Premier League or Champions League.

League for me.. Lets get well established as the best team in England bar none, and then lets put a really good run together in Europe.

Although with the size and quality of our squad, you would like to think we could have a good go in Europe with out sabotaging our chances of retaining the league title
I think Mancini is aiming to strengthen the squad in certain areas so we can rotate between the two competitions without weakening on either front. We tended to play a slightly weaker XI on some occasions in Europe last season.
We're not even an established top club yet. We've finished in the top three just twice.

It took Barca 40+years to win their first European Cup and another 14 years to win it again.

Europe can wait. It was pointed out earlier this week that the difference for Chelsea from getting knocked out in the quarters last season to winning it this season to was £26-£33m. So we don't need to worry too much about Europe for a while; just being in it, and hopefully next season getting through to the knock out stage is more than enough for a few years yet.

We need to retain the Premier League title. That is a must and our most important job!
Premier League every single day of the week. Let's consolidate now, have a better run in Europe, retain our title and win another one at Wembley at the same time. I'm not greedy but it would be a fantastic achievement
Elanos_Right_Boot said:
Premier League every single day of the week. Let's consolidate now, have a better run in Europe, retain our title and win another one at Wembley at the same time. I'm not greedy but it would be a fantastic achievement

Champions' League Final is at Wembley ;-)
champions league winners when we are Champions of England as well

otherwise I'm happy to 'just' win the domestic title again

please god lol
Leyth Blue said:
The Champions league is a hollow victory if you have not also won the Premier Lge!! Chelsea, best team in Europe - pah!
I agree with this
Only one of the scum's victories in Europe has come on the back of them being champions and that was in 68
Even Liverpool have won four of theirs as Champions

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