Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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If Labour were to firm a Government, thetes a good chance we'd get a 2nd referendum.

Corbyn accepts the result but the Party itself never has.

I think Remain would probably win too

I think that's true.

Corbyn would need the support of two parties dead set againt Brexit, the SNP and the Lib Dems. And I don't think Corbyn is dogmatically in favour of Brexit, so you could see where that would end up. And I also think you are right; a re-run of the referendum would play on the £350m for the NHS and other lies.

From my perspective, that perhaps would be a positive outcome of a Corbyn government. He'd trash the economy and put millions out of work of course, that's a given, but Brexit likely will stuff us up anyway imo, so either way we're stuffed.
Cannot see any party being that stupid, especially the labour party while on an upward trajectory.

A lot are fed up with constant elections and voting, another referendum would piss off the public and anyone calling it would be onto a loser.

I suspect he meant in 2 years time, once the negotiations are done.
Toby Young.a Twat?

Oh no, when since? He has never seemed a sanctimonious little twat up til now.

First Phil back from the dead dying again.

Hammond and now this.

It's been almost too much to take in.

Are you speaking in tongues?

I actually refrained from calling toby, the little shit, a ****.
No I've never thought that because that is a very stupid thing to think.

Amber Valley aren't voting for Corbyn no matter what Progress members say or don't say. I like that seat - small place in Derbyshire. The most middle of the middle England brigade. There's loads of seats just like this. That seat has existed since 1983 under constant Tory rule until Blair showed up and turned it Red in 1997. Then it was consistently held by Labour until 2005 with Brown's disastrous move away from New Labour principles when it went back to Tory and stayed since then.

Corbyn has absolutely no chance of winning that or many other seats just like that. That is the whole problem.

Doesn't seems to be a problem in Canterbury and Kensington plus others which were won.
Fortunately we are moving away from the back end of the middle of the road Labour guff that Tony Blair was pushing,
He was good at the start and stuck to the core Labour policy but slowly his Thatcher wet dream emerged and damaged the party for a long time.


More ideological purity tests from our Chief Inquisitor. Maybe I could put some sort of gold star on so that you and your lot will feel more at home?

And no, I don't want something "vaguely progressive to vote for". Yet again you've failed to understand the very simplistic thrust of the argument.

To help you understand, I've put together a picture for you.

The one on the left is what I want to achieve again because unlike you I want to help people rather than toss myself off about how great all my policies that nobody cares about are. The one on the right is your "revolutionary victory" against the weakest Tory leader since, in fact I'm not sure if there's ever been a weaker Tory leader on the campaign trail.

Oh, and for the record, when YOUR side of the Party talks about "curing social inequality" what you actually mean is "taxing the middle and upper classes". Ensuring social justice in the same way that beheading all the nobles in France was "social justice". You don't give a shit about equality and you never have done, you're just jealous of rich people and have constructed an entire political position around it.

I'd quite like to enact policies that help people in my town and others like it. You're happy with just being what you think is "right" in opposition to literally the entire country.

And considering I'm having to read through your shit anyway - you're "starting to find policies with real teeth"? Far left socialists haven't been in power in 40 years, have you only just discovered that people might actually read the crap you produce and will judge you on it? Like the electorate did on Thursday night by the way where you lost an election by 60 seats.

Here's another difference between us - we live in a time of austerity and all of those social problems that you mentioned. And I'm the only actually fucking annoyed that we've lost an election. Which continuously begs the question; what exactly are you here for because you don't seem to care about those people? You're a brigade of pointless extremists who lost by a massive margin before and will now punish the very people that you claim to be wanting to help and sentence them to another decade or more of Tory rule, because not taxing the middle classes is so fucking unpalatable to you that you're willing to let working class people suffer and potentially die in order to not have to compromise it; so burning with hatred at their comparatively minuscule level of success in comparison to you.

Class warriors? With friends like you the disadvantaged in society don't need enemies.

The far left have been a joke in British politics for at least 40 years and remain so today. A few Remainers swinging your way in order to try and stop a potential economic disaster and a higher than expected young vote due to the growth of social media marketing nicked from Bernie Sanders has got your head right back in the clouds. You're political Scousers where your year will always be next year, your election always the next one or possibly the one after that, and a complete delusion to how much the country ridicules all of your pie in the sky policies.

New Labour won every general election it ever stood in. The moment Brown stepped away from it towards the left of the party, it all came crashing down. Then we went further left with Ed who also lost his election and have gone even further left with Corbyn who also lost his election. Outside of literally letting Big Len run or maybe having some sort of channeling session for Joseph Stalin, you're running out of left to go and you still haven't managed to win an election. The country does not buy what you are selling; it hasn't done in decades and it never will.

