PSG Away Ticket details - Update now 2,200 tickets available

So many people say this but offered no real evidence that can be acted on. Such malpractices should be brought to attention of the club and the SC Executive Committee.

If that was ever done to me I would be on the phone straightaway to get it sorted.

Phone calls are no good, All claims have to be submitted in writing with any supporting documents and evidence you might have ,
I know for experience.
Really pleased City have finally adopted this way of ticket collection. Been doing it with England for years and never waited more than a couple of minutes, even when there have been 8000+ picking up tickets.
Totally fair way of distributing tickets. IMO supporters clubs shouldn't get them. It should purely be on individuals loyalty points. I'm sick and tired of missing out while mates pass them around each other.
I think most people see the difference between 'points whoring' and simply doing a favour for a mate on a one off basis. But it seems that demand for away tickets is increasing in general and so it's important that the distribution system is fair and transparent. Personally the way I see it is, I've got 12,900 points, anyone with more should get the option to buy one (for their own use) before I do, anyone with less should be behind me in the queue regardless of where they sit, which Supporters Club they belong to or how many points the best mate of their best mate has. To that end, the club should start the process by being more open about how they distribute tickets, at least then it would stop some of the speculation.

As for Supporters Clubs, I've never been a member of one, but my understanding is that they receive an allocation per branch which they are free to distribute as they (the members) see fit. Historically there may be good reason for that but in today's climate I don't see why tickets should be allocated any other way than according to individual points. On the train from Malaga to Seville I sat next to a smashing guy from the Ballymena SC who was going to the match with his daughter, neither of them were current season card holders but, despite that, had tickets for the away section. It was hard to begrudge them the tickets or to be negative about a City fan getting to do a European trip with his daughter but, when I looked at my own €99 ticket in the home section it was difficult not to feel that something was wrong with the system.
I think most people see the difference between 'points whoring' and simply doing a favour for a mate on a one off basis. But it seems that demand for away tickets is increasing in general and so it's important that the distribution system is fair and transparent. Personally the way I see it is, I've got 12,900 points, anyone with more should get the option to buy one (for their own use) before I do, anyone with less should be behind me in the queue regardless of where they sit, which Supporters Club they belong to or how many points the best mate of their best mate has. To that end, the club should start the process by being more open about how they distribute tickets, at least then it would stop some of the speculation.

As for Supporters Clubs, I've never been a member of one, but my understanding is that they receive an allocation per branch which they are free to distribute as they (the members) see fit. Historically there may be good reason for that but in today's climate I don't see why tickets should be allocated any other way than according to individual points. On the train from Malaga to Seville I sat next to a smashing guy from the Ballymena SC who was going to the match with his daughter, neither of them were current season card holders but, despite that, had tickets for the away section. It was hard to begrudge them the tickets or to be negative about a City fan getting to do a European trip with his daughter but, when I looked at my own €99 ticket in the home section it was difficult not to feel that something was wrong with the system.

The club will fight transparency all the way as it would then have to reveal how many tickets it siphons off to ticket agencies for vast profit for onward sale to to our growing tourist base
The club is obviously looking at the way they now sell/ arrange away tickets with this new chap involved.
Hopefully they will look at the much bigger picture and hopefully change things for the better.
In my view supporters clubs have had it to good for to long with the ticket allocations.
I think most people see the difference between 'points whoring' and simply doing a favour for a mate on a one off basis. But it seems that demand for away tickets is increasing in general and so it's important that the distribution system is fair and transparent.

I think our away following this year has probably been the lowest for a number of years,...more general sales and non sell outs than ever.
There is however definatley less tickets around for the big games - several mates who have always qualified for the OT derby, didnt this year for the first time ever
The club is obviously looking at the way they now sell/ arrange away tickets with this new chap involved.
Hopefully they will look at the much bigger picture and hopefully change things for the better.
In my view supporters clubs have had it to good for to long with the ticket allocations.

He's a rag? Remember when 11,000 of the rags 25k cup final allocation was available to fans!
This system, despite making it harder for myself to obtain tickets to this match is fair. People ahead of me deserve their ticket, they won't buy it and give it to their mate who's behind me. I think we'll be surprised, this will drop below the 15,000 points mark in my opinion because the usual suspects won't be whoring tickets out. Supporters clubs need a re-think, the idea to scrap their allocation for the higher demand games is a good one in my opinion. Would stop these stories of 1 game per season fans getting tickets to the big matches.
Really pleased City have finally adopted this way of ticket collection. Been doing it with England for years and never waited more than a couple of minutes, even when there have been 8000+ picking up tickets.
Totally fair way of distributing tickets. IMO supporters clubs shouldn't get them. It should purely be on individuals loyalty points. I'm sick and tired of missing out while mates pass them around each other.

Are these your mates or other people's mates? Because if it's the former they must be a right bunch of twats if you never get offered one!

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