Puts on tin hat as its time for a whinge

jimharri said:
MadchesterCity said:
SWP's back said:
I should imagine its because they broke the coc

I don't believe so mate, I never swore or said anything racist.

I just pointed out that you are a better supporter if you stay to the end of the natch and cheer your team on especially if it is a tight match.

i just wish that everyone would do this, if I could ask Santa for one thing it would be this and back to back titles :)
Why? For instance;
A. A fan who lives 15-20 minutes walk from the ground and stays until the final player has left the pitch.

B. A fan who has travelled a long distance (the other end of the country or overseas) and is on a tight schedule regarding the return trip and leaves 10-15 minutes before the end of the game.

Which is the ''better'' supporter? For me, they both deserve credit for going to the game and neither of them should be slagged off. If a fan wants to (or has to) leave the game early, so be it. That's his/her choice.

It is there choice but they should choose to stay and support the club, it could be the difference between winning and losing!!

I agree that there are times when you need to leave early but I can't believe that many people need to leave early every match even when the result is not yet confirmed.

Merry Xmas everyone
BlueAnorak said:
It would help if there were alternative exits near the front of tier 1 & the back of tier 3. Why? Because if at the front of Tier 1 or the back of Tier 3, you either go early or wait 10 mins to leave the stand. Worse sill if you don't get away from the ground on the dot of Full Time, then you will be stuck in traffic Jams fort at least 30 mins.
It will be made worse when the metro opens as it seems that Pollard Street amd Meryl Street will be closed to traffic post match - Quite why they put the Metro in the streets at that point when there was land to East/North that could have accommodated the Metro is beyond me.

In short to stop people leaving the stands early something has to be done about improving traffic flow away from the ground. It is bloody awful and in my opinion the main cause of folks leaving early.

You poor, poor fuckers, I feel so bad for you having to wait 10 minutes or 30 minutes in traffic.

I travel up every home game from Southampton and I couldn't give a toss about having to wait to get out of the ground, or being stuck in traffic, that's all part of what I expect from a matchday experience.

Some of you need to grow a pair you whining twats.

Merry Christmas.....
I didn't say I left early. I don't - but I totally understand why folks do (for reasons stated).
As Trolls also need love can I just say.
Merry Christmas.
Bilboblue said:
BlueAnorak said:
It would help if there were alternative exits near the front of tier 1 & the back of tier 3. Why? Because if at the front of Tier 1 or the back of Tier 3, you either go early or wait 10 mins to leave the stand. Worse sill if you don't get away from the ground on the dot of Full Time, then you will be stuck in traffic Jams fort at least 30 mins.
It will be made worse when the metro opens as it seems that Pollard Street amd Meryl Street will be closed to traffic post match - Quite why they put the Metro in the streets at that point when there was land to East/North that could have accommodated the Metro is beyond me.

In short to stop people leaving the stands early something has to be done about improving traffic flow away from the ground. It is bloody awful and in my opinion the main cause of folks leaving early.

You poor, poor fuckers, I feel so bad for you having to wait 10 minutes or 30 minutes in traffic.

I travel up every home game from Southampton and I couldn't give a toss about having to wait to get out of the ground, or being stuck in traffic, that's all part of what I expect from a matchday experience.

Some of you need to grow a pair you whining twats.

Merry Christmas.....
Who are the whining twats?

The ones that leave when they want or the busy cunts that moan about people leaving?

Merry xmas to all the busy busy cunts.
End of the day, its peoples choice. Dont make anyone better or bigger Blues. Me personally i wouldnt leave early, but that's my choice.
Merry Christmas to all Blues everywhere
BlueAnorak said:
I didn't say I left early. I don't - but I totally understand why folks do (for reasons stated).
As Trolls also need love can I just say.
Merry Christmas.

I realise that Anorak, I should have made it clear it wasn't aimed at you.

It frustrates me when I see so many leaving early, in my mind it is dumb to pay the sort of money we do (not a lot in comparison to some clubs) and miss some of the game.

I might add, it also frustrates me when people go 10 mins before half time and come back 10 mins after!

SWP's back.... I find it hard to believe so many people HAVE to leave early every game.

Yes it is their choice, but we seeem to have far more early leavers than most clubs, seems people are getting spoilt. Which I hope you all are being today :o)

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