Premier League or Champions League.

Depending on the group we should aim as far as possible, next season i think we should go for a league and domestic cup double (or treble)
Premier League has to be priority number 1

Scary to think who our Champions League draw could be!

Key is to progress through group stage and not end up in Europe League IMO
Leyth Blue said:
The Champions league is a hollow victory if you have not also won the Premier Lge!! Chelsea, best team in Europe - pah!

Agree with this finishing 6th in your home league says there are 5 teams better than you.

-- Thu May 24, 2012 5:43 pm --

squirtyflower said:
Leyth Blue said:
The Champions league is a hollow victory if you have not also won the Premier Lge!! Chelsea, best team in Europe - pah!
I agree with this
Only one of the scum's victories in Europe has come on the back of them being champions and that was in 68
Even Liverpool have won four of theirs as Champions

Was saying that the other day when Sky were drooling all over Chelsea - the teams you mentioned above plus Nottingham Forest, Villa and Celtic. Premier League first and then FA and/or CL.
I would prefer to win the league again next season over the Champions League (both would be great mind but that might be a bit too much). It would be good to get into the last 16 of the champions league though and see how far we can get as long as it doesn't affect our league form.

The Champions League can be such a lottery, one bad game in the knock out stage and you're as good as out where as in the premier league over 38 games you're able to play badly a few times and still win the league.

I wouldn't mind a domestic cup as well, maybe the carling cup as we haven't won that for a long time.
danburge82 said:
We're not even an established top club yet. We've finished in the top three just twice.

It took Barca 40+years to win their first European Cup and another 14 years to win it again.

Europe can wait. It was pointed out earlier this week that the difference for Chelsea from getting knocked out in the quarters last season to winning it this season to was £26-£33m. So we don't need to worry too much about Europe for a while; just being in it, and hopefully next season getting through to the knock out stage is more than enough for a few years yet.

We need to retain the Premier League title. That is a must and our most important job!

^^this for me. Would love it if we won CL but I can wait a few more years.
League by a long way for me. You need a team of men to win the League. Champions League can be won by a bunch of talented slackers. It's just a Cup competition, an elite cup I'll grant you but still a cup!
FA cup-old hat, Premiership Champ1-6ns-been there.

Lets try Champ1-6ns League winners, see what thats like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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