Priti Vacant has a plan, a deal with migrants plan.

Suppose the title should be changed to Braverman has a plan............... would be more accurate her being made Home Sec. except she probably doesn't have one.

Imagine how embarrassing it will be for her to be a worse Home Sec. than Patel????
All the civil servants fault. Patel didn’t bully them enough. They need to pull their fingers out and make sure more dinghy people die.

Or something like that.
Suppose the title should be changed to Braverman has a plan............... would be more accurate her being made Home Sec. except she probably doesn't have one.

Imagine how embarrassing it will be for her to be a worse Home Sec. than Patel????

Truss is going to be pretty embarrassed too when she turns out to be not only a worse PM than Johnson, but Theresa May too!
Sorry to butt in (it was I who brought up the Falklands War) but I'm guessing that when I raised it, people were insinuating that Naval Officers should only 'follow orders' (from the sitting Prime Minister) when a state of war exists.

I don't actually think its the case - they should be following orders whenever, and the fact that the Captain of the sub that sank the Belgrano did so without checking the legal position (regarding a declaration of war) sort of backs that up. Well back in 1982 anyway, what would happen if the Belgrano dilemma happened now, I wonder....
I think you'll find that the commander of the submarine did need the rules of engagement (his orders) changing before following them.

"Pushing back" people in dinghies isn't why people join the RN. At least it doesn't feature in the "I was made in the Navy" adverts.

And following illegal orders is .... illegal.
We will vote them out at the next election we’ve all had enough of Boris and Truss, it’s gone to far when she describes poor peoples problems with the cost of living as “hand outs” generations of people paid in too fund the poor sick and disabled so they won’t be left unable to feed or heat there homes. I am so angry at the use of the phrase “hand outs”
Boris and his deportation plan is another disgraceful policy along with changes to the law through legislation.
Presumably the Belgrano was sunk not by Thatcher, but the head of the MOD who have the authority in a time of war. That was probably a mistake not deliberate it was sailing either in or just out of the exclusion zone
Let's not derail the thread because it's a stupid parallel, but Thatcher authorised the change in rules of engagement. The controversy was partly over the interview when she said the Belgrano "was not sailing away from the Falklands" when it was sunk, when that was its bearing at the time. (There seems general agreement now that it was still a potential threat and a legitimate target.)

It's got nothing to do with trying to stop dinghies in the Channel.
A promising start, anything else?
Sorry, it was a bit obvious really.
I’ve been trying to think of a word to encompass the sneering arrogance, the ignorant complacency, the political and economic illiteracy, the sleaze and corruption, the bare-faced lying, the complete disregard for the rule of law. domestic and international, the self-centred laziness, the entitlement of a group who thinks they should rule us because they went to the right school or because some ancestor killed more foreigners than others did, the wrapping themselves in the flag and calling themselves ‘patriots’ whilst destroying our social and political standards, and - just my call- just looking like a bunch of smug, well fed, public school twats.
The only word I can come up with is ……………Tory!
I think you'll find that the commander of the submarine did need the rules of engagement (his orders) changing before following them.

"Pushing back" people in dinghies isn't why people join the RN. At least it doesn't feature in the "I was made in the Navy" adverts.

And following illegal orders is .... illegal.

Good point. If you wanted to shoot brown people from the middle east the Royal Navy would be the last branch of the armed services you would pick to enlist with.

Unlike a few sad blokes on here military commanders aren't robots either.


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