“The leave campaign just lied about it. If only people like you had taken the time to understand the arguments in 2016.”
This is what you said, don’t forget a second pretend you didn’t think I voted leave in you saying that.
I genuinely don’t believe anyone really knew, those leading either campaign included. I don’t think you knew what you were voting for either. Even people who were paid to know, in hindsight, were talking absolute waffle.
People can pretend they did and say now they knew exactly what was going to happen but very few were saying it in 2016.
Nobody who voted in 2016 is guilty of anything today and the voting booth is anonymous, so blaming anyone for the political situation 5 years later is wrong.
Even if people voted for Brexit, they didn’t vote for how it was going to be handled by the government.
And regarding the “mess” people are talking about, I think that’s being a little overplayed but we’ll see how it plays out.
The £350m on the side of the bus for the NHS was untrue.
The claim about recovering sovereignty was a lie. If you understood what sovereignty was, you knew we hadn't lost it. Those who said we needed to leave to recover our sovereignty either didn't know what sovereignty was or did know but were lying.
The claims that we needed to leave the EU to be able to curb immigration were untrue. We always had the ability to curb immigration, we just chose not to use it.
The idea that we could retain full free movement of goods and services whilst abandoning freedom of movement was a lie.
The idea that departure from the CU/SM was consistent with the Good Friday Agreement was untrue. Suggestions a 'technological solution' would overcome that problem were untrue because the technology didn't then and still doesn't exist.
The suggestion that we were powerless to prevent Turkey accessing the EU was a lie.
There are many more examples of things that were said by Leave at the time that were called out as being untrue. These things were out there in the public domain for those who took the time to understand the arguments. You, if your earlier posts are to be taken at face value, were one of the ones who didn't.
And since you mention me, I knew exactly what I was voting for. I wasn't sure what I was voting against, because some people said leaving didn't mean we would leave the Single Market, others said it did. Some said the vote would be purely advisory, which in law it was, others said it would be an instruction from the British people. But I recognise a crock of shit when I see one, and that's exactly what Leave were. And I recognised each of the above instances and many more as being a pack of lies.
I don't give a shit which way you voted. You voted from a position of ignorance. So did many others, and their votes, cast in ignorance, without a clue what they were voting for and without understanding what the consequences of leaving would be, are responsible for the biggest act of economic self-harm any nation has inflicted upon itself in peacetime. I do hold them responsible for that. You are free to forgive that ignorant act of economic vandalism if you want to, that's up to you, but don't you dare presume that you can tell me who I can and cannot hold responsible for the shitstorm that has been created.
'Biggest act of economic self-harm ever' is not, by the way, a forecast, it is a description of where we are right now. Already more than £1 trillion has quietly been moved out of the UK economy since the Brexit vote that would otherwise be in circulation within the UK. Try researching how much Mark Carney spent the day after the result to avoid the worst case scenario after the the vote to leave. We have cut ourselves off from being able to trade freely - as in without tariffs and quotas or not-tariff barriers - with the biggest single economic bloc in the world.
And why? Because people, like you, who didn't have a fucking clue what they were doing, voted for it.