsktall Blue - Its great to have your support and fellow Blue Moon City fans.
We have 8 weeks left to complete our target of 10,500 before submission to Council, which is a run rate of about 50 names a day.
Cae Ras said:
Hi from Wrexham Fans!

We and "fans united" would love to have your help and support to protect our ground from any chance of future property development.

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Not everyone knows Wrexham's Racecourse ground is ...

"The Oldest International Football Stadium In The World", still in use today.
[Good one to remember for pub quiz night!]

The current Manchester City management and coaching team have a strong affection for the Racecourse ground. Mark Hughes a local Wrexham lad, played on it several times for Wales and Eddie Niedzwiecki, a hundred times in goal for Wrexham. Eddie has also kindly signed the petition himself.

We need your valued support and help. The football club has been sold to a parent company, who are acting as property developer and developing the car park land, the club used to own as an asset. This by its nature needs to encroach close to the stadium with the result; the kop end terrace has had to be closed down, until the development has been completed. At that stage we understand the Kop end should be rebuilt with a new stand.

We have been assured a substantial percentage of the profits from the development will be paid back into Wrexham Football Club, rather than just retained by the property developer. We are hopeful on this, though aware the section 106 guarantee, the fans were promised would be submitted to planning, did not materialise and planning permission given irrespective. This has understandably left some concerns and anxiety amongst some of the fans, as this now relies on trust.

For the future and to protect the interests of the fans, and avoid any chance the Racecourse ground could ever be developed on, we are lobbying the Wrexham Borough Councillors to secure the Racecourse as an international football ground and Sports stadium, as a designated reserved matter within the Local Development Plan. LDP. It would then be protected from being sold for any future property development, such as supermarkets or residential flats and the like.

To do this we have a mission to secure 10,500 names on the petition, the current reduced capacity of the Racecourse Ground. We will use this petition to lobby the Councillors at the LDP planning hearing in the autumn. The response has been fantastic and in just five weeks, we have secured 6,060 signatures from fans of more than 30 clubs across the UK and even as far as Grampus Eight in Tokyo!

The Support of Manchester City fans from the BLUEMOON forum would be magnificent for us!.

This petition has been created by Red Passion, the website community of Wrexham fans who connect up around the world 24 hours a day.

The petition is also in keeping with the policy of the Wrexham Supporters Trust to protect the Racecourse in the LDP.

Thanks !

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