Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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Typical Tory response, may did shite because of her not so good manifesto, no show on face to face debates because she knew she wouldn't beat Mr corbyn on it , she was drinking tea on a sports field while he was out campaigning, she should do the decent thing and fuck off

You're right, but so is he.
Ultimately it has to be said whether deliverable or not the Labour manifesto and campaign was open to all and looking forward whereas the Tory one was closed and introverted centred on My who rapidly began to look less strong and less stable. I can sum it up by the fat that May held "rallies" in closed industrial units to an invited audience of supporters they bussed in. Corbyn held rallies in City centres to large crowds. In effect if you wanted to go and see May speak you couldn't - it was a closed shop - you weren't allowed in. Corbyn? No bother go down town and attend an open air free gig. That sums up both campaigns and shows why May couldn't command a majority
And you mine, my friend. And you mine.

Had the Tories not run such a diabolically awful campaign with such a dismal leader, your party would have been slaughtered. Because not enough people think that the ideals you support are what they want or what we need. It's as simple as that. Most Labour MP's get this, which is why Corbyn has been so terribly unpopular in his own parliamentary party. Doubtless they will be surprised that he did better than expected, but you still lost against a shockingly bad Tory party after 6 years of austerity. If Corbyn cannot win in that environment, he's peddling the wrong stuff.

The sooner you and people like you start to get your head around that, the sooner you'll have a chance of actually running the country.

You have no understanding of what's going on. The Labour party has to stand for social justice, if it ends up just being a kinder version of Toryism it fails itself but more importantly the people it's supposed to represent.

The party is re-invigorated and more purposeful than it has been for a long time and this election has shown that more and more people get it.
It's really not the same thing though. In 2010 the coalition had 363 seats between them and there was a formal arrangement. This one has 328 and no formal agreement. Any time 6 of her MP's vote against anything she loses, anytime she says no to the unionists, she loses. Not only that, if any six fall ill, miss their train or go on holiday, she loses.

Your maths are making the assumption that in these votes, presumably on divisive issues that all the opposition will be of one mind. Considering the diverse make up and that the labour party themselves are not a cohesive unit that's a big assumption to make.
Why? Why wasn't it a possibility? Why are you celebrating a defeat and five more years in opposition?


I voted for Corbyn during both Labour elections and obviously last night. I didn't vote for him because he wears a nice suit, I voted for him because I thought he could win an election. He has not won an election.

You see this is the different between the far left and the centre left of the Party. The far left is full of people who like Pyrrhic victories. They like discussing philosophy such as nuclear disarmament and identity politics. Great, I like those conversations too.

However what I like more is a well funded NHS, building low cost houses and making food banks a thing of the past. And you can't do any of that unless you win an election and that means compromising your opinion on some things.

The far left of the Party feel it's important to talk about policy. Blairites feel it's important to enact policy and the talk is political masturbation if you'll never get elected to enact it.

I want Labour to win elections. I thought Corbyn could energise the youth vote which he did but the collapse of UKIP fucked him and much of the country rejected him. Now I'll have to survey the options but if he forms a more united shadow cabinet then we'll ride with him for a bit as he appears to be growing into the role. If he decides to step aside and anoint a centrist successor who he campaigns hard for then we'll win the next election.

But that's the game. This isn't a joke. There are people on this country, especially those on disabilities and benefits who are fucked. They don't need a far left Labour party up its own arse about its revolution, they need an elected Labour Party in power and making changes. They don't have time for us to fuck about again and we're letting them down.

Jim Smith who's surviving on £40 a week doesn't care about "the movement". He just wants to be able to live his life. We failed him last night and we can't do so again.

I voted for Corbyn during both Labour elections and obviously last night. I didn't vote for him because he wears a nice suit, I voted for him because I thought he could win an election. He has not won an election.

You see this is the different between the far left and the centre left of the Party. The far left is full of people who like Pyrrhic victories. They like discussing philosophy such as nuclear disarmament and identity politics. Great, I like those conversations too.

However what I like more is a well funded NHS, building low cost houses and making food banks a thing of the past. And you can't do any of that unless you win an election and that means compromising your opinion on some things.