No you are not, far from it but you are so far detached from the core Labour policies you have no idea what you are spouting. Why exactly are you in the Labour party? What you have written would see someone opposed to the currently useless NEC banned from the party as was seen by many people who were barred from voting in that leadership campaign. That by way, was the most vicious and counter-effective campaign against one person seen anywhere for a long long time. The absolute shite them and the PLP pulled made this campaign as difficult as anything the press pulled. It was a horrendous attack on any form of a fair election. The fact that Owen Smith was blown out of the water showed the NEC and PLP are as removed from reality as they are from the membership. You think for half a second Owen Smith would have won this election? Dont make me laugh. With friends like you nobody needs enemies, whoever they are. Blairism is firmly dead.
Then a couple of paragraphs of bollocks to try and justified such as misshaped view.

I don't despise the left, I'm an active part of it you clown. What I despise are people who want to "wait for the right Government".

I think you're not only arrogant but infinitely worse than this you're cruel. You dare to tell the disadvantaged, the underprivileged and those in poverty that you're fighting for them while purposely serving up policy that you KNOW will never be electable. Rather than attempting to help them, you tell them that they can only be helped on YOUR terms, when the ideology is right for YOU. It's disgusting. Grotesque. A act of vindictive evilness to give hope to the suffering when you have no intention of honouring it. No intention of compromise so that they can live in a little less discomfort. It's always all about you lot and your special little principles that are SO moral that everybody else has to wait and instead heat their houses with the warm glow of your ethical smugness.

If a Tory Government lines up tomorrow that will fund public services to a world class degree, pursue a progressive social agenda and invest in downtrodden communities infrastructure then I'd vote for them in a heartbeat. I'd vote for pretty much any party in the world who would do that. Because it's not about me, not about handwringing about tie colours.

Because it's about making the people who are fucked, less fucked and doing it right now instead of "waiting for the right Government". All of your lot on the far left are a bunch of jumped up self righteous tossers. You are fucking useless to me.

Never believe your own shite, you are nothing to do with left and are fucking useless.
If you want to be involved in some party that wants to ver from left to right go and form one, dont worry, you will be leader and it will be you in it.

Then they're idiots to think that a Labour government wouldn't help the poor.

And New Labour are not and never were "Tory lite ". You lot can stick that, right away. People who say this either didn't see their achievements or didn't notice what a Tory is.

Without a shadow of a doubt by the end he was. As has been said many times

Labour aren't currently in Government because, in descending order:

The Tories managed to make the terrorist sympathiser label stick.

The Garden Tax was badly communicated.

People didn't like or trust his policy on nuclear weapons or the military.

John McDonnell has made some very scary comments for a Chancellor to be.

Diane Abbott exists and went all Diane Abbott about things.

I can't have ifs and buts about what happened in 1997 because we can speculate all day long. What we do know is that Tony et al knew that you cant win an election by appealing onto to unionists, hard socialists and students. You have to appeal to aspirational middle classes; the type that Corbyn struggled with in the polls and on election night. New Labour project was a great modernisation project for the Party and I think you're underselling it a bit.

As I've said previously, I like Jeremy. I voted for him twice as leader and hoped that he could win. But I don't see how he could win South West Wales, or those battlegrounds like Derbyshire or East Anglia. In fact I'd like someone to explain the strategy for winning them. Especially as the Tories have seen the light on hard Brexit after the results which boosted Labour's numbers this time round.

It would be absolutely fantastic if we could have a far left Government. As you know from our previous conversations, my politics puts me as a far left globalist federalist. The difference between me and these fucks though, is that I understand thatvforming a Labour government is more important than forming an ideologically perfect government. And despite all the hype, in the cold light of day when you look at the results and a seat count, then YET AGAIN the country didn't vote for it. Because it never does. It's always ifs, buts and maybe, like Labour are some sort of youth academy where the golden era is always two seasons away.

It's a weird time to be talking about Corbyn potentially acting as kingmaker as the country is so unsettled. Shit, if we had another election next week he'd probably sneak it but we're not going to have another election next week and potentially not for 5 years. Even the Tories aren't incompetent enough to call an election when they're behind in the polls.

Maybe Lewis. Could potentially move the Party back to the centre albeit only a bit, and would keep the Momentum lot fairly happy. I actually think Tom Watson would have won that election and he's a cool guy who would hit the youth vote. If we're sticking with the far left then it HAS to be Richard Burgon from Leeds who speaks impressively well and plays in a rock band. And when I say impressively well, I mean like a goddamn cult leader. He's mesmerising. With the Corbyn nod, if we're to run on a socialist platform then he would carry the most legitimacy to swing voters.

Think its too early to tell.

