Premier League meeting to discuss salary cap?

A salary cap in the PL would be music to ears of the Yank owners. 1 step closer to the US franchise model.Capped to what though - % of turnover, arbitrary figure???
Encourage more players to shift to the Saudi League. We will be less likely to attract the big names into the PL in the future and you would think commercial revenues take a bit.
A salary cap will be welcomed. Prices of players, wages and all resultant costs throughout football have grown out of control.

The knock on effect should be quite fair to fans... and it'd encourage homegrown academy players.over purchases from overseas. The money would more likely stay domestically, unless you have a club of asset strippers...

There will be a fair few ways around salary caps. I'd imagine signing on fees, rental agreements, bonuses etc could be several avenues. Also, legacy contracts would need phasing out. Some Chelsea players have 7 and 8 year contracts. If they brought in a cap in say 2028/29, could we expect massive contract lengths being signed the season prior?

There are pros and cons all around, but if the conditions to create a fairer footballing financial landscape could work, why not try?

This is a far more welcome debate than historic FFP charges etc. With our club so gered to building a youth to first team player, we'd be in a good position. Drop another 20 million off a transfer and that could benefit another aspect of the club.

Why are many worried by the Saudi league? They have overseas player limits too. They've been around for decades and there's more room at the international table. They won't turn the Premier Legue and English football to non-league anytime soon.
A salary cap will be welcomed. Prices of players, wages and all resultant costs throughout football have grown out of control.

The knock on effect should be quite fair to fans... and it'd encourage homegrown academy players.over purchases from overseas. The money would more likely stay domestically, unless you have a club of asset strippers...

There will be a fair few ways around salary caps. I'd imagine signing on fees, rental agreements, bonuses etc could be several avenues. Also, legacy contracts would need phasing out. Some Chelsea players have 7 and 8 year contracts. If they brought in a cap in say 2028/29, could we expect massive contract lengths being signed the season prior?

There are pros and cons all around, but if the conditions to create a fairer footballing financial landscape could work, why not try?

This is a far more welcome debate than historic FFP charges etc. With our club so gered to building a youth to first team player, we'd be in a good position. Drop another 20 million off a transfer and that could benefit another aspect of the club.

Why are many worried by the Saudi league? They have overseas player limits too. They've been around for decades and there's more room at the international table. They won't turn the Premier Legue and English football to non-league anytime soon.
Short sighted. Salary cap here but not in Europe? What will happen? Good players will go to the leagues with no salary cap resulting in those leagues becoming more attractive for TV etc and the money will follow. There is a reason why the PL attracts so much TV money and this will dissappear.
It's more to do with Americans wanting to use premier clubs as cash cows! The premier the fa are sleep walking into the eventual downgrade of the premier league!
We may have different reasons for believing this will happen but ultimately we are on the same page as far as the outcome goes, if I’m wrong and downgrade does happen..!
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All this does is give more money to the owners of the clubs.

People say its immoral that someone from a Favela in Brazil can earn millions for being the best at something millions of others try to do, but people are happy for some Yank Billionaire to generate even more wealth by rigging the system.
to many other ways to pay players off, to much greed to do anything about it.. If anything was put in place has to be across world football.

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