Possible new stadium - some interesting information

warpig said:
eshiers1 said:
i'm not sure lowering the pitch by 2 metres, compared to the current levels of sunlight it gets, will have a huge effect on the sunlight the pitch gets, baring in mind the club already uses those light gantries during the night!

think we are down as low as is reasonably practicable at the minute. ie we have reached the upper plane of the water table. the water table can be lowered but cant see this been economical for a couple of rows of extra seats.

Interestingly the talk elsewhere about creating a waterfront aspect to the developments and perhaps releasing the Medlock from its underground prison would likely have an effect on the watertable.
jrb said:
Because the roof is so high it retains hardly any sound/noise. Increasing the height of the stadium and the height of the roof would only make that situation worse. Surely a lowered roof to retain the sound/noise, so improving the atmpsohere, must be on the agenda of a redeveloped COMS?

stands at ot have pretyy low roofs and i cant say i notice much difference. even when rooney scored in the second leg and the stadium erupted, it didnt sound loud from where i was.
warpig said:
jrb said:
Because the roof is so high it retains hardly any sound/noise. Increasing the height of the stadium and the height of the roof would only make that situation worse. Surely a lowered roof to retain the sound/noise, so improving the atmpsohere, must be on the agenda of a redeveloped COMS?

stands at ot have pretyy low roofs and i cant say i notice much difference. even when rooney scored in the second leg and the stadium erupted, it didnt sound loud from where i was.

did you have mute on??
fbloke said:
warpig said:
think we are down as low as is reasonably practicable at the minute. ie we have reached the upper plane of the water table. the water table can be lowered but cant see this been economical for a couple of rows of extra seats.

Interestingly the talk elsewhere about creating a waterfront aspect to the developments and perhaps releasing the Medlock from its underground prison would likely have an effect on the watertable.

must be someone from civils on here who will know if this is right, but from my limited knowledge on the subject, it would need the installation of contiguous piles going around at least one side of the stadium. this would then allow the site to be dewatered, prevent new water coming in and the water table to be lowered.<br /><br />-- Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:21 pm --<br /><br />
Ticket For Schalke said:
warpig said:
stands at ot have pretyy low roofs and i cant say i notice much difference. even when rooney scored in the second leg and the stadium erupted, it didnt sound loud from where i was.

did you have mute on??

not bad for you that.
The Fixer said:
Why so hush hush from the club? I mean whats the big oohhaaaaa about enting com's or building a new stadium? Fcuking bugging me :)

i just think its the whole cultural thing, the arabs like to make sure everything is in place before we go branding round plans, look at wembley and the esculating costs, anyway, i like the suspense.
Ticket For Schalke said:
look at wembley and the esculating costs,

think in the main that was the egotistical ken bates fault for changing his mind on the design every five minutes.

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