Premier League investigation unit

What are you doing as a fanbase to object?

You didn't see how hard it was to stop fans turning up in protest against Mike Ashley!

Fuck all chance of any collective mass forming a movement about some middle manager Karen at the club banning a lesbian that's got herself in hot water on Twitter.

I filled in this form to see what dirt the club has on me... and gave it a retweet. So small acorns I guess...

It's easy to think that everyone is following the same news cycles and giving a shit about the same stuff we do - but the vast majority of all fanbases up and down the country are just going about their lives - grafting each week in an office, on a site or looking after the kids, and focusing on family, friends, etc.

Football is their happy release, as it has been for generations - to get away from the wife, away days with friends, or seeing your kid at the weekend and taking them to the game!

This sort of culture war drama is just one of the last things that the majority of people spending through the nose to watch football want to think about and be bothered by.
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It was Newcastle that banned her, which is somewhat ironic given where their owners are from and their beliefs on LGBTQIA issues.

(Apologies if I missed any letters off the acronym. It wasn’t my intention to marginalise any section of society. Please don’t ban me City.)
I am HM (hetero - married) where are my letters?
I'm offended!
:- |
A few posts have made her out to be a ****. They say she has posted 'Nazi shite' etc. but the fact of the matter is the cops interviewed her and NO criminal offences were found.
That is why banning her stinks. Nothing else.
You may not agree with what she has said but it is allowed under English law.
I'm currently sat in a pub where various conversations would not be considered PC, do I report them ? If so who to, the landlord, the cops, Andy fuckin' Burnham ?
We need to be very careful where we go with this.
Fair enough, thanks for the informative and balanced reply. And not blasting me like you did Stoned. :)

She sounds a bit weird, I was only going off what I read in the media the first time this came out. Media, eh? I should have known better. On the other hand, we probably all sound weird in heated arguments on Twitter. And, as you say, everyone is different on social media.

Personally, I still think everyone is a **** (except you, of course, you sound very normal) and I call everyone cunts on here, but I wouldn't do it in real life. Well, not so much anyway.

It's interesting a Saudi-owned club taking this stand, though.
We're all c*nts mate.
Unless you're a w*nker of course.
And nobody wants to be one of those......
What was it she said that equated to bigoted shit? Or for that matter, transphobic? I think all she said was that men who identified as women aren't women. Or am I missing something?

I am old, I find it tiring to keep up with all this stuff, tbh.
Such people would have been known as eunuchs once upon a time.
I am not one for giving up Freedom of Speech just so we can stop a few thugs from being thugs. Or a few racists from being racist. FoS is THE most important thing in this country right now especially since we are now all trackable, traceable, and live our lives on the internet

For someone who claims to care a lot about freedom of speech it’s weird that you don’t know freedom of speech only ever applies to freedom from the government limiting your speech.

It’s never and will never have anything to do with a private business like Newcastle United.
A few posts have made her out to be a ****. They say she has posted 'Nazi shite' etc. but the fact of the matter is the cops interviewed her and NO criminal offences were found.
That is why banning her stinks. Nothing else.
You may not agree with what she has said but it is allowed under English law.
I'm currently sat in a pub where various conversations would not be considered PC, do I report them ? If so who to, the landlord, the cops, Andy fuckin' Burnham ?
We need to be very careful where we go with this.

I don’t know enough about this to have a worthwhile opinion. But committing a criminal act has never really been a prerequisite for a club handing out stadium bans.

I’m pretty sure that smoking in the open air on the spirals isn’t breaking the law but City/ the coucil have decided it’s against the rules, so people have been banned for it.

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