Prostate cancer

So he's fainted twice and pissed himself this week (luckily at home). He's been on tamsulosin for a week. Came to light today GP proscribed him that in 2003 and he stopped taking it on their advice due to side affects such as fainting, dizziness etc
Blimey mate would have hoped they’d fully of checked his medical history, such a difficult time for you all. As frustrating as it is all we can do is wrap them in cotton wool.
Hope things get better for you all.
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Blimey mate would have hoped they’d fully of checked his medical history, such a difficult time for you all. As frustrating as it is all we can do is wrap them in cotton wool.
Hope things get better for you all.
Got appointment Monday 10 am with carers 11 am at hospital to put catheter back in. Me and other half supposed to be going to Lake District on Monday for 5 days. Going to sound really selfish but she's had really shit year and really needs a break. I'm struggling on as usually but she needs this break. No family, no friends to look after him while we're away. I told her be plenty of breaks when he's no longer with us
I had prostate removed 9 years ago by laser surgery age 44.Ive been having weird pains around groins and have been told even though you have it removed you can still get a recurrence called a metastasis.This is where some of the cancer might have been missed when the prostate laser surgery occured causing stage 4 cancer which can spread to the bones. never would of thought that after having removal.
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I had prostate removed 9 years ago by laser surgery age 44.Ive been having weird pains around groins and have been told even though you have it removed you can still get a recurrence called a metastasis.This is where some of the cancer might have been missed when the prostate laser surgery occured causing stage 4 cancer which can spread to the bones. never would of thought that after having removal.
My cancer has reached just beyond the prostate and therefore surgery was not considered a suitable option.

I’d read about the chance of metastasis even after removal of the prostate. Did you have any radiotherapy or other treatment after the removal?

Hope you are getting good treatment for this now and get a good outcome.
Having this done next week, not looking forward to it but slightly reassuring reading your post. Thanks.
Good luck, I know it'll occupy all your thoughts from waking up to going to bed but it's just a 10 minutes procedure to grin and bear, it's not pleasant like any invasive procedure but it's done for a reason as you know, try to worry about today's game instead :-).
My cancer has reached just beyond the prostate and therefore surgery was not considered a suitable option.

I’d read about the chance of metastasis even after removal of the prostate. Did you have any radiotherapy or other treatment after the removal?

Hope you are getting good treatment for this now and get a good outcome.
I've posted on this thread, my mate had similar in Feb 2015, he's still going strong and I'll be sat with him at the match today, there's loads of medical help out there to enable you to live with this awful disease, best wishes to you.
hospital rang earlier and cancelled my biopsy tomorrow, said the consultant has tested positive for covid, re arranged for next thursday
I'm not surprised, I was in the Walk in Centre at Ashton Hospital on Thursday and it sounded like the Covid ward from 4 years ago, there were three people in there all wearing masks (presume they had been told to wear them) continually coughing very loudly. Don't these people think about what they're doing? They should be at home not spreading Covid (if that's what they've got) and putting Doctors at risk, it's ridiculous they were allowed in.
My cancer has reached just beyond the prostate and therefore surgery was not considered a suitable option.

I’d read about the chance of metastasis even after removal of the prostate. Did you have any radiotherapy or other treatment after the removal?

Hope you are getting good treatment for this now and get a good outcome.
No mate just laser surgery and psa test first 5 years after.
Good luck, I know it'll occupy all your thoughts from waking up to going to bed but it's just a 10 minutes procedure to grin and bear, it's not pleasant like any invasive procedure but it's done for a reason as you know, try to worry about today's game instead :-).
Thanks mate. Just had it done wasn’t too bad until they went past my prostrate, nearly levitated off the fucking bed!!

3 female nurses/doctors also didn’t help my mental state lol.
Thanks mate. Just had it done wasn’t too bad until they went past my prostrate, nearly levitated off the fucking bed!!

3 female nurses/doctors also didn’t help my mental state lol.
Yep my mate had the same experience, said it was the most painful if brief experience of his life! Hope all goes well for you now, I'm sure you'll keep us updated.

@A57 the snake is an inspiration on here, you're not alone. We had our Prostate Charity day at Ashton Golf Club three weeks ago, the statistics were frightening for the demographic of golfers (and I use the word loosely) there, mostly FOC's with a 1 in 8 chance of getting this bloody awful disease. However there were a number of Prostate survivors there and fortunately I don't yet know anyone of my circle of friends who have passed from it.

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