police will all be in riot gear

St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
SWP's back said:
marios stress ball said:
I saw his black eye too if that helps?
Also, why do you call him a scrote? You don't know him, "you weren't there", you've never fucking met him. Is it because he's 15?? SNOB
His black eye confirms nothing other than he was lamped. You don't know he wasn't being mouthy.

And it wouldn't be snob. It would be ageist. I bet he is a scrote though.

And I wonder how many on here were involved in the riots in Manchester..Would be interesting.

What are you suggesting here? You trying to link me with that or something?<br /><br />-- Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:57 pm --<br /><br />
SWP's back said:
Juan King said:
There are plenty of coppers who are OK & do a fine job, but the people who think the police can do no wrong are dangerously naive. There are some of them who are complete arsholes, who quite happily cause trouble & break the law themselves.

Some people seem to think you only can get in trouble if you deserve it, if only the world worked this way.

To suggest all police are bad is stupid, but to suggest no police are bad is equally stupid.
That point has been made and ignored by me and St Helen's blue.

The problem is human beings. Some are cunts. We have loads of them on this forum. I had a bad do with some fat copper at the Utd away CC semi. But I don't tar them all the same though.

Nor do I but you seem hell bent on winning some argument against me and for what!?
citykev28 said:
kev28 is an improvement on "you fucking bakery ****" that i got off you when i questioned cheap tickets for soldiers that time. ;o)

Yes I remember that thread....It's history and I apologise. I was out of order and rightly got a ban...Can we be friends now...x
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Not wound up at all by it Kev28....Actually find it very funny that you think I am wound up just because I disagree with people or have a forthright opinion.I am glad I am keeping you entertained.
I get told I am angry and wound up all the time. I like to think of it as forthright and correct.
marios stress ball said:
SWP's back said:
marios stress ball said:
I saw his black eye too if that helps?
Also, why do you call him a scrote? You don't know him, "you weren't there", you've never fucking met him. Is it because he's 15?? SNOB
His black eye confirms nothing other than he was lamped. You don't know he wasn't being mouthy.

And it wouldn't be snob. It would be ageist. I bet he is a scrote though.

Well it's a losing bet, it seems you were thinking he was a scrote because he is 15. IMO that's ageist and a bit of a snob, thank you for pointing your ageism out too.

You don't know the cop wasn't being a nob either! I know more about the victim and the witnesses than you ever will and I know for a fact that he wouldn't go gobbing off at a random policeman as he has nothing against them. He is a sound guy, even though he is a 'rag'. He is one of the nicest people I have ever met. I do not know what gives you the image of him being a scrote who gobs off at police. Even if he was gobbing off, the police are not allowed to do that! I could (if I was a prick) walk up to a load of policemen and call them all cunts and they couldn't do anything as I wouldn't be breaking any laws.

Also you haven't even seem to have thought about my incident with the police that I posted about, you just seem to try and pick hole in the one that is impossible as I didn't see it!

Try doing it twice MSB...You will get arrested by the boys n girls in blue...Public order offence my friend.
SWP's back said:
marios stress ball said:
SWP's back said:
His black eye confirms nothing other than he was lamped. You don't know he wasn't being mouthy.

And it wouldn't be snob. It would be ageist. I bet he is a scrote though.

Well it's a losing bet, it seems you were thinking he was a scrote because he is 15. IMO that's ageist and a bit of a snob, thank you for pointing your ageism out too.

You don't know the cop wasn't being a nob either! I know more about the victim and the witnesses than you ever will and I know for a fact that he wouldn't go gobbing off at a random policeman as he has nothing against them. He is a sound guy, even though he is a 'rag'. He is one of the nicest people I have ever met. I do not know what gives you the image of him being a scrote who gobs off at police. Even if he was gobbing off, the police are not allowed to do that! I could (if I was a prick) walk up to a load of policemen and call them all cunts and they couldn't do anything as I wouldn't be breaking any laws.

Also you haven't even seem to have thought about my incident with the police that I posted about, you just seem to try and pick hole in the one that is impossible as I didn't see it!
Shows how much you know flower.

what law would i be breaking then?

marios stress ball said:
Nor do I but you seem hell bent on winning some argument against me and for what!?
I simply stated (correctly) that I love a 3rd hand story from one side.

Maybe it's the historian in me but i tend to be a sceptic on tales such as yours. One should always question the source and motive and disregard a story (even if it laters turns out true - though we will never know with yours) if it cannot be verified or sounds suspicious.
marios stress ball said:
SWP's back said:
marios stress ball said:
Well it's a losing bet, it seems you were thinking he was a scrote because he is 15. IMO that's ageist and a bit of a snob, thank you for pointing your ageism out too.

You don't know the cop wasn't being a nob either! I know more about the victim and the witnesses than you ever will and I know for a fact that he wouldn't go gobbing off at a random policeman as he has nothing against them. He is a sound guy, even though he is a 'rag'. He is one of the nicest people I have ever met. I do not know what gives you the image of him being a scrote who gobs off at police. Even if he was gobbing off, the police are not allowed to do that! I could (if I was a prick) walk up to a load of policemen and call them all cunts and they couldn't do anything as I wouldn't be breaking any laws.

Also you haven't even seem to have thought about my incident with the police that I posted about, you just seem to try and pick hole in the one that is impossible as I didn't see it!
Shows how much you know flower.

what law would i be breaking then?

-- Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:00 pm --

SWP's back said:
marios stress ball said:
Well it's a losing bet, it seems you were thinking he was a scrote because he is 15. IMO that's ageist and a bit of a snob, thank you for pointing your ageism out too.

You don't know the cop wasn't being a nob either! I know more about the victim and the witnesses than you ever will and I know for a fact that he wouldn't go gobbing off at a random policeman as he has nothing against them. He is a sound guy, even though he is a 'rag'. He is one of the nicest people I have ever met. I do not know what gives you the image of him being a scrote who gobs off at police. Even if he was gobbing off, the police are not allowed to do that! I could (if I was a prick) walk up to a load of policemen and call them all cunts and they couldn't do anything as I wouldn't be breaking any laws.

Also you haven't even seem to have thought about my incident with the police that I posted about, you just seem to try and pick hole in the one that is impossible as I didn't see it!
Shows how much you know flower.

what law would i be breaking then?

See above for what Law-It called the public order act.......

And did I ever suggest you were involved. I just wondered if any on here were!

Kev - Please can you have a word...msb is being very confrontational!
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
citykev28 said:
kev28 is an improvement on "you fucking bakery ****" that i got off you when i questioned cheap tickets for soldiers that time. ;o)

Yes I remember that thread....It's history and I apologise. I was out of order and rightly got a ban...Can we be friends now...x

of course sweetypie. i might even fetch you a vfm madeira the next time we're both at eastlands. no need to apologise for that. it was one of the funniest threads ever. your bakery **** post being the highlight.

didn't know you'd got banned for it though. no doubt we'll have another ding dong the next time the subject is raised.
citykev28 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
citykev28 said:
kev28 is an improvement on "you fucking bakery ****" that i got off you when i questioned cheap tickets for soldiers that time. ;o)

Yes I remember that thread....It's history and I apologise. I was out of order and rightly got a ban...Can we be friends now...x

of course sweetypie. i might even fetch you a vfm madeira the next time we're both at eastlands. no need to apologise for that. it was one of the funniest threads ever. your bakery **** post being the highlight.

didn't know you'd got banned for it though. no doubt we'll have another ding dong the next time the subject is raised.

It was a record ban I think....1 whole month...REDUCED TO 2 WEEKS ON APPEAL!! LOL...Still makes me laugh now.. I even ran an apology thread !! lol

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