Premier League meeting to discuss salary cap?

A salary cap will be welcomed. Prices of players, wages and all resultant costs throughout football have grown out of control.

The knock on effect should be quite fair to fans... and it'd encourage homegrown academy players.over purchases from overseas. The money would more likely stay domestically, unless you have a club of asset strippers...

There will be a fair few ways around salary caps. I'd imagine signing on fees, rental agreements, bonuses etc could be several avenues. Also, legacy contracts would need phasing out. Some Chelsea players have 7 and 8 year contracts. If they brought in a cap in say 2028/29, could we expect massive contract lengths being signed the season prior?

There are pros and cons all around, but if the conditions to create a fairer footballing financial landscape could work, why not try?

This is a far more welcome debate than historic FFP charges etc. With our club so gered to building a youth to first team player, we'd be in a good position. Drop another 20 million off a transfer and that could benefit another aspect of the club.

Why are many worried by the Saudi league? They have overseas player limits too. They've been around for decades and there's more room at the international table. They won't turn the Premier Legue and English football to non-league anytime soon.

Nothing ends up being fair to fans unfortunately. FFP has indirectly shown this. Rather than clubs spending less, they've all felt the need to continue hiking up prices for fans in order to get every penny they can to try and stay in line with the regs.

The prices are what they are now. People have still turned up. If wages did get capped the prices would stay as they are and it would just mean owners get richer, which will be why the American owners are all for it.
So ultimately we might get punished for being an excellently run club. If the English game goes all Americanised I’d consider giving up watching it.nothing more excruciating than watching American sports. Even the MLS is like pulling teeth.
Yeah, do that and look how top players leaving the league.
Then look how top managers will leave, too (the best want to work with the best, no?).
Then, look how PL become more and more... inferior comparing to teams in La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A, or even French league.

Go ahead and do that, interesting to see.
Good. Get the rule in before the game becomes gone for good.

The rule will be difficult to implement on players playing now but not on potential future players who will be on probably £3k a month. So all footballers who are under 18 should never be allowed to be paid more than £50k a week for their whole careers. That way in 10 years time. Majority of players will all on be on no more than £50k a week. Any extra money should come from sponsorships and not from the club.

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