Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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In the same way, are you going to concede that for a lot of under 25's it wasn't Corbyn love per se, it was £28,000 gift love? And amongst the wider electorate for some it was a "what a Theresa May fuck up" love?
All politics involves "bribes" and always has. Bribe 51% of the electorate who bother to vote and you're in. If May had said "Fuck the triple-lock I'm going to put pensions up by the smallest amount I can get away with" she's have been even more stuffed. Tories promising not to raise taxes for high-earners, Labour promising not to raise them for lower earners. It's all a bribe.
And the votes for Corbyn were less about a love of the hard left and more to do with the worst campaign and possibly the worst leader for the Tories in the last 35 years.

Yet you totally ignore that.

If she'd campaigned with Corbyn, on the same ticket, I don't think he could have helped him any more than she did. Absolutely shocking performance from beginning to end from her. Diabolical.
All politics involves "bribes" and always has. Bribe 51% of the electorate who bother to vote and you're in. If May had said "Fuck the triple-lock I'm going to put pensions up by the smallest amount I can get away with" she's have been even more stuffed. Tories promising not to raise taxes for high-earners, Labour promising not to raise them for lower earners. It's all a bribe.

I know this. Some people seem to think when Labour do it, it doesn't count.

Money talks. Always has, always will.

Labour "95% of of you won't be worse off and I'll give you all this lovely free stuff". Swing towards Labour.

Tories "you may need to use your home to pay for your social care". Swing away from tories.

Lib Dems 'You're all paying 1% more tax". Written off.
Back in the 1980's I worked at British Aerospace. I had been an unashamed Thatcherite previously but, working in an industrial setting for the first time, it was starting to become clear what she was about. More by accident than design, I became union secretary for ASTMS as it was then and it brought me into contact with people much more political than I was. Two of those, Paul Murphy (my union chair) & Jack Flanagan (my branch chair) were Manchester councillors. Paul was very much on the right of the party whereas Jack was more difficult to pin down. I'd say he was more centre-left publicly but maybe privately a bit to the right. Through their eyes I saw the battles they were having with Militant Tendency along with people like Richard Leese & Graham Stringer. They'd pack Paul's meeting in Lightbowne but he'd pack more of his supporters in. He was always on the verge of being disciplined by the mainstream Labour left but they never quite had enough support to manage it. He fought on for what he thought was right, regardless of the labels slung at him, which was making the lives of his constituents better as far as he could.

Not sure what became of Jack but the other three are still there, doing their bit for the people of Manchester. Momentum are relatively harmless compared to Militant. You should fight for what you believe in as you appear to believe in the right things.

On the other side we have Some Conservatives that are bordering on far right nationalism and xenophobic tendency's.
In the same way, are you going to concede that for a lot of under 25's it wasn't Corbyn love per se, it was £28,000 gift love? And amongst the wider electorate for some it was a "what a Theresa May fuck up" love?

Or are you going to try to assert that every positive aspect of the results as far as you are concerned, are down to Corbyn, whilst none of the undesireable aspects are? That he truly is perfect?

I've given you plenty of what I think my leader, the Tory Leader, May, got wrong. How's about you giving us a bit about what did Corbyn get wrong, just so we know you're being balanced.

He should have ditched Abbot after first meltdown. Remember, he was also fighting with a large number of his MP's Keelung their seats obviously, but gaining no additional so they could knife him again. He had a disgusting right wing bastard press being bastards.

He had Mayday calling him a terrorist lover who is now forming a govt with the political wing of a number of terrorist groups.

You see that as a bribe, re young people. I call that investing in our future. Do you go Tonto when the rich get tax breaks it corporations?

Get your priorities right.

Corbyn showed balls of steel, whilst your 'leader' shattered like a glass jaw as soon as a punch was landed and we have the useless, totally undermined Mayday going into negotiations re Brexit.

They will be laughing at her more than they did that moronic lying bastard Trump.
They didn't though. They were careful not to say that.

Didn't they change their tune late on? It's bad policy promising not to raise taxes when later on you might have to. But I thought later they abandoned that idea when the realised they were holed below the water line and sinking faster than the titanic.
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