Premier League Games 12/13/14 January '24

But again thats just human....different perspective at a different time. Saying you can guarantee that it will happen differently in another game is just like saying you can guarantee that the Sun will come up or that tomorrow will be Sunday...

Maybe he changes his decision next time cause he realises he got it wrong?

The problem is everyone - players/managers/fans are out for themselves - until there is genuine integrity amongst these different groups we will continue to have these discussions. Its rare (very) that a manager comes out and says...yes that decision that went for us was wrong....they at the very least come out with something ambiguous or relate it to a previous decision where something went against them (as if that justifies it! - in reality its a very childish reaction)

You can understand the referee making a snap decision in the half second he has available to him, and making different decisions in the same circumstances in different matches based on what he saw / could see. But surely it's not beyond the competence of VAR to ensure some consistency?

This thing where VAR doesn't get involved unless there is an absolute howler on some things, but then gets involved for 1mm on others isn't doing itself any favours, IMO.

I don't have a problem staying with on-field decisions, quite honestly, but then do it for all decisions.
You can understand the referee making a snap decision in the half second he has available to him, and making different decisions in the same circumstances in different matches based on what he saw / could see. But surely it's not beyond the competence of VAR to ensure some consistency?

This thing where VAR doesn't get involved unless there is an absolute howler on some things, but then gets involved for 1mm on others isn't doing itself any favours, IMO.

I don't have a problem staying with on-field decisions, quite honestly, but then do it for all decisions.
Oh yeah I agree.....but again true consistency is going to always be hard to get because its within human nature to interpret things differently.

I agree that that is a blatant foul....a lot older fans fromt he 1960's and 1970's might not agree as they were brough up in an age where you could go in on the keeper....I personally think that its a physical sport and you should be allowed to challenge the keeper (though this wasnt a case of that as the player makes no atempt to play the ball but just to knock the keeper out of the way)

Offside (Imm in things) is a more black and white decision) - I dont like this forensic analysis of offside and preferred it when it was just an onfield judgement but lots of fans/players/managers screamed for technology and this is now what we have and now they dont like it.

Id much prefer to bin VAR (was never for it anyway) and just go back to the 3 officials on the pitch....use goaline technology as that works but everything else bin it. ...wont happen though - people are too afraid to say we got it wrong for starters.

Football was more fun when it was just the ref and linesman...

Maybe a better solution is to have more more linesman for instance positioned in different parts of the pitch... I know its has been tried before but Im not sure why the officials on the goal line never seemed to have any authority....

Maybe it should be a collective authority from all officials instead of the ref in the middle having the overall say?
Annoying woman on cocom again, she’s fucking grating, turned over to Live USA, much better commentary.
It looks like Palmer has taken over free kicks and corners for Chelsea but it’s obvious he came through the City Academy because he’s s..t at them.

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