You categorise it as a hard left position without describing why it is a hard left position. Unless you consider Democratic Socialists such as Benn as hard left.
It is no wonder the left get no hearing when even the middle of the road leftists are described as Hard Left. What you are doing is using the Daily Mail tactic of describing anything remotely left wing as Hard Left..
Corbyn could not dictate party policy, it is a Democratic party and policy is decided democratically at conference.
Labour Leave
Like the right wing leave the left wing leave also had different ideas of how it should end. For instance The Morning Star supported Lexit as it is a Democratic Socialist stance not a Social Democratic stance. What i would consider the soft left or liberal left were Pro EU but they are comfortable with capitalist excess. Blair himself said that Labour should be comfortable for millionaires.
Yes it did. Farage and Johnson may be proponents of what they like, but they have gambled as well, if brexit does go tits up as is proving the case at the moment due to the sheer incompetence of Johnson, then the door is open to take the country to the left. Shame we have Keith in charge
Not to my satisfaction and it got little traction as RW leave dominated the print media. Most remainer's here argue for the status quo, a position that in my mind was untenable.
As we have seen
The fight is against neo-liberalism, it is against the reservoir of nutjobbery that brought us the stupidity of those economic policies
Lexit was a product of the referendum, Labour Euroscepticism had long lay dormant after the split that lead to the SDP, when in Foots manifesto Labour pledged to take us out of the EU
Osborne (because Cameron is too thick) knew that a referendum could solve Tory disharmony and sew seeds of disharmony in the left. Rather clever of him.
There was no way though a Tory government would skirt around those rules, the Steel industry being point. Only a Labour left led brexit would be enable it.
Yes our governments attachment to neo-liberal economics and its inherent anti state/pro free market stance.
I wish he had been true to his convictions and led the Labour leave campaign.
In your opinion.
The grievance is the Tories fucking up brexit to such an extent things may happen. Brexit itself is still an ideologically sound position, it is just been undertaken by the wrong sort of lunatics.
As is clinging to the EU with its sops to workers and kowtowing to finance.
The fact remains though, we are where we are. We have an extreme right wing brexit that will i fear lead us to a more libertarian, ultra neo-liberal, anti democratic country which i will despise.
It is not my fault though that silly cunts vote Tory.