Priti Vacant has a plan, a deal with migrants plan.

I find that most interesting. In the run up to the next election Keir Starmer would be well advised to put something like "...the reality is their hands are tied. As members of the UN, the ECHR, and clauses in myriad treaties and agreements we have signed over decades, we are responding accordingly." into one of his speeches. Because it will be one of the issues that decides the result. Instead of trying to compete with the Torys (Like Ed Miliband did - with his pledge to control immigration) why not just say what you have said and knock the whole topic off the agenda?

Yes, that is what is shown in the film 'The Iron Lady' with Meryl Streep, if I recall correctly and that was not criticised for playing fast and lose with the truth as some historic films are (JFK for example).
It seems we have gone from writing international law, to be willing to break the laws we wrote, at will.

No politician should have to say what you are advising Starmer to say. The most you should be asking for is for your party of choice to lobby the UN on international law.

Why is it that you want to stop the dinghy people, instead of helping them?

Why is it that international law works for every other first world country, but not us?

Do you think the issue may lie with our current politicians, rather than laws that have worked for decades?
Yes, that is what is shown in the film 'The Iron Lady' with Meryl Streep, if I recall correctly and that was not criticised for playing fast and lose with the truth as some historic films are (JFK for example).
Not sure why you’re mentioning a film I’ve never seen in response to well known historical fact that is covered in Thatcher’s own memoirs, albeit it was more a decision to change rules of engagement in response to the threat caused by the ship, however the simple fact is that the decision came from the top.
Why is it that you want to stop the dinghy people, instead of helping them?

Well my view on this has been changing over time, but it is mainly to do with the cost issue - the Government is spending £4.7 million a day housing asylum seekers in hotels whilst there is so much poverty amongst the people born here. I object to that.

Recently I read this:

Albania is not an unsafe country, people from the UK go there on holiday! The article states: "It is thought crime lords in the country could be sending people with no criminal record to the UK aboard migrant boats to join organised gangs..." that should not be happening.

But at the end of the day it is mainly this: in 2016 there was a referendum promising control of our borders our laws our money. We can't do the Rwanda thing, so we haven't got control of our laws, (yes I know the ECHR is separate from the EU) but the point remains. The record numbers coming in 2022 means we haven't got control of our borders and we have sent millions to France too, so we haven't got control of our money either! So what was the bloody point?

And to repeat what I said earlier but in a slightly different way, when Dominic Cummings devised the 'take back control' slogan and the leave people were pushing the control of our laws/borders/money thing, why didn't the other side just come right out and say it: "it just can't be done" - because of all the international treaties were have signed up to.
Well my view on this has been changing over time, but it is mainly to do with the cost issue - the Government is spending £4.7 million a day housing asylum seekers in hotels whilst there is so much poverty amongst the people born here. I object to that.

Recently I read this:

Albania is not an unsafe country, people from the UK go there on holiday! The article states: "It is thought crime lords in the country could be sending people with no criminal record to the UK aboard migrant boats to join organised gangs..." that should not be happening.

But at the end of the day it is mainly this: in 2016 there was a referendum promising control of our borders our laws our money. We can't do the Rwanda thing, so we haven't got control of our laws, (yes I know the ECHR is separate from the EU) but the point remains. The record numbers coming in 2022 means we haven't got control of our borders and we have sent millions to France too, so we haven't got control of our money either! So what was the bloody point?

And to repeat what I said earlier but in a slightly different way, when Dominic Cummings devised the 'take back control' slogan and the leave people were pushing the control of our laws/borders/money thing, why didn't the other side just come right out and say it: "it just can't be done" - because of all the international treaties were have signed up to.

The main reason it costs this Govt £4.7m a day is because that same Govt has purposely stripped the Home Office of the staff to process applications for asylum so that each one takes far longer - sometimes years longer - than it needs to if it were managed properly. Its a situation manufactured by a Govt that wants to manipulate you to believe that its a massive problem when in the great big scheme of things the problems they are failing to attend to and what should be getting you angry are the inflation rates, tumbling trade figures, a hugely deflated currency, businesses about to close due to high interest rates, high utility costs and a lack of staff.

