Prince Harry

Scareye said:
He's a fucking ginger twat.
I don't like Harry much either.


And i like it!
strongbowholic said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
strongbowholic said:
The ultimate benefit scroungers. No wonder the country is in the state it's in.

I doubt you'll be working as hard as the queen does at her age.
No one invites me to cut ribbons, give out prizes, swanky parties, cruises around the world to sunnier climes or to slap up grills, so you are right, I sadly won't be working as hard as she does.

You would still be a moaning tart though
Hamann Pineapple said:
Ex-Cavalry officer, 54, says Vegas snaps are of him 28 years ago. Close-ups confirm.


28 years ago you say?
That would make the other person in the pic 38or39 today
BoyBlue_1985 said:
strongbowholic said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I doubt you'll be working as hard as the queen does at her age.
No one invites me to cut ribbons, give out prizes, swanky parties, cruises around the world to sunnier climes or to slap up grills, so you are right, I sadly won't be working as hard as she does.

You would still be a moaning tart though
Yep, I'll give you that.
Prestwich_Blue said:
dawlish dave said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
You forgot to wedge tories, toffs, middle class and thatcher in to your sentence

Harry"s dad, discuss ok
Harry's dad - James Hewitt. No shadow of a doubt.
Zara's dad - Peter Cross, one of the Royal Protection Squad.
Andrew's dad - Lord Porchester, Queen's close friend and Racing Manager.
Edward's dad - Baron Plunket, another "close friend" of the Queen.

Quite possibly Prince Philip also fathered one of Princess Alexandra's kids.

They're all at it missus.

Bruce Forsyth and Danny Kaye had the sense to use Condoms.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Not here to fall out mate but you're wrong on a few things here.....

1) I understand that point of view. But he's a serving officer who's done a tour of duty in Afghanistan. Hasn't he earned the right to let his hair down in the same way as other young, single soldiers do? He just wants to do his job, i.e. serve in Afghan. Then some dickhead leaks details of his deployment because apparently it's in the public's interest. Death by blunt stick.

2) We're not paying for his lifestyle either. The tax payer only foots the bill for the RF's official duties. Everything else comes from their private income from Balmoral and Sandringham, which they own. Even the Sovereign Grant is self-funding, being only 15% of the total income of the Crown estate, the other 85% going into Government coffers. So, you're not really even paying for that. And they've owned all that stuff for generations, so we're not going to miss it.

Hope that helps.

I don't have any personal grudge against him but he's got blood on his hands. I'm a purist, you know how I roll.

I do not disagree with you there, the royals are effectively where they are today because centuries ago they were the biggest bullies/gangsters and got into a position of power. However if thats your stance would you also judge the children of serial killers based on their parents crimes?

I would never judge anyone by the actions of their parents, with that in mind I don't really have a beef with Harry other than who he is and what he represents.

Having said that, it does irk somewhat to see him pissing about with models with his nob out and dressing like a Nazi just because back in the day his family were the best German bad bastards in the world.

I accept my stance is perhaps a little contradictory but that's life, I'm also struggling to explain what I mean as well as I'd like.

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