The far left of the Party feel it's important to talk about policy. Blairites feel it's important to enact policy and the talk is political masturbation if you'll never get elected to enact it.

I want Labour to win elections. I thought Corbyn could energise the youth vote which he did but the collapse of UKIP fucked him and much of the country rejected him. Bow I'll have to survey the options but if he forms a more united shadow cabinet then we'll ride with him for a bit as he appears to be growing into the role. If he decides to step aside and anoint a centrist successor wgo he campaigns hard for then we'll win the next election.

But that's the game. This isn't a joke. There are people on this country, especially those on disabilities and benefits who are fucked. They don't need a far left Labour party up it's own arse about it's revolution, they need an elected Labour Party in power and making changes. They don't have time for us to fuck about again

Why did Labour lose in 2010 and 2015?
And you mine, my friend. And you mine.

Had the Tories not run such a diabolically awful campaign with such a dismal leader, your party would have been slaughtered. Because not enough people think that the ideals you support are what they want or what we need. It's as simple as that. Most Labour MP's get this, which is why Corbyn has been so terribly unpopular in his own parliamentary party. Doubtless they will be surprised that he did better than expected, but you still lost against a shockingly bad Tory party after 6 years of austerity. If Corbyn cannot win in that environment, he's peddling the wrong stuff.

The sooner you and people like you start to get your head around that, the sooner you'll have a chance of actually running the country.
As a natural centrist voter with Security red-lines I concur.
You have no understanding of what's going on. The Labour party has to stand for social justice, if it ends up just being a kinder version of Toryism it fails itself but more importantly the people it's supposed to represent.

The party is re-invigorated and more purposeful than it has been for a long time and this election has shown that more and more people get it.

I wish you'd stop straying into being insulting territory, or we'll both end up being banned again. So please cut out the "you do my head in"s and the "you have no understandings". Stick to your arguments; your personal attacks are unnecessary.

Now in terms of my reply, as I have said, you have a very personal perspective based upon your hard-left ideals and I can see you are pleased that the party is seemingly going to stay on the hard left. What is not at all clear however is whether Labour can EVER win an election on this basis and whether the parliamentary MPs will forever tolerate being in opposition if they believe this to be the case.

You have not commented upon my assertion that Labour would have been thrashed in this election had the Tories not been so utterly incompetent? And given 6 years of austerity and an incompetent campaign, you would expect in normal circumstances the Labour opposition to have won comfortably. But you did not win, and I think it would be wrong to regard a better than expected defeat as being some kind of vindication: you would have won, if your policies were not so extreme. This should be a cause for concern, not for celebration.

As to whether a unelectable and never to be in power hard-left Labour party best represents anybody, well I am not sure it does.

I voted for Corbyn during both Labour elections and obviously last night. I didn't vote for him because he wears a nice suit, I voted for him because I thought he could win an election. He has not won an election.

You see this is the different between the far left and the centre left of the Party. The far left is full of people who like Pyrrhic victories. They like discussing philosophy such as nuclear disarmament and identity politics. Great, I like those conversations too.

However what I like more is a well funded NHS, building low cost houses and making food banks a thing of the past. And you can't do any of that unless you win an election and that means compromising your opinion on some things.

The far left of the Party feel it's important to talk about policy. Blairites feel it's important to enact policy and the talk is political masturbation if you'll never get elected to enact it.

I want Labour to win elections. I thought Corbyn could energise the youth vote which he did but the collapse of UKIP fucked him and much of the country rejected him. Now I'll have to survey the options but if he forms a more united shadow cabinet then we'll ride with him for a bit as he appears to be growing into the role. If he decides to step aside and anoint a centrist successor who he campaigns hard for then we'll win the next election.

But that's the game. This isn't a joke. There are people on this country, especially those on disabilities and benefits who are fucked. They don't need a far left Labour party up its own arse about its revolution, they need an elected Labour Party in power and making changes. They don't have time for us to fuck about again and we're letting them down.

Jim Smith who's surviving on £40 a week doesn't care about "the movement". He just wants to be able to live his life. We failed him last night and we can't do so again.
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