police will all be in riot gear

i can`t uderstand why to be honest,afterall there was fuck all fighting after the semi,we all played bumper cars with eachother and compared bruises,sunday will just be one huge love in,we`ll be blowing kisses at one and other and having a good old knees up mother brown....
bluebannana said:
All police officers on duty at the Etihad stadium for Sunday's Manchester FA Cup derby will be wearing full riot gear, it emerged today.

It is understood to be the first time Greater Manchester Police has decided to ask all officers at a football match to wear the protective uniforms.

The move comes after one officer was left partially sighted when he was struck by a missile at a previous derby match at the stadium in April 2010.

A GMP source told the MEN: “We want to make it a great football occasion that decent fans of both clubs can get to safely and get away safely.

“All officers in and around the ground will don riot gear for the first time.

“This is a response to last year when an officer suffered a serious eye injury when he was hit by a missile.”

can only see this antagonising more people to fight tbh

Didnt antagonise Millwall to go fighting in 99 when they waded in.They should have the right to be protected.
Anybody heard any rumours about potential trouble as I'm taking my little fella, aged ten to his first Derby match.
Now, I don't mind having to look after myself but god help if anybody upsets my kid. I would rather avoid any trouble so are the Rat's and MIB's going to be around.., has anybody heard anything...?
stupid. if they want to avoid trouble, they should avoid charging at city fans down a road where most city fans go after the game for a pint. me and my mate were outside eastlands bar waiting for him to finish his fag before we went in, then the coppers started charging and one koshed him in the back when he wasnt even aware they were there. the riot squad fuckin love it when it kicks off anyway.
My Neighbour is a tag team copper and although I would'nt trust the fucker as far as I could throw him I do speak to him I asked about Sunday! he will be on duty there and laughed that some of younger and newby OB are looking forward to it! ''His words'' He said the training simulations are fuckall to the real thing!

says it all really!
Stretford Born Blue said:
Anybody heard any rumours about potential trouble as I'm taking my little fella, aged ten to his first Derby match.
Now, I don't mind having to look after myself but god help if anybody upsets my kid. I would rather avoid any trouble so are the Rat's and MIB's going to be around.., has anybody heard anything...?

Was chatting to Buckethead this morning and during our chat he was saying how indifferent the majority are to this fixture. He did of course also alude quite correctly to the fact that the Derby often provokes random groups to act alone on the spur of the moment so I would suggest watching your back as always but ignoring any scaremongering, there is always some form of bother because of the occasion but nothing planned that could be avoided. Common sense always prevails if you use it !
They should make the rag twatzoids to come in coaches as a condition of entry. Apparently there is recent precedence for this. Might have been the Portsmouth V Southamption game.

It was the first Sunderland v Newcastle game a few years ago, all Newcastle fans had to go on buses from St James' Park, it was a condition of buying the ticket because the police escorted everyone from the buses into the ground, you couldn't get in any other way, so yes it is possible to bus everyone in and ensure the fans do not mix, all it takes is a little forethought and planning.
there will be no trouble at all ..... both sets of fans will be wearing them half city half rag scarfs whilst holding hands skipping to the ground singing manchester na na na :)

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