Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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Because the party was never in a position to win this election for reasons that are screamingly obvious.

Would I be putting words in your mouth to assume you believe that is because the "system" is so slanted against you? And nothing to do with Corbyn and his ideals, not actually appealing to a majority of voters?
Or they will grow up and start moving to the right as normally happens.

That's what I thought, but I'm starting to think that older people have generally underestimated just how little 'young people' have invested in society. With little hope of owning a property, with job security extremely uncertain, and with education costly or unobtainable, it could be that that established pattern has been broken. Will be interesting to see how young people voted across the country and not just in 'student' dominated constituencies.
Pensioners gave May a kicking over her proposal to scrap the triple-lock pension increase.

Young voters who have never worked and never paid taxes mainly voted Labour.

The reduction in police numbers fell squarely at the ex-Home Secretary's door.

Corbyn gained from all these things, not from his policies.
McDonnel said himself last night that May had the mandate and to say she didn't was ridiculous.

So which is it?

McDonnell was wrong then. There's absolutely no way this can be span into the Tories having a mandate on anything.

Wouldn't it be nice if it meant people in the Commons had to work together to find mutually agreeable legislation instead of appealing to their outer bases?

Oh what a world that would be
You do my head in, look at the labour party today! Look at the membership! The MPs, the media coverage, this is everything Labour supporters could have hoped for short of victory and victory was never a real possibility.

And you mine, my friend. And you mine.

Had the Tories not run such a diabolically awful campaign with such a dismal leader, your party would have been slaughtered. Because not enough people think that the ideals you support are what they want or what we need. It's as simple as that. Most Labour MP's get this, which is why Corbyn has been so terribly unpopular in his own parliamentary party. Doubtless they will be surprised that he did better than expected, but you still lost against a shockingly bad Tory party after 6 years of austerity. If Corbyn cannot win in that environment, he's peddling the wrong stuff.

The sooner you and people like you start to get your head around that, the sooner you'll have a chance of actually running the country.
McDonnel said himself last night that May had the mandate and to say she didn't was ridiculous.

So which is it?

Personally, I still hold to the idea that people vote for a party rather than the person, so I thought May (or any prime minister) naturally had a mandate. The media, however, is relentless in pursuing this idea that each prime minister needs to be elected as such. I therefore cannot see how any new leader would escape similar scrutiny and attack.
Would I be putting words in your mouth to assume you believe that is because the "system" is so slanted against you? And nothing to do with Corbyn and his ideals, not actually appealing to a majority of voters?

No, the Labour party is still at the fag end of an internal civil war.
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