Obligations under international laws are not cost based either - I mean it could be cheaper to just machine gun French beaches as I can't imagine it would cost £4.7m a day but I doubt that the Govt could use that as a reasonable defence in any ensuing international court case.

Best just to shout at foreigners - wave an empty scabbard and the only war we can wage is on the pesky Oxford Comma - thats how you govern in 2022
Well my view on this has been changing over time, but it is mainly to do with the cost issue - the Government is spending £4.7 million a day housing asylum seekers in hotels whilst there is so much poverty amongst the people born here. I object to that.

Recently I read this:

Albania is not an unsafe country, people from the UK go there on holiday! The article states: "It is thought crime lords in the country could be sending people with no criminal record to the UK aboard migrant boats to join organised gangs..." that should not be happening.

But at the end of the day it is mainly this: in 2016 there was a referendum promising control of our borders our laws our money. We can't do the Rwanda thing, so we haven't got control of our laws, (yes I know the ECHR is separate from the EU) but the point remains. The record numbers coming in 2022 means we haven't got control of our borders and we have sent millions to France too, so we haven't got control of our money either! So what was the bloody point?

And to repeat what I said earlier but in a slightly different way, when Dominic Cummings devised the 'take back control' slogan and the leave people were pushing the control of our laws/borders/money thing, why didn't the other side just come right out and say it: "it just can't be done" - because of all the international treaties were have signed up to.
The government could spend £0 on housing for them if they were processed before they got here.

The government could drastically reduce that £4.7m by employing more asylum officers.

I share your horror that the government invest so little in its indigenous population. It should be far more, but people keep voting for austerity and wonder why the problem isn’t going away.

I’ll give you a clue, it’s nothing to do with the dinghy people. They’re a useful distraction though.

Asylum seekers do not have to seek asylum at their closest “safe” country. You disagree with this, so perhaps you need to start a political party whose primary focus will be lobbying the UN to change their human rights laws.

It‘s almost as if you were lied to in 2016. We have always had control of our borders. The problem has just changed from EU nationals to “dinghy” people. We have always had control of who stays here for any length of time, we just don’t and blame everybody else.

People told you about Cummings bollocks. It was filed under project fear. It is now project here.

It‘s nice to see you forming your conclusion that Brexit is a huge waste of time and has made us poorer. Some of us have been there a while now.
Suppose the title should be changed to Braverman has a plan............... would be more accurate her being made Home Sec. except she probably doesn't have one.

Imagine how embarrassing it will be for her to be a worse Home Sec. than Patel????
She is even worse in her attitude to migrants , hard right cowbag , if she thought she could get away with it she would drop bombs on the boats coming over
Asylum seekers do not have to seek asylum at their closest “safe” country. You disagree with this, so perhaps you need to start a political party whose primary focus will be lobbying the UN to change their human rights laws.

I haven't said anything about that - are you referencing the bit I mentioned about how recently a majority of the cross channel boat people are from Albania? I don't mean they were in Albania from a place of conflict and then chose to move across Europe to get to the UK, I mean they are actually Albanian people. Now, if a person in Albania wishes to make a new life in England, they could apply for a visa under the systems in place - as I would have to do if I wanted to emigrate to Australia - they shouldn't just sneak across in a boat.
I haven't said anything about that - are you referencing the bit I mentioned about how recently a majority of the cross channel boat people are from Albania? I don't mean they were in Albania from a place of conflict and then chose to move across Europe to get to the UK, I mean they are actually Albanian people. Now, if a person in Albania wishes to make a new life in England, they could apply for a visa under the systems in place - as I would have to do if I wanted to emigrate to Australia - they shouldn't just sneak across in a boat.
So change the system so they don’t need to.

It‘s not rocket science.

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