Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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Did you pay £250k in personally or have you benefited from tax relief and capital growth? I ask because you implied pensions are a shit investment.

Don't want to turn this thread into a pensions thread. we should start another on that if there is not one.
He should have ditched Abbot after first meltdown. Remember, he was also fighting with a large number of his MP's Keelung their seats obviously, but gaining no additional so they could knife him again. He had a disgusting right wing bastard press being bastards.

He had Mayday calling him a terrorist lover who is now forming a govt with the political wing of a number of terrorist groups.

You see that as a bribe, re young people. I call that investing in our future. Do you go Tonto when the rich get tax breaks it corporations?

Get your priorities right.

Corbyn showed balls of steel, whilst your 'leader' shattered like a glass jaw as soon as a punch was landed and we have the useless, totally undermined Mayday going into negotiations re Brexit.

They will be laughing at her more than they did that moronic lying bastard Trump.

We seemed have strayed rather quickly off the criticisms of your leader onto criticisms of mine :-) Mate, no need, I am convinced: I think she's absolutely unmitigatingly awful and has barely made a decision that wasn't wrong. She's a master of ineptitude.

What you see as investing in our future, young voters see as £28,000 in their pocket if they vote for Corbyn, and no £28,000 if they do not.

You can call it what you like, but that's the bottom line. Hell, as I said *I* would have voted for him in those circumstances.
And the votes for Corbyn were less about a love of the hard left and more to do with the worst campaign and possibly the worst leader for the Tories in the last 35 years.

Yet you totally ignore that.

I don't ignor that. When you were all hanging out her arse talking about how solid she was, how much of a good negotiated she would be I was calling her Mayday, Mayday.

She made a **** of the Home Office, she was awful during Brexit campaign. You believed the right wing media creation. I always said she was ducking useless. It was the Tirues in here who bought the shite, now you're backtracking saying she's the worst.

Have a read through the Tories on here bigging her up before the campaign started. Fucking embarrassing how duped you all were.

I knew she was one of the worst ever, the Tories in here thought she shat gold.
You questioned the posters choice of being in the party. I actually agree with you that it is time to get behind Corbyn, including his critics in the party. The manifesto was radical but I could buy into most of it. The momentum people have also to real it in if unity is to prevail. From my reading you are more interested in 'told you so' than in unity. As for the other poster I understand his position but disagree with his position. If we have another election soon I believe our radical agenda could get popular backing. But if we do not get power then the experiment has failed.

Right, it seems we are half way there. I agree we have to move forward but when someone is saying they would switch at the drop of a hat, he is a floating voter, nothing wrong with that just don't pretend you are a solid supporter of that party. You know as well as i do when someone comes on here with the big bottom lip, they will we called out.
Not sure that the agenda is radical just offers a real alternative choice to an austerity plan that has clearly failed the many. It was interesting so many people did come out to vote as it shows the will to vote is there when there is an alternative. What we certainly need now is everyone beyond behind Corbyn and tweak the parts of the manifesto and cabinet that can be improved. There was a suggestion that Cooper replaces Dianne Abbott, not a fan of Cooper but clearly there is an area that can be improved. I have no worries moving forward and working towards a Labour Government.
I don't ignor that. When you were all hanging out her arse talking about how solid she was, how much of a good negotiated she would be I was calling her Mayday, Mayday.

She made a **** of the Home Office, she was awful during Brexit campaign. You believed the right wing media creation. I always said she was ducking useless. It was the Tirues in here who bought the shite, now you're backtracking saying she's the worst.

Have a read through the Tories on here bigging her up before the campaign started. Fucking embarrassing how duped you all were.

I knew she was one of the worst ever, the Tories in here thought she shat gold.

I think you and I were in rare moments of agreement. I said she was fucking awful throughout the pre Brexit thread, but I suppose at the time I was just pleased we didn't get Boris Trump. How wrong I was.

There's a program on the TV next weekend about how she got the job. I expect it will be reminiscent of Yes Minister. The least worst option, sort of thing.
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