Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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Typical Tory response, may did shite because of her not so good manifesto, no show on face to face debates because she knew she wouldn't beat Mr corbyn on it , she was drinking tea on a sports field while he was out campaigning, she should do the decent thing and fuck off
Not Tory mate never have been. Just my opinion as why Corbyn did better than expected.

I voted for Corbyn during both Labour elections and obviously last night. I didn't vote for him because he wears a nice suit, I voted for him because I thought he could win an election. He has not won an election.

You see this is the different between the far left and the centre left of the Party. The far left is full of people who like Pyrrhic victories. They like discussing philosophy such as nuclear disarmament and identity politics. Great, I like those conversations too.

However what I like more is a well funded NHS, building low cost houses and making food banks a thing of the past. And you can't do any of that unless you win an election and that means compromising your opinion on some things.

The far left of the Party feel it's important to talk about policy. Blairites feel it's important to enact policy and the talk is political masturbation if you'll never get elected to enact it.

I want Labour to win elections. I thought Corbyn could energise the youth vote which he did but the collapse of UKIP fucked him and much of the country rejected him. Now I'll have to survey the options but if he forms a more united shadow cabinet then we'll ride with him for a bit as he appears to be growing into the role. If he decides to step aside and anoint a centrist successor who he campaigns hard for then we'll win the next election.

But that's the game. This isn't a joke. There are people on this country, especially those on disabilities and benefits who are fucked. They don't need a far left Labour party up its own arse about its revolution, they need an elected Labour Party in power and making changes. They don't have time for us to fuck about again and we're letting them down.

Jim Smith who's surviving on £40 a week doesn't care about "the movement". He just wants to be able to live his life. We failed him last night and we can't do so again.

I know you and I have opposing views mate, but I have to say that's a top post.
Not Tory mate never have been. Just my opinion as why Corbyn did better than expected.
I think personally, even though he did better than anyone expected, the press crucified him in the build up,
the journalist's gave him no chance etc.He still hasn't got the credit he deserves
The other side did win. They are forming a government and have five more years.

That ramshackle bunch of misfits (I include every MP elected last night) ain't gonna rumble on for the next five years! The Tories cannot stick anyone who isn't a winner so May will have gone by the next Tory party conference and whoever gets elected in her place might soldier on for a few months and then chance their arm in another election that won't deliver a Corbyn government so we are back where we started - Nil Nil!
I can't see Corbyn ever winning an overall majority. But the tories are in such disarray (and the brexit negotiations aren't going to make that any better) that I think a Labour led coalition must be the most likely outcome of the next election, which could be within 2 years.

A Corbyn government is not gonna carry those handful of LibDems if they try to borrow and tax the arses off their supporters. Clegg lost his seat last night because of his insistence on staying in the EU, but he also carried over a lot of baggage from his days as Deputy Dawg. LibDems are Tories who just like to 'be nice'!
I think personally, even though he did better than anyone expected, the press crucified him in the build up,
the journalist's gave him no chance etc.He still hasn't got the credit he deserves

I think if someone stands up and tells the public they are going to deliver a whole load of things that cannot be delivered, it is the duty of the press to expose it as they see fit. They didn't seek to crucify him because they don't like his beard; it's because they think his policies are barmy. Should they say nothing in those circumstances? I cannot see a problem with saying it how you see it. And before anyone suggests they are in the Tories' pockets, they supported Blair well enough.
I wouldn't bet on that. Labour were where at the beginning of this election? 27% and now they're nudging 41%.....Things can only get better....

But we cannot make the assumption that Labour is increasing its vote because all of a sudden the electorate want a government with a fair whiff of Leftism attached to it. It is pretty difficult to unravel the Remainers and who they voted for, and the Leavers and who they voted for. The MP for Barrow who lambasted the idea of Corbyn going into the election as Labour leader said this dinnertime that if anybody tried to tell you the how and why of last night they were 'winging' it!

I voted for Corbyn during both Labour elections and obviously last night. I didn't vote for him because he wears a nice suit, I voted for him because I thought he could win an election. He has not won an election.

You see this is the different between the far left and the centre left of the Party. The far left is full of people who like Pyrrhic victories. They like discussing philosophy such as nuclear disarmament and identity politics. Great, I like those conversations too.

However what I like more is a well funded NHS, building low cost houses and making food banks a thing of the past. And you can't do any of that unless you win an election and that means compromising your opinion on some things.

The far left of the Party feel it's important to talk about policy. Blairites feel it's important to enact policy and the talk is political masturbation if you'll never get elected to enact it.

I want Labour to win elections. I thought Corbyn could energise the youth vote which he did but the collapse of UKIP fucked him and much of the country rejected him. Now I'll have to survey the options but if he forms a more united shadow cabinet then we'll ride with him for a bit as he appears to be growing into the role. If he decides to step aside and anoint a centrist successor who he campaigns hard for then we'll win the next election.

But that's the game. This isn't a joke. There are people on this country, especially those on disabilities and benefits who are fucked. They don't need a far left Labour party up its own arse about its revolution, they need an elected Labour Party in power and making changes. They don't have time for us to fuck about again and we're letting them down.

Jim Smith who's surviving on £40 a week doesn't care about "the movement". He just wants to be able to live his life. We failed him last night and we can't do so again.
Welcome back Damo. I thought we'd lost you for a day or two back there.
This is a great post.
"Because Miliband was a crap leftist candidate and Brown bought a bank. And because Cameron was the best Tory candidate in 30 years. We're lucky he left"

I presume you forgot to include Ed Balls rather than omitting him?
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