Premier League Games 30/Sept & 1/2/3 October '23

Web said beginning of the season they doing away with lines to speed it up more! But this cretin refused the uefa ofside technology that does it automatically! Web refused it on instructions or he is one big headed kunt! He needs to fcuk of back to America
What there are no lines now, so they are just looking at a picture and trying to judge it, what’s the fucking point in that?
The Premier League clubs decided they didn’t want the semi automated technology. Nothing to do with Webb or Pgmol.

I hear this all the time, but don't you think PGMOL gave their "expert" opinion on it? I imagine the PL doesn't work in an information vacuum and if "experts" recommend against something, no organisation is going to take the risk of making a decision against that recommendation, imho. If it is the wrong decision now, they can blame someone else.
Just seen the highlights. Not a shadow of doubt about it, Liverpool were royally fucked over there.
And much as I hate Liverpool, I love football, and I cannot approve of that kind of fuck up. It discredits the on-field refs, it discredits VAR. It matters not a jot to say that it's happened to us. It shouldn't happen anywhere. It's anti-football.
Not worried about Spurs. They were actually outplayed by Liverpool. But one thing is clear. For the first time since Eriksen was at his best, they've finally got themselves a good midfielder in Maddison.
Liverpool will be the challengers, with Arsenal.
What there are no lines now, so they are just looking at a picture and trying to judge it, what’s the fucking point in that?
Surely it speeds up the decision making with drawn lines, your mind is going to imagine them anyway, so why not draw them - all logic seems to go out of the window with VAR.
His challenge was Exactly the same as Jotas second yellow
Exactly what I said to my mate, it’s subtle because the media will just ignore but it’s almost an identical challenge, the ref’s both went with the “home” decision.

The standard of VAR/refereeing is at an all time low, the audio clips we heard on the Wolves non penalty against the Rags proves the chaos involved. Compare with the calm and professional reviews conducted by video evidence in Cricket and Rugby. Football refereeing in this country is a shambles, mind you with Webb at the helm we should have expected it.
Just seen the highlights. Not a shadow of doubt about it, Liverpool were royally fucked over there.
And much as I hate Liverpool, I love football, and I cannot approve of that kind of fuck up. It discredits the on-field refs, it discredits VAR. It matters not a jot to say that it's happened to us. It shouldn't happen anywhere. It's anti-football.
Not worried about Spurs. They were actually outplayed by Liverpool. But one thing is clear. For the first time since Eriksen was at his best, they've finally got themselves a good midfielder in Maddison.
Liverpool will be the challengers, with Arsenal.
Yep. That fuck up was the whole reason VAR was brought in in the first place…
Just seen the highlights. Not a shadow of doubt about it, Liverpool were royally fucked over there.
And much as I hate Liverpool, I love football, and I cannot approve of that kind of fuck up. It discredits the on-field refs, it discredits VAR. It matters not a jot to say that it's happened to us. It shouldn't happen anywhere. It's anti-football.
Not worried about Spurs. They were actually outplayed by Liverpool. But one thing is clear. For the first time since Eriksen was at his best, they've finally got themselves a good midfielder in Maddison.
Liverpool will be the challengers, with Arsenal.
I thought Maddison was pretty crap yesterday to be fair.
Supposedly world class yet struggled to unlock a 10 then a 9 man team with any of his passes before being dragged.
I hear this all the time, but don't you think PGMOL gave their "expert" opinion on it? I imagine the PL doesn't work in an information vacuum and if "experts" recommend against something, no organisation is going to take the risk of making a decision against that recommendation, imho. If it is the wrong decision now, they can blame someone else.

I’d agree, If they were talking about introducing a completely new and unknown system, then it would make sense to get some input from the people who were to implement it.

But they were talking about a tried and tested system that had been used in UEFA competitions. A good number of PIGMOL officials are also UEFA officials and would have been well acquainted with it.

So obviously I don’t know if PIGMOL were consulted before the clubs made their decision. But I don’t see any reason why they should have been.
I think Mason drew the lines against the wrong player didn’t he?

They are under instruction this season to speed up the game and not bother with the lines if it’s obvious without them.

This guy has presumably seen something that made him think it was clearly off and quickly given the referee the nod to carry on.

The audio from the VAR room would be amusing, if it presumably slowly dawned on them things weren’t quite as they first thought, after play had restarted.

I read a bit more about this yesterday.

Apparently the var officials thought ref had GIVEN the goal. They quickly reviewed and said “check complete” (which means they agree). Lines were not necessary because it was so obvious, so that isn’t the issue.

The error of course is the ref had DISALLOWED the goal so by saying check complete, they were inadvertently agreeing with THAT decision. It is clearly a comms error.

The big issue is the best league in the world is being run/ruined by absolute amateurs.

I’m staggered as to why clubs have not taken a stand on this, given the amount of collective power they have.
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I read a bit more about this yesterday.

Apparently the var officials thought ref had GIVEN the goal. They quickly reviewed and said “check complete” (which means they agree with refs decision to allow goal). Lines were not necessary because it was so obvious, so that isn’t the issue.

The error of course is the ref had DISALLOWED the goal so by saying check complete, they were inadvertently agreeing with THAT decision. It is clearly a comms error.

The big issue is the best league in the world is being run/ruined by absolute amateurs.

I’m staggered as to why clubs have not taken a stand on this, given the amount of collective power they have.
They were probably watching the Ryder cup in another screen.

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