Police stopping us getting off the Gatwick flight

For the people that have offered support I thank you and I am grateful. We have taken advice and the simple line is this, a pub landlord can ban any customer he wants without having to give a reason, it's his pub and he makes the rules about who can or cannot enter. Brit scabby airways is much the same, they can ban who they want. The annoying fact is I did absolutely nothing wrong, as staed before, I was not pointed out by the cow stewardess and was not spoken to by the police and yet I am banned ! I am considering writing and complaining and citing the fact that other fans (from this forum) will support me and just see if they have a re think. I am not holding my breath but it is probably worth a shot.

Meanwhile it is the train for the Communtiy Shield for me.
cinnamon blue said:
mancitymick said:
pissedagain said:
lets bring back the football specials

Totally agree. It will stop the anti-football fan lot on the trains having a pop at us plus it makes it easier for the police as we are nearly all in one place. Good old inter city carriages!


Ah happy days

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