Premier League or Champions League.

PeterPanBlue said:
FA cup-old hat, Premiership Champ1-6ns-been there.

Lets try Champ1-6ns League winners, see what thats like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW its at the Etihad in the south (Wemberleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
Winning the Premier League is a better measure of a teams quality but the Champions League is a harder trophy to win if that makes sense. I'd rather win the Champions League in a final versus Barcelona but the team that wins the Premier League would still be better than a team from the same league that won the Champions League.
Cry Me A Weaver said:
danburge82 said:
We're not even an established top club yet. We've finished in the top three just twice.

It took Barca 40+years to win their first European Cup and another 14 years to win it again.

Europe can wait. It was pointed out earlier this week that the difference for Chelsea from getting knocked out in the quarters last season to winning it this season to was £26-£33m. So we don't need to worry too much about Europe for a while; just being in it, and hopefully next season getting through to the knock out stage is more than enough for a few years yet.

We need to retain the Premier League title. That is a must and our most important job!

^^this for me. Would love it if we won CL but I can wait a few more years.

And for me. Retaining this Premiership title is vital. I'm prepared to wait for European victory (as nice as it would be) whilst we win domestic cups and titles first.
Interesting. I think everyone so far has gone for the PL.
Nothing wrong with that. But it's not what your judged on as a football club.
Nobody asks how many Serie A titles AC Milan have won.
Or indeed how many La Liga titles Madrid have.
You're judged by your success in Europe.
Taggart always says for a club of the Rags size, they've not won the CL enough. And he hates the fact that Liverpool have five wins.
I agree the premier league is harder to win. But if we want a legacy we must nail down success in Europe.
After all football is cyclical, and nobody can be sure where we'll be in 10 years time.
Agree to a point with Maineman but as someone said earlier, how many times has the premier league champions gone on to win champs league the following season? Chelsea and Arsenal have both had sustained exposure to the CL but only this year have Chelsea cracked it.

From a fan perspective, I would be content with 2 or 3 consecutive PL titles and sustained improvement in the CL year on year (last 8 one year, last 4 next and so on). But who knows what Sheik Mansour wants? Would he be happy with top three finishes in Prem but 2 CL victories? If it is more about exposure of the brand plus maximisation of revenue perhaps CL is more desirable. Lets face it Abramovich has been hell bent on CL glory for the last few seasons.

What is the monetary difference between PL title and CL title? Does this meet aim of FFP requirements more than concentrating on the PL?
Champions League just for the fact we will never be considered "great" worldwide until we win it.

Until then we're just kings of our own backyard, or "wannabe" greats of European football. Until then we are english Dortmund - won two titles, but noone gives a fuck.

It's the way it is, so I really dont understand people who would rather have another domestic league trophy (if you had to choose one) than CL trophy. it's just beyond me.

The question is like: "Do you want to be like Dortmund, or do you want to be like Bayern (had they won the CL, but even if not)"? I'd take Bayern any time.
Palerider said:
League by a long way for me. You need a team of men to win the League. Champions League can be won by a bunch of talented slackers. It's just a Cup competition, an elite cup I'll grant you but still a cup!

This. Has to be the league. Cups are a bonus.

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