Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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I've voted for Corbyn twice for leader and voted Lab twice for my MP in 2 years.

Corbyn is unelectable because he doesn't appeal to Middle England. Even in a referendum where Middle England voted Labour in order to get a sensible Brexit deal he still couldn't appeal to Middle England to turn Blue to Red.

This is the problem with you, Pole, Bigga and a few others. Everybody is an enemy. Tories are an enemy, Blairites are the enemy, Lib Dems are the enemy. Literally everybody who doesn't fit your exceedingly narrow political opinion is an enemy and a traitor and evil and doesn't give a shit about anyone. You guys are two steps away from strapping bombs to yourself so radicalized and full of hatred for other opinions you have become.

Politics IS compromise. That's how it works, that's how it runs, that how it operates when militants like you are back arguing on forums after elections and the business of running the country is in order. The Tories work with Labour hundreds of times a day in collaborative efforts either through Cross Party Commissions, enquiries, Minister shadowing, legislative Committees on each Bill, and a bunch of other stuff. They sit in the same "canteens" at the same tables talking to each other over lunch about the issues of the day.

Your view of how politics works is childish and not how legislative assemblies function to any degree at all. Your hyper partisanship is only fermented because you're a useful idiot to have when it comes to campaigning or raising funds. The rest of the time you're ignored not because the Government are some snobs who have forgotten their roots but because your opinions cannot be compromised, which makes you both unneeded because of your predictableness, and undesired because you're a roadblock to sensible compromise.

It's like you've never actually sat in meetings with people who don't agree with you. For all of the talk of humanity, many of your far left persuasion seen to lack a basic grasp of it.

So, what do we need to do to get to your level of exalted enlightenment??

Who should do the compromising for you to be happy? It seems to me that the poor have continued to shoulder the brunt of what should be compromised and we see no dividend from it. All we're asking is a fairer way forward.


It shouldn't be some bogey word that scares the begeezers out of anyone! If we're 'all in this together', show it! Prove that this is a 'fairer society' that your Thliar characters tell us about so much! I don't see much of it around me. NHS crumbling, wages stagnated, disability stigmatised, mental health support decimated, food banks in operation more than ever, homelessness spreading, security compromised and on and on and on.

You should know about the class divide widening and tipping point is almost here.

You want the 'there there' and a smiley face politics to appease to people and, frankly, many people have had enough.

You were cracking on about wanting to help 'poor Jim Smith' last week, well there's 70 odd and upward 'Jim Smiths' lying on the ground, down south! A tangible exercise in cost cutting and 'austerity' in full effect.

I don't understand why you're so blind to it! Maybe you DO think that Middle England are tut-tutting about the recent events, but I don't think so or, at least, hope not as they'll be effected soon enough, if not already.

Even if you swallow your media pill like a good chap, that Corbyn is 'unelectable', you will find yourself on the outside looking in pretty fookin' soon!!

Rant over.
Because Corbyn had the best shot of the bunch presented due to the momentum and energy behind him.

Again you are looking at this like you're some sort of alien who doesn't understand human beings at all.

Jeremy Corbyn WAS an electable Labour leader. Over the course of the campaign he became an unelectable Labour leader when the PLP undercut him, the manifesto went too far left on some very easy to point to economic issues that the electorate wouldn't like, and because him and his team were heavily linked to the IRA and we couldn't get the message through the noise to shift it. Then due to these issues he became unelectable, with the terrorist one being the biggest issue IMO but debateably so.

See how that works? That if you don't have a zealoted belief in something that you can change your mind on an issue without it being a religious war when new ideas or information is presented?

I think you need to look at your first original post on this thread. You know the one about don't be a twat?..
I think you need to look at your first original post on this thread. You know the one about don't be a twat?..

There must be an Islington flat somewhere, where all these Blairite snowflakes can gather to listen to Things Can Only Get Better and leave the rest of us alone.

This is genuine, the man has his faults but he's on our side...

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