police will all be in riot gear

I've always wondered how the police keep the peace at Manchester derbies because to me it seems like an impossible job. The Merseyside derby is pretty easy to police as away fans drink by their ground then walk over the park in numbers and are met by police ,but I've always been intrigued how it works at the Manc derby. I've only ever been to 1 Manchester derby with my mate who supports City but we were the opposite end to the United fans. Do most City fans get a coach to Old Trafford and vice versa with United fans going to City. Because you derby is more intense than ours are fans forced to travel on offical transport or organised trains like Brum v Villa and Arsenal v Sunderland. Because I can't imagine it would be a good idea for a a group of United fans to be walking around Eastlands freely. Your derby has always seemed like a game thats impossible to police as it can kick off anywhere.
standupefc said:
I've always wondered how the police keep the peace at Manchester derbies because to me it seems like an impossible job. The Merseyside derby is pretty easy to police as away fans drink by their ground then walk over the park in numbers and are met by police ,but I've always been intrigued how it works at the Manc derby. I've only ever been to 1 Manchester derby with my mate who supports City but we were the opposite end to the United fans. Do most City fans get a coach to Old Trafford and vice versa with United fans going to City. Because you derby is more intense than ours are fans forced to travel on offical transport or organised trains like Brum v Villa and Arsenal v Sunderland. Because I can't imagine it would be a good idea for a a group of United fans to be walking around Eastlands freely. Your derby has always seemed like a game thats impossible to police as it can kick off anywhere.
I like to arrive at OT on a horse. But only after I've slapped a few of their scrotes.
SWP's back said:
Challenger1978 said:
I can't but that doesn't mean most coppers aren't bastards.
Most? Come off it.

SWP my mam was nearly arrested for impersonating a copper for having a set of city car speakers in her car (at asda facing COMS) with a little city blue lights on them (completely different blue to the emergency services).

My uncle got back from a 2 week holiday in Spain and literally was only in the country a couple of hours and sent my cousin to the shop for a bottle of milk and loaf of bread (mazzes paper shop across the road from COMS). When some guy pummelled the shit out of my cousin (a kid at the time) on the way back from the shop. Claiming he had smashed up his car a couple of days earlier when he was out of the country.

My uncle phoned the police to report the guy that beat up a kid, my cousin. Only for the police to turn up and arrest my cousin, arrest my uncle for going ape shit because the police wouldn't look at the passports that proved they were out of the country.

Then when it was all sorted out my uncle reported the coppers for being bastards. The fuckers went on a campaign and harassed the fuck out of my uncle. So badly he had to get rid of several cars (a killer for a taxi driver) and then eventually move away because it got so bad.

On top of that a mate of mine someone that suffers with Agoraphobia goes out for the first time in years. The coppers grip him beat the fuck out of him and arrested him for being part a gang of muggers that stole mobile phone. He was completely innocent and did the bastards and won a court case were he was awarded £30k compensation (I cant say anything else).

There's loads more I could tell you but it all adds up to the coppers being bastards and never doing anything for any of mine except be cunts.
standupefc said:
I've always wondered how the police keep the peace at Manchester derbies because to me it seems like an impossible job. The Merseyside derby is pretty easy to police as away fans drink by their ground then walk over the park in numbers and are met by police ,but I've always been intrigued how it works at the Manc derby. I've only ever been to 1 Manchester derby with my mate who supports City but we were the opposite end to the United fans. Do most City fans get a coach to Old Trafford and vice versa with United fans going to City. Because you derby is more intense than ours are fans forced to travel on offical transport or organised trains like Brum v Villa and Arsenal v Sunderland. Because I can't imagine it would be a good idea for a a group of United fans to be walking around Eastlands freely. Your derby has always seemed like a game thats impossible to police as it can kick off anywhere.

It always has been impossible to police! Most make their own way their I would say although you will always have united fans on coaches from far flung places arriving at City. Police are usually lined up everywhere on the approach to the ground.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Challenger1978 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
I will remind you of this you stupid prick when your house gets burgled,or your gran gets mugged. Who will be calling the cops then.

Grow up idiot!

Blah blah blah you've no fucking idea how bad the dibble can be have you. I've literally seen a mounted copper tell an elderly women outside the Eithad stadium that if she touches his horse he'll bloody kill her or something to that effect. All the elderly women did was say "Awww look at the horse he's lovely can I stroke him".

Of fuck off-It's so easy to blame the police.I was at the Derby in April and it was the fucking moronic blues who started it. I suppose it justified the copper losing his sight in one eye. There are bad eggs in all walks of life and all jobs,just cos they are cops they get loads of shit.

Let's blame the cops for all the worlds problems eh...WTF.

you were obviously not there at the semi final were the reds just attacked on woman, kids and family's. My 8 year old was petrified and hence will not go to the derby on Sunday cause he is so scared of UNITED..So dont blame just City fans please..
It's all well and good the pigs being in their little uniforms inside the ground but they won't be anywhere near the trouble, they never are.

They'll kick fuck out of a few teenage blues and rags but steer well clear from the main flash points.
Also I forgot to mention about a mate of mine who had a £1000 bike stolen when it was locked up on a bike lock. He went to the police station and they told him to go away as they couldn't help him. They certainly could've. We're not the worlds most watched country for nothing, there is CCTV everywhere and they didn't bother checking the area!

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