Pointless jobs

if anything needs to be looked at in the nhs its the procurement side of things it is a licence to print money
I once worked for a guy who did nothing but buy in plastic syringes, store them in a warehouse in Broadheath, collate them and flog them to the NHS, he did very nicely thank you. I think he told me that the NHS employed more people than the Chinese army and when it is spending someone elses money, yours and mine, it is a licence to pring money if you're on the supply list. I would imagine the MOD is similar.
Consultants. We all know that the word 'consultant' is just the long form of "See You Next Tuesday".

Especially the young whipper snappers who attempt to consult on stuff they know nothing about, have no experience of the thing they're supposed to be an expert in, and then expect to be paid stupid money for the privilege.

Oh and influencers - who's only skill is to whip the influencible into a frenzy over jack shit!

And for those who said IT. Which is my line of business. You really have no f**king idea what it takes to keep the country's lights on (and I'm not talking lightbulb management here). The little 'internet is down' incident from a Friday a few weeks ago should have told you that!
IT workers aren't usually the problem, it's all of the systems put in place by upper management, often under the guise of security, but actually mainly to measure performance. That's how you end up with situations like I had, where the IT guy in your own office doesn't have permission to install a printer until you first go through some bullshit ticketing system. Because of course, we couldn't have anyone just actually do their job without having some measurement of it happening.
I once worked for a guy who did nothing but buy in plastic syringes, store them in a warehouse in Broadheath, collate them and flog them to the NHS, he did very nicely thank you. I think he told me that the NHS employed more people than the Chinese army and when it is spending someone elses money, yours and mine, it is a licence to pring money if you're on the supply list. I would imagine the MOD is similar.

I work in procurement (private) and my wife works for the NHS - the stories she's told me about their "Procurement process" and money wasted give me sleepless night.

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