Premier League Games 30/Sept & 1/2/3 October '23

You're right, one isn't affected by the other, but similar wastage of time should have consistent added time throughout different matches. Maybe you missed all the times Wolves had cramps and injuries, or do they not count towards stoppage time?
You’d think wolves had played 120 minutes at the Baseball ground in the 70sin six inches of mud the amount of cramps they got. Serious questions should be asked of their fitness coach
You’d think wolves had played 120 minutes at the Baseball ground in the 70sin six inches of mud the amount of cramps they got. Serious questions should be asked of their fitness coach
To be fair, they put in a lot of effort in that match. Still, it took only 65-ish minutes for someone to get cramp. Time should be added on, and, in my opinion, not enough was
It's spoiling the game for match going fans. We're stuck with it I think.

Too right, mate. But you know what the logic of this is, don't you?
It's been coming for years. The match-going fans — the only ones that really count in my book, and I speak as someone who can't get to matches anything like as much as I'd like — are shunted more and more down the list of priorities. VAR is fine for people watching on the other side of the world. It's part of tv showbiz. It is also fine for the casual fan (and there are now millions of them all over the world) who just watches football without being emotionally invested in it, particularly, and who certainly doesn't identify with or contribute to any club. Either with their wallet. Or their voice.
You have forced seb off the site , lovely thing to do to a dying man but just so you know you wont be forcing me anywhere

Continue your bollocks
I didn’t. He made a choice. Have you noticed the discourse around VAR this weekend has been really civil, despite it being awful?

Why do you think that might be?
Football is quite a shit sport. Played by soft diving injury-feigning cheating cunts who have god complexes because of their wages, games are far too stop-start with no flow, the ball-in-play stats are an embarrassment, it’s reffed by incompetent bastards mainly due to the total lack of respect and amount of abuse their profession gets from the thick idiot fans who know sod all about the laws meaning nobody wants to be a ref so the talent pool of officials is nil, stadiums full of tourists who most of the time don’t even want the team they’ve gone to see win, greedy **** clubs who have no respect for their loyal local working class supporter bases, the supposed best and richest sport in the world that has the worst video technology in world sport, too much fucking about with the game, too many games, too many Sunday games, too much fucking about with kick off times, too short notice on games being moved, too much international football, too many rules and reminders about what we shouldn’t be doing in the grounds like this one I saw last week at City:
View attachment 94801
(fuck off!)

The main thing that makes football good is the fans and we are treated in total disdain by the clubs we support. Football during Covid with no fans showed that, it was boring as fuck!

If City weren’t as good as we are, I wouldn’t bother watching it. It’s shite!

It shouldn’t be shite, it could be an incredibly good sport, but it’s run by idiots which has ruined it.

It's lost its way, a bit like it did in the eighties with all the violence when crowds dropped. It's never been more popular but I feel it's at a tipping point now. The Disneyfication of it does my head in and others too. I didn't see that sign but I swear at a game who doesn't? As for chanting who decides what's offensive or not? Somebody somewhere always finds something offensive.

Football is...or was...tribal and passionate. It's not the opera or a theatre play. It's a game people can go and let off steam from the pressures of work and life in general. Or it used to be. Stop that and you may as well watch it in a pub or at home. It's cheaper and not as much hassle.

Often all the hype, build up and glitter doesn't match what happens on the pitch. The only real high quality games for us are the rags ( For obvious reasons) Liverpool, Arsenal, Spurs sometimes Chelsea and Brighton. Maybe West Ham. Teams that will go toe to toe and with a bit of needle and something riding on it. The rest of the time it's us against a massed defence.
You’d think wolves had played 120 minutes at the Baseball ground in the 70sin six inches of mud the amount of cramps they got. Serious questions should be asked of their fitness coach

That was when they used to booze a lot and a lot of them smoke too.

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