Prince (popstar) dead R.I.P

How many of these celebs that die from accidental overdoses of prescribed drugs actually need them, and how many are just rich enough to get a corrupt doctor to prescribe whatever they want?
For us normal folk we'd presumably have to be dying from something pretty much terminal anyway before the doc would start giving out the industrial strength opiates like sweets. I'm surprised the medical profession have not been thrust into the spotlight more by deaths like Prince and Micheal Jackson. These are just two that sprung to mind, I'm sure there's many more.
Miserable cunts these celebs :-(
How many of these celebs that die from accidental overdoses of prescribed drugs actually need them, and how many are just rich enough to get a corrupt doctor to prescribe whatever they want?
For us normal folk we'd presumably have to be dying from something pretty much terminal anyway before the doc would start giving out the industrial strength opiates like sweets. I'm surprised the medical profession have not been thrust into the spotlight more by deaths like Prince and Micheal Jackson. These are just two that sprung to mind, I'm sure there's many more.
Miserable cunts these celebs :-(
I'd hazard a guess, they (celebs) are just moving from illegal addictions to legal ones, and instead of paying a dealer they pay dodgy doctors, that way they garner sympathy instead of repulsion when it all comes out.
and these days it doesn't take a lot for people to become outraged.

I wonder if Prince was hooked on purple pain killers
Yes its probably legalized drug addiction

These highly creative people live on a different plane to us normal humans who have jobs and live conventional lives

They all seem to need/crave stimulation, half the great Jazz musicians in New York killed themselves young, Coltrane, Bird etc

Then came the rock era with its casualties, Hendrix, Joplin, Morrison..........the list goes on.
How many of these celebs that die from accidental overdoses of prescribed drugs actually need them, and how many are just rich enough to get a corrupt doctor to prescribe whatever they want?
For us normal folk we'd presumably have to be dying from something pretty much terminal anyway before the doc would start giving out the industrial strength opiates like sweets. I'm surprised the medical profession have not been thrust into the spotlight more by deaths like Prince and Micheal Jackson. These are just two that sprung to mind, I'm sure there's many more.
Miserable cunts these celebs :-(
All celebs are, is normal people who've got the shackles off. The precipitous stripping away of social conventions frequently ends badly.
I understand that, but not why the medical profession doesn't seem to get any heat from the coroner.
Apparently Prince needed a double hip replacement (I feel really old typing that) due to years of jumping around on stage in platform heeled boots. Probably was in chronic pain and tried to manage it with prescription meds but opioids are highly addictive so it is easy for that to go bad.
Apparently Prince needed a double hip replacement (I feel really old typing that) due to years of jumping around on stage in platform heeled boots. Probably was in chronic pain and tried to manage it with prescription meds but opioids are highly addictive so it is easy for that to go bad.

I had one and the strongest pain relief they gave me was co-codamol. I was on a morphine drip for a couple of days immediately after the op but they were very stingy with the dosage. Just been told the right one needs doing again. Hopefully it won't be as bad as the first time.

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