Prostate cancer

I think 2.9 is just below the danger limit, isn't it? Anyway, good that you are on active surveillance as that will enable action as soon as it's needed.
The consultation today was quite interesting. The team at Ayr hospital have switched over to a new algorithm for active suveillance. It comes from the Cambridge Prognostic Group (CPG) and looks at psa trends, mri and Gleason data along with an assessment of your general health to see how well you might stand up to treatment. The software is called STRATCANS. When I have blood taken for psa they generally add some other health markers, so this time it was kidney function. Anyhow I’m in CPG GROUP 1 which means the estimate the likelihood of moving to CPG 3 where action would be needed in 3 years is 0-3%. A psa score of 5.85 would trigger review of treatment.
Meantime it is psa at 3-4 monthly intervals, mri scan at 12 monthly intervals and case review at 18 monthly intervals.
Anyone had ISC intermittent self catheter. I'm currently in waiting room with 89 year old father in law and nurse trying to push him into this. He doesn't think he could do it and neither do I. He's had major trauma inserting catheter in past when done by professionals
Anyone had ISC intermittent self catheter. I'm currently in waiting room with 89 year old father in law and nurse trying to push him into this. He doesn't think he could do it and neither do I. He's had major trauma inserting catheter in past when done by professionals
Mine was put in during my op. But it was awful when they took it out. That said I am in the minority and generally its straightforward.
So finally after many months of appointments and Check ups I on Thursday got diagnosed with prostate cancer , this might sound a bit mad but I’m now finally relieved that it’s now done it’s taken a while to get this all sorted and I know I got back to the Jack grealish thread when I mentioned this . Unfortunately for someone of my age (53) on Wednesday it’s an aggressive form but I’m under stepping hill and Christie’s now so I’m in good hands. If anyone has any experience of this it’d be nice if it’s shared either on here or a pm. I’m ok even though I always had a bad feeling of the final diagnosis it’s a shock that the Gleeson score was quite aggressive I’ll fight this all the bloody way . I’m grateful I’ve got great family and friends around me , please don’t take this as a sympathy post more of any advice and experience in this is always welcome.
So there it is I’m type of bloke whose pretty open with things and this on here will help .
Finally please anyone of you who’s getting towards the age of 50 please, please have a mot at your doctors/GP . Do not ignore this prostate cancer IS the silent assassin.
Take care all you and up blues.
Good luck mate and everyone is rooting for you
Just an update from me and some reassurance to anyone considering or requiring a flexible cystoscope inspection ie the camera down the “jap’s eye” past the prostate and into the bladder.
I‘ve been getting urine infections for some years. What used to be one, every year or two, has become six so far this year. Had various tests, “digital examinations” of the prostate, ultrasound scans and arranged to see a consultant Urologist. He did more scans and examinations, pronounced I had an enlarged prostate typical for a 68 year old, but the underlying cause of the infections was still a mystery. He said a camera inspection was required and booked me in for one in just under three weeks time. I was resigned to it, but not looking forward to it !
One of our “mooners“ contacted me privately to share his experience, which was really helpful. Here is mine.

You put a gown on over your clothes, drop your trousers and
undercrackers and hop on bed with a big TV screen at the side and lie back. A doctor, nurse and another guy who fetched the scope in the room. Doc squeezes the hole open and applies some gel and bingo the flexible tube is on its way down with pictures on the screen. Could see the infection in the urine and the walls of the bladder etc. I confess when the tube went in I was looking at the ceiling. The whole procedure took a little under 10 mins. Stings a little at first and feels a bit strange, but no more than that. Nothing to fear. Walked out and back to the car park.

Consultant called me in the evening to say I was still a “man of mystery” in that there was no obvious physical cause of the infections or need for any surgical interventions. He suggested two options; firstly, better hydration (he could tell from my bladder that I didn't drink enough water) failing that, a regime of low dosage anti-biotics for several months to nuke any lingering infections as a Plan B. Result.

Hopefully this will help reassure anyone facing this procedure - and good luck to anyone dealing with issues on this excellent thread.
Having this done next week, not looking forward to it but slightly reassuring reading your post. Thanks.
Anyone had ISC intermittent self catheter. I'm currently in waiting room with 89 year old father in law and nurse trying to push him into this. He doesn't think he could do it and neither do I. He's had major trauma inserting catheter in past when done by professionals
Hi mate I too had mine done during my prostectomy , it is a inconvenience but nothing what some baggy joggers gives some discretion, it’s painful when they take it out very painful, hope everything worked out well with your father in law ob.
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had mri scan 3 weeks ago, got a phone call yesterday to say an area of concern showed up and got to go for a biopsy on friday afternoon, not looking forward to that
Hi mate I too had mine done during my prostectomy , it is a inconvenience but nothing what some baggy joggers gives some discretion, it’s painful when they take it out very painful, hope everything worked out well with your father in law ob.
Thanks mate, 6 hours in waiting room, he managed to empty his bladder so doesn't need it. Next thing is scrape prostate but today was a decent day

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