I think you're similar age to me, agree with your sentiments. I was the account Manager for a satellite company who broadcast Horse and Greyhound Racing into bookmakers from 1989, my area included the North East so spent plenty of time there mostly staying in Newcastle, usually in Jesmond or Gosforth. Had plenty of nights out with Independent Bookies, there were a quite a lot who liked a good drink. Some wild nights, it was after one of those up there that I collapsed (next day) at the age of 30 after a Christmas Do and ended up in hospital diagnosed with a heart condition, had to slow down a bit after that. We'd been to Sedgefield Races during the day and carried on drinking until about 2am in a night club.
Bloody hell young to cop that.
I went away to sea at 17 and my youth on the ships and when I was on leave was mental, a great period.