Please tell the truth about Manchester

You know the saying "he's got a face only a mother could love"?
Well that applies to Manchester.
We love it because most of us were born and rasied there.
It defines us and we define it.
Regardless of where we are in the world, it will always be home.
But would I choose to live there again?
No chance.
Am I proud to be mancunian?
Depends what you want....

I want better weather, so yea Manchester is shit.

Mario is already Black so doesn't need a tan.

True saying: Only Boring people get bored.

When I've gone abroad travelling I have missed this place though.
Manchester has alot going for it, but can see why players from other cultures may not like it.

If you live here and think its shit, try living somewhere like Hull. I did for 3 years in the city centre, and that place has literally nothing to do past 6pm. Becomes totally deserted and unless you like a drink or two there really isn't much in the way of restaurants and entertainment, unless you're prepared to travel out of the centre.

I personally love Manchester and doubt i'd ever want to leave this great city.
Different things for different people.

I've been raised my most of my life next to a beach, i like Manchester, would i move there? Most likely not. People get used to certain things and i guess that's their comfort zone.
Take London out of the picture and there isn't a City that can get near Manchester in the UK. If people think Manchester is grim then god knows where that would leave cities like Leeds and Brum.

Milan, Marseille and other so called second cities are very unattractive in parts and are no different to Manchester.
I've been back in Manchester for 12 years after living and working all over the world. It's not the worst place i've been but it is nowhere near the top of my list either. It's not even top of the list in the UK.
buckshot said:
As a Yank who has never visited I really need to know what it is that makes Manchester the most horrible place on Earth. Does the sun never shine there? Is there an unpleasant odor? Is there a law that requires ugly people to take off their shirts? Do people not say "God bless you" when you sneeze?

There must be something horrible to make people who are making tons of money there constantly complain about having to live there.

i`d like to know why people believe what they read in the press.

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