My interest in US politics is two fold; one, because it's a soap opera at the best of times, but when it gets things oh so very rarely right, they get it get right and two, my interests in Progressivism is side stepped. When the US coughs, the UK gets a cold. They affect us in every single way.
So, if the Black and working class citizen get a better deal in life, if forces the UK into looking at that example and move forward.
I don't give a shit what anyone else thinks on that as my view isn't up for debate and no longer will some deserve a direct reply even if they wanted to. I've had this discussion with brighter minds than the few incessant detractors on here with people that know what it's like to walk in my shoes.
The Dems tend to separate Black and working class when most of the time they are the same thing, issue-wise. So, if they want to box out the Republicans, so they never get the chance to shoot their shot, why aren't they? Always too little too late and always an afterthought to consider for the future.
I used to want to conversate about these really obvious things, but not any more as people don't see what's in front of them.