Please Stop Saying United are in decline

Two issues:

1) Replacing Ronaldo, We don't know how they will approach that, but they have had time to plan, and they are in a strong position to get who they want

2) Rio's fitness. Became a big issue for Utd and England at end of the season. That needs resolving. Key player for them
tommyducks said:
Whether or not they are in decline is open to debate. What is not in doubt is that their fans are really troubled by our new status, and terrified that they may be pushed off that top spot by a club they have always ridiculed. So whilst I don't doubt that they might find good replacements for Tevez, Ronaldo, Giggs, Scholes, Neville etc., I refuse to pass up this opportunity of hammering it home every time we sign someone and telling THEM that they are in decline. Because deep down quite a lot of them also think they are and theyre feeling very uncomfortable about it. Happy days.....

Oh, don't get me wrong - every time something shit happens to them we should rub it in where we can. I just agree with DD that talk of a sustained decline (not just the odd season without a trophy) is a little premature given Bacon Face's past ability at being able to overcome the obstacle of departing players, no matter how good they are. Having said that, this time around may well be more difficult because even without Tranny going they've got plenty of other pressing matters that need sorting, what with the older stalwarts playing little more than bit-parts these days. I honestly think it's a bigger re-building job for Bacon Face than most of their fans appreciate. If he pulls it off and they do well next year, I'm worried that he may stick around for a few more years yet. If they have a shit season though, there's every chance he might finally call it quits. Here's hoping....
OK they are not yet in decline. But there is a distinct wobble. Imagine if Taggart were suddenly not around for some reason...............then the wobble might turn into something much more dangerous for them. Time for rent-a-sniper? ~:-)
Didsbury Dave said:
Can people please stop saying "United are on the decline" etc.

They've just won the league and lost the Champions League final.

They've lost a couple of senior players but history has proven that they will replace them.

They're not on the decline and probably won't ever be, for the forseeable future.

I wish people would stop going on about it as it's a bit embarrassing.

We're on the up...focus on that, not their perceived decline.

Rant over.

Didsbury Dave said:
Can people please stop saying "United are on the decline" etc.

They've just won the league and lost the Champions League final.

They've lost a couple of senior players but history has proven that they will replace them.

They're not on the decline and probably won't ever be, for the forseeable future.

I wish people would stop going on about it as it's a bit embarrassing.

We're on the up...focus on that, not their perceived decline.

Rant over.

However if you check out the facts
1 They have just lost their best player
2 They are about to lose the crowd favourite
3 Scholes, Giggs, Neville and van Der sar are on their last legs.
4 Many of the others are the wrong side of 30
5 They haven't brought through anyone decent from the Academy since 1994
6 They haven't a pot to piss in, the Ladyboy deal will only bring in the money over the length
of his contract .
7 They have a debt conservatively estimated at £750m and rising
8 Should they fail to continue winning things ---------------------- Happy Days

Oh and Taggart will be off soon
long term they definately do appear to be in decline and the debt will prevent them from regenerating as they have in the past. they can no longer afford the odd veron type in the hope that a ronaldo will come good along the way and bail them out. although baconface is a top top manager he does tend to make the odd howler in the transfer market still. think nani, tosic hasn't gotten a sniff yet despite being 22 and 15million quid so he looks like potentially being another exspensive flop.

I would still expect them to be challenging for a good few years yet though, the decline could be very slow and of course strength is always relative. if us and chelsea didnt now have the financial resources to challenge them i doubt anybody would be talking about decline. However, one false step like missing out on CL for a season could see them implode....baconface retiring could very well prove to be the cause of this in the near future.

the situation is actually quite similar to that of the USA. many people have been talking about how america is in decline for years yet they still appear to be top dog on the international stage, setting the agenda and invading who they please when they please. the reason for america's perceived decline however is the relative rise of china (in football terms US) in comparison. america's recent displays of power are only its last feeble attempts to fend off its emerging rival and the over expenditure brought about by the wars has infact accelerated the decline relative to china.

If the rags want to keep their place at the top table they will also be forced to spend above their means to keep pace with their cash rich rivals and in the end this will inevitably lead to their demise as they cannot afford to make any slip ups.

In conclusion,


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