The strategy going forward is clear though - we have to attack Scotland. That's the best chance of a socialist Labour Government. Presuming most of Manchester and London will go along with it, which is a safe bet.

We've still got to win the Shires though. And I don't know how.

Same with Devon and Cornwall. It used to be Lib Dems land before they modernised, so I dunno maybe there's some potential in roads there.

I still can't get us to 326 though. Neither can the Momentum lot by the way, they just don't care though.

You forgot number 1 by a mile, the needless waste of a year by fuckwits who didn't their own way and actively tried to sabotage Corbyn and directly shell the party and put them on the lowest ratings ever. Something the media have been happy to exploit ever since. To come back from that back stabbing, of which Tom Watson is one of the king snakes, was a superb effort and it is that, that people are pleased about. Once Corbyn could get on with doing what was needed to shred this weak and terrorist loving government, the figure show he had a better swing in voting than Tony Thatcher. You only have to watch this video to see that the rank and file middle of the roaders, literally have no idea what is going on and more than a few need to publically apologise. Fair play to Owen Smith for doing that.


There would be far far less than 200 seats for Labour if they had not fought back on the social media.

You are clearly upset that Labour lost the election we all are, however, you seemed twice as pained to see Labour (or rather more specifically Corbyn) have come out of the campaign on a far stronger footing. Always remember, once a scab, always a scab ;)

You voted for Corbyn as leader - twice? I'm flummoxed! How can you have voted for Corbyn and now be complaining that Corbyn-led Labour has failed the poor whereas under another leader with more New Labourish policies we'd have won?

It has been a hard week for him realising all that he thought was right about the Labour has been pulled apart, both within and without of the party.
I suspect he meant in 2 years time, once the negotiations are done.

Yes but even then we cannot reverse us leaving anyway unless all other member state allow us to stay in a vote and I could see them only doingthat if we gave up a lot of the veto's and consessions we had.

If we even applied to rejoin they would only allow it if we joined the central bank amd adopted the single currency, along with other rules we are exempt from now.
I don't share your objectives mate, but I have shared your analysis over the past pages.

Had Labour been more moderate, they would be in power now I think. Corbyn is like chilli sauce - brilliant if you're a chilli lover, and perhaps even people who don't care for chilli might like to try a bit to brighten up a dull meal. They do not want xxx arse reamer fire dragon splurged all over the plate though. The chilli lovers think that's marvellous, can't get enough if it. It's put other people off.

Just as one tiny example, all the re-nationalisation of the utilities crap, at HUGE cost and for little or no real good reason. What a complete ideological waste of time, effort and money. No-one with a vaguely moderate outlook, wants that.

Your assertion that a more moderate leader would have swept Labour into power is utter bollocks. In fact. I can't believe anyone could believe such tosh.

Labour nearly won because Corbyn energised so many people. If any of they Tory lite wankers, including your own mayor had been there no one would have given a fuck with their watered down Tory philosophy.

This was too soon for Cirbyn but he has lit a fire of hope and that as the months pass will engulf the Tories.

People are excited by the prospect of a real choice. The tide has turned.

Put your wetsuit and googles on.

Please wake up and smell the coveffe.

We have had enough with the Andy Panders of this world. Using the right wing press to try and remove the only threat to all they hold dear.

Some may forgive him and the other 79 Tory collaborating bastards like him in the PLP, but not me.

Corbyn is a much more forgiving man than me so he may extend a hand to them. If I had to for the good of the party I would let them know I thought they were cowards for how they behaved, that the vote showed who the country wanted and to start working for the party or do the honourable thing and get themselves to fuck.

A few of my most hated I would offer a square go for the opportunity to punch fuck out of them.

It us for these reasons I have never held high political office.
Yes but even then we cannot reverse us leaving anyway unless all other member state allow us to stay in a vote and I could see them only doingthat if we gave up a lot of the veto's and consessions we had.

If we even applied to rejoin they would only allow it if we joined the central bank amd adopted the single currency, along with other rules we are exempt from now.
Of all the monumental fuck ups by May, invoking Article 50 and THEN calling a GE tops the lot. Absolutely staggering. I don't think she'll see the month out.
Your assertion that a more moderate leader would have swept Labour into power is utter bollocks. In fact. I can't believe anyone could believe such tosh.

Labour nearly won because Corbyn energised so many people. If any of they Tory lite wankers, including your own mayor had been there no one would have given a fuck with their watered down Tory philosophy.

This was too soon for Cirbyn but he has lit a fire of hope and that as the months pass will engulf the Tories.

People are excited by the prospect of a real choice. The tide has turned.

Agree completely now its time for you Scots to get back to voting labour and the job can be completed ;-)
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