PSG vs Istanbul Basaksehir suspended after 4th official accused of racism

He'd have to playing a tarot card for that to happen.

Perhaps I should have said was.
The amount of cheating in the game now is unfortunately accepted, every game there are pundits condoning the diving, time wasting, feigning injuries etc but all we hear on here is how bent and corrupt pigmol, fifa, EUFA etc are.
The players can stop this immediately if they want but do they have the balls to get together and do it ?

Doubt it, it’s all about gaining an advantage, the reason I questioned Demba Ba.
I can give you another good example related to different language and culture which can in some circumstances raise the same issue ; we all have the so called "First Name" "Last Name".
In UK we have David Beckham, Ryan Giggs, Raheem Sterling, Paul Scholes etc.
In Romania we have 4th ref Sebastian Coltescu, Ovidiu Hategan and so on.
Beckham, Giggs, Sterling, Scholes, Coltescu, Hategan .. All second names if I am not wrong.
Would you be surprised to know that in Romania we have second names like : Negru, Negrea, Negrescu, Negroiu, Negras,Negrasi, and so on and so forth? None of them would be other than eastern europeans, none of them black people. None of them obvisously would be upset if you call them Negru (meaning black) ; they do not have that sensitive fact or perception related to the term. So it would be very easy to be unconcious of some remote topic which is problematic for other people.
If one of the refs would have as a second name Negru - so many potential problems that could arise , if you call him by that second name, right? Anyone in western Europe could feel bad about it ?
i think pointing out webo and saying black guy isn't racist at all, its one of the guy characteristics ,if people are going to get upset about that, what about pointing a bald guy, a ginger guy ect , i think demba ba totally over reacted and the 4th official will end up paying for it, because people are so shit scared to be seen doing the right thing ,they don't do the right thing, as the romanian guy explained, if he wanted to be derogatory then he would of used another term , the turkish players imo made a big to do about it because one of the players had been sent off just before.

i pointed out the other day in the players who might be good signings for us i had posted about a player, didn't know his name until later on, but i described him as the big black guy in midfield, is that racist ?
What you say is a societal construct. You should actually reconfigure your thinking. It should not be why is there 'Black History Month, 'MoBO Awards' etc, as these things were made to redress the balance exclusion.

You should be thinking why is it Black people haven't invented anything(we have, plenty) or why Black music get appropriated so much that a counterpart gets all the glory?

Do you see the active systemic issues in everyday life now, just to reframe things?

I'm not asking why there is those awards and events. I know why they are around.

My point is you detest using colour as a reference and this is something i agree with. You cannot strive for equality in all areas if you are separating demographics into categories.

If it is socially unacceptable to reference a person by their colour (such as what the Romanian 4th official alledgley did) then we can't then continue to highlight the first achievements or the milestones reached from individuals by referencing their colour?
Perhaps I should have said was.
The amount of cheating in the game now is unfortunately accepted, every game there are pundits condoning the diving, time wasting, feigning injuries etc but all we hear on here is how bent and corrupt pigmol, fifa, EUFA etc are.
The players can stop this immediately if they want but do they have the balls to get together and do it ?

Doubt it, it’s all about gaining an advantage, the reason I questioned Demba Ba.
Hence the saying..... Football will eat itself.
I'm not asking why there is those awards and events. I know why they are around.

My point is you detest using colour as a reference and this is something i agree with. You cannot strive for equality in all areas if you are separating demographics into categories.

If it is socially unacceptable to reference a person by their colour (such as what the Romanian 4th official alledgley did) then we can't then continue to highlight the first achievements or the milestones reached from individuals by referencing their colour?
It's not society that highlights the race of a person as newsworthy, it's the media or the reporters of history.

The less that these people continue to highlight the differences or the remarkability of a Human Being reaching a goal denied to them, previously, the less abnormal we would respond to it.

As City fans we don't celebrate Sterling scoring or Ferna playing great by defining them by their race. We don't, the media do, so therefore it's prominent in thinking when you read or hear the news.

But this is a delicate knife to straddle, in truth. As an older generation, if we took the road of not adhering to race I would be surprised at how far we'd come, when my sons would see it as the norm.

Where FIFA are concerned they should have been more mindful of having officiating that's speaks the main languages of both teams and know the culture of those teams involved, no matter how diverse to navigate certain issues.

That would mean NOT using race as a description and if someone, in the future may ask about a player, ignore the request, walk up to said player, identify by whatever other means.

if this is how difficult things are getting, best to avoid it altogether for officials.
It's not society that highlights the race of a person as newsworthy, it's the media or the reporters of history.

The less that these people continue to highlight the differences or the remarkability of a Human Being reaching a goal denied to them, previously, the less abnormal we would respond to it.

As City fans we don't celebrate Sterling scoring or Ferna playing great by defining them by their race. We don't, the media do, so therefore it's prominent in thinking when you read or hear the news.

But this is a delicate knife to straddle, in truth. As an older generation, if we took the road of not adhering to race I would be surprised at how far we'd come, when my sons would see it as the norm.

Where FIFA are concerned they should have been more mindful of having officiating that's speaks the main languages of both teams and know the culture of those teams involved, no matter how diverse to navigate certain issues.

That would mean NOT using race as a description and if someone, in the future may ask about a player, ignore the request, walk up to said player, identify by whatever other means.

if this is how difficult things are getting, best to avoid it altogether for officials.

I don't agree with this. You can't be appointing officials that have to speak either Turkish or French just incase you use a word that can be deemed offensive in your native language.

FIFA's slogan is "For the Game, For the World". How is it progressive that we discriminate against certain nationalities that they cannot officiate an international game because they don't speak the languages of the teams involved?

They say football is a universal language and you can communicate without actually saying a word.

This whole affair could have been sorted via a calm and sensible conversation, instead and this is a point i agree with with you, the media are drumming racism and BLM so much at the moment that it's breeding hysteria. It's not healthy for the game or for society.
It is obviously clear cut to them though, and that is what is important. The grey area is amongst observers who disagree on things. The important thing here is those that were there, saw it heard it and were involved in it all saw fit to take the action they did. As Ric pointed out in his post this morning, there is more info available now and a clearer picture developing
I didn't see that one. What else have we learned since the incident?
In my opinion there will never be a moment when ALL the people will agree regarding referring to or identifying a person using the skin color is / it is not racism.
And also who says where's the limit between racism and freedom of expression?
Does someone's freedom of expression ends where someone thinks what it is said is offensive even if that person does not have the slightest intent of being offensive or racist?
If people has to be sensitive related to history then he/she should be also sensitive to freedom of speech.

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