Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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Who is celebrating? Where are these people celebrating victory?
You absolutely don't get it do you? The nasty ones in the labour party are not the Cornyn supporters but the wankers that tried to ignore the member votes and kick out the elected leader. A meaningful labour party will never gain power whilst the likes of you put it down from within and cause division, I and many others do not want another blair type govt Just so we can say..oh well, at least labour won...No point and THAT betrays the needy and vulnerable.

What you don't get is that a majority of voters don't want that brand of politics. The man in the street doesn't care much for ideologues, academics and bitters, specially when they focus their energies on in-fighting. Only when you resolve those differences will you get power.
I have one that quoted £250,000 fund would expect a return £6k PA = I have to live to 107 to get my cash back. No way I will make 80
Then ship around and take advice.

I've just spent two minutes having a look at annuity quotes (pretending as if you were now 65 and wanting to take one from the 1st July) and managed to treble that figure. (it assumes you live for 16.9 years to break even or 82 years of age as I mentioned a few pages back)


But as I say, you don't even need to purchase an annuity, you can simply use drawdown.

Is yours a personal pension or occupation scheme? Is it money purchase or defined benefit?

Edit: regarding "no way I will make 80" - if you are poorly or suffer from ill health then you would be able to get a higher figure than quoted above. I based the answers on someone 65, fit and healthy (well, I put my details in, so health-ish)
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All your doing on here though is putting Labour voters down for being optimistic, the total opposite I guess when you away from this forum.
Not really, just certain voters; he's giving them a reality check. He's stating they are happy being losers as long as they can 'derive a sense of self-worth and moral righteousness from the political causes they take up' That's they way I read it.
There is, of course, another pension crisis looming, if this freedom of movement issue isn't nailed down very soon. We all know that the state pension has never been invested and has been paid for by the people who are working. If we're not careful, the working age, tax paying, healthy Europeans who are here will be leaving and the frail, elderly pensioners currently living abroad, will all be coming back. If taxes aren't to rise I cannot see how this will be anything close to being affordable.
Anyone below the age of 45 should not expect to be able to buy their monthly milk, bread and papers from the State Pension. It will be worthless by the time you take it.

You are very correct that there is a looming crisis with that regard and people will have to work until 70-75 before they receive it.

That is why it's imperative they increase their own ret. planning pot.
So, let's not confuse the motivation. It wasn't Tory love, it wasn't hard Brexit love and it certainly wasn't Ruth love.

In the same way, are you going to concede that for a lot of under 25's it wasn't Corbyn love per se, it was £28,000 gift love? And amongst the wider electorate for some it was a "what a Theresa May fuck up" love?

Or are you going to try to assert that every positive aspect of the results as far as you are concerned, are down to Corbyn, whilst none of the undesireable aspects are? That he truly is perfect?

I've given you plenty of what I think my leader, the Tory Leader, May, got wrong. How's about you giving us a bit about what did Corbyn get wrong, just so we know you're being balanced.
All you non Labour members are starting to see the nastiness of the Momentum lot now. This is the third of them who has told me to leave the Party for not supporting their political position.

They want ideological purity and it's why they'll never win an election. They hate the middle class. They hate all of you. Len, Ken fumble - they're the types who feel empowered by this losing result and wouldn't piss on the middle classes if they were on fire. You only have to read their posts on here for the last few years .

On the plus side my councillor has just asked me if I'd be interested in getting more involved in the local CLP. So the local Party want me more involved and the Momentum lot want to kick me out for trying to win elections. Funny that. Might join Progress too, they seem to want to try and win.
Back in the 1980's I worked at British Aerospace. I had been an unashamed Thatcherite previously but, working in an industrial setting for the first time, it was starting to become clear what she was about. More by accident than design, I became union secretary for ASTMS as it was then and it brought me into contact with people much more political than I was. Two of those, Paul Murphy (my union chair) & Jack Flanagan (my branch chair) were Manchester councillors. Paul was very much on the right of the party whereas Jack was more difficult to pin down. I'd say he was more centre-left publicly but maybe privately a bit to the right. Through their eyes I saw the battles they were having with Militant Tendency along with people like Richard Leese & Graham Stringer. They'd pack Paul's meeting in Lightbowne but he'd pack more of his supporters in. He was always on the verge of being disciplined by the mainstream Labour left but they never quite had enough support to manage it. He fought on for what he thought was right, regardless of the labels slung at him, which was making the lives of his constituents better as far as he could.

Not sure what became of Jack but the other three are still there, doing their bit for the people of Manchester. Momentum are relatively harmless compared to Militant. You should fight for what you believe in as you appear to believe in the right things.
So, let's not confuse the motivation. It wasn't Tory love, it wasn't hard Brexit love and it certainly wasn't Ruth love.
And the votes for Corbyn were less about a love of the hard left and more to do with the worst campaign and possibly the worst leader for the Tories in the last 35 years.

Yet you totally ignore that.
All you non Labour members are starting to see the nastiness of the Momentum lot now. This is the third of them who has told me to leave the Party for not supporting their political position.

They want ideological purity and it's why they'll never win an election. They hate the middle class. They hate all of you. Len, Ken fumble - they're the types who feel empowered by this losing result and wouldn't piss on the middle classes if they were on fire. You only have to read their posts on here for the last few years .

On the plus side my councillor has just asked me if I'd be interested in getting more involved in the local CLP. So the local Party want me more involved and the Momentum lot want to kick me out for trying to win elections. Funny that. Might join Progress too, they seem to want to try and win.

Let me have a look at the facts.
Number of people kicked out of the Labour Party by Momentum = 0
By the NEC = 1000s, they wont release the true figure.

I asked why are you in the Labour Party "Why exactly are you in the Labour party? What you have written would see someone opposed to the currently useless NEC banned from the party as was seen by many people who were barred from voting in that leadership campaign." That is not telling you to leave, that asking why, two different things.

If you are referring to this
"If you want to be involved in some party that wants to ver from left to right go and form one, dont worry, you will be leader and it will be you in it"
it is a response to this.
"If a Tory Government lines up tomorrow that will fund public services to a world class degree, pursue a progressive social agenda and invest in downtrodden communities infrastructure then I'd vote for them in a heartbeat. I'd vote for pretty much any party in the world who would do that. Because it's not about me, not about handwringing about tie colours."
You yourself have clearly said you would vote against Labour. Well worth reading Clause 1 4b before you take up the offer your local councillor.

So quit the big bottom lip, get behind your leader and contribute positively to the Labour. After all we want to be in power and being one solid block will be much more useful going forward.
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