Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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It was you that mentioned pensions in response to my post but you don't want to talk about them? You can't have it both ways.

Only because i answered Chippy and then you picked up on it......

I did however answer how i feel the extra tax revenue will benefit society as a whole.
Why not buy some shares? Just a thought.

I don't accept for one moment this "ripping off the general public" line. It's easy words to throw in, with zero evidence. But even if they had, where do you think the profits go? Into share dividends for your and my pension is where these profits go.
Any surplus funds in an economy the state ours was in should be invested in government bonds not shares. Shares just move money around. You buy a share and you're recompensing the seller, not investing in a company that wants to use the money. In a recession, companies hold back on investment so governments have ot pick up the slack.

There's plenty of evidence to support the notion that companies aren't investing, including the failure of productivity to grow. Growth so far has been propelled by consumer spending not corporate investment. Your solution would take even that out of the equation, like Cameron (who astoundingly got a First in PPE) telling people to pay their credit card debts off first before spending on other things.

There is an inexorable economic link between saving and investing. If people are doing the former, then the latter doesn't happen and it's the latter that drives real and meaningful growth.
Capitalism has a few flaws one of which is this. Workers produce wealth but they are also customers. If their collective wages are too low they can't buy the produce they have produced. This situation can be managed by going into debt in order to buy the produce. But it is not a viable long term solution. And only benefits the financiers until such time as the debt cannot be met. Cue meltdown.
Capitalism has a few flaws one of which is this. Workers produce wealth but they are also customers. If their collective wages are too low they can't buy the produce they have produced. This situation can be managed by going into debt in order to buy the produce. But it is not a viable long term solution. And only benefits the financiers until such time as the debt cannot be met. Cue meltdown.

Spot on, and why we need to tax the financiers in order to try and share the funds with the many.
Capitalism has a few flaws one of which is this. Workers produce wealth but they are also customers. If their collective wages are too low they can't buy the produce they have produced. This situation can be managed by going into debt in order to buy the produce. But it is not a viable long term solution. And only benefits the financiers until such time as the debt cannot be met. Cue meltdown.

Nailed it.
Only because i answered Chippy and then you picked up on it......

I did however answer how i feel the extra tax revenue will benefit society as a whole.

Well it would if there was any. Corporation tax receipts may well go down. The tax take from the raising of the top rate would likely generate less money as well, as extensive studies drawing data from around the globe, not to mention our actual experience of doing it, proved.

Nice idea. Tried it. Doesn't work. QED.
Corporation tax receipts may well go down.

No they wont because no one believes the threat of them moving away anymore because there is far too much money to be made in this country.

Have you seen corporation tax levels elsewhere?

Doesn't seems to be a problem in Canterbury and Kensington plus others which were won.
Fortunately we are moving away from the back end of the middle of the road Labour guff that Tony Blair was pushing,
He was good at the start and stuck to the core Labour policy but slowly his Thatcher wet dream emerged and damaged the party for a long time.


No you are not, far from it but you are so far detached from the core Labour policies you have no idea what you are spouting. Why exactly are you in the Labour party? What you have written would see someone opposed to the currently useless NEC banned from the party as was seen by many people who were barred from voting in that leadership campaign. That by way, was the most vicious and counter-effective campaign against one person seen anywhere for a long long time. The absolute shite them and the PLP pulled made this campaign as difficult as anything the press pulled. It was a horrendous attack on any form of a fair election. The fact that Owen Smith was blown out of the water showed the NEC and PLP are as removed from reality as they are from the membership. You think for half a second Owen Smith would have won this election? Dont make me laugh. With friends like you nobody needs enemies, whoever they are. Blairism is firmly dead.
Then a couple of paragraphs of bollocks to try and justified such as misshaped view.

Never believe your own shite, you are nothing to do with left and are fucking useless.
If you want to be involved in some party that wants to ver from left to right go and form one, dont worry, you will be leader and it will be you in it.

Without a shadow of a doubt by the end he was. As has been said many times

You forgot number 1 by a mile, the needless waste of a year by fuckwits who didn't their own way and actively tried to sabotage Corbyn and directly shell the party and put them on the lowest ratings ever. Something the media have been happy to exploit ever since. To come back from that back stabbing, of which Tom Watson is one of the king snakes, was a superb effort and it is that, that people are pleased about. Once Corbyn could get on with doing what was needed to shred this weak and terrorist loving government, the figure show he had a better swing in voting than Tony Thatcher. You only have to watch this video to see that the rank and file middle of the roaders, literally have no idea what is going on and more than a few need to publically apologise. Fair play to Owen Smith for doing that.


There would be far far less than 200 seats for Labour if they had not fought back on the social media.

You are clearly upset that Labour lost the election we all are, however, you seemed twice as pained to see Labour (or rather more specifically Corbyn) have come out of the campaign on a far stronger footing. Always remember, once a scab, always a scab ;)

It has been a hard week for him realising all that he thought was right about the Labour has been pulled apart, both within and without of the party.

All you non Labour members are starting to see the nastiness of the Momentum lot now. This is the third of them who has told me to leave the Party for not supporting their political position.

They want ideological purity and it's why they'll never win an election. They hate the middle class. They hate all of you. Len, Ken fumble - they're the types who feel empowered by this losing result and wouldn't piss on the middle classes if they were on fire. You only have to read their posts on here for the last few years .

On the plus side my councillor has just asked me if I'd be interested in getting more involved in the local CLP. So the local Party want me more involved and the Momentum lot want to kick me out for trying to win elections. Funny that. Might join Progress too, they seem to want to try and win.
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