Qatar Stats - This is Truly Pathetic. What a Joke.

baylorblue said:
I'm very curious as to who will get these stadiums. I won't be surprised if it turns out that the countries which get a stadium were some of the same who voted for Qatar.

The second poorest country in the world could do with a nice new stadium, Armani, get on to it lol
danburge82 said:
What's everyone on about?

It has been said that in their bid it stated that laws are being looked into so they can be changed, for good.
They are one of the most liberal countries in the Gulf already. It might also shed a bit of light to countires in this region that there is much more to life than a load of made up stories in some text book they all worship.
It should highlight that racism and hatred is wrong and there is more to life than this shit.
Something needs to be done so that a bit of unity between the western world and the middle east is reached. MCFC+Sheikh Mansour is one, this world cup is another!
Japan, USA and South Korea have all staged WC's in the last 16 years. So Australia was the only other real option, but why them over Qatar?
Also all the FANTASTIC stadia (puts our WC stadia to shame, makes em look shit tbh!) will be moved and re-homed in third world countries!

I certainly aint no Aussie lover (some are alright when not murdering back packers though) but is that a question serious?
In this day and age of Carbon footprints and emissions trading, isnt it a bit crass to award the tournament to a country (Qatar) where the building and operation of these air conditioned stadiums, plus taking them down and transporting them is going to contribute massive amounts of carbon to the atmosphere? FIFA certainly has no green initiative.
Pobb said:
Wheelsy said:
Yes, Brazil is fucking hot. Lucky for them that the World Cup is being held in winter then!
It's quite fitting that every person on this board who reckons that Qatar is a good idea is a fucking know-nowt.
a) What makes me a 'know-nowt'?
b) Does that make you a know-all then?
c) There is no 'c'.

BillyMC said:
Football is for the fans. Qatar had virtually no interest in football before this bid.
What on earth would you base that on?! Football is for the fans. So why not let millions of football worshipping fans in the Middle East host a World Cup? Sure, Qatar has a relatively small population but what about the rest of the region? If it was the UAE who had won the rights to host it, would you be as bothered?

I suggested somewhere like Eygypt would have been better for a first world cup in the region if they really wanted to engage millions of arabic fans.<br /><br />-- Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:00 pm --<br /><br />
b2b said:
BillyMC said:
the only people interested in football there are the migrant workers living in shit

Football is for the fans. Qatar had virtually no interest in football before this bid. They wanted it to showcase the country, .

and based on what exactly are u saying so ?? u never been there ..
all u do is sit in front of ur PC/Laptop type some shit that u dont know anything about lol .. not having a great team doesn't mean they're not intrested in football (South africa :)) ..

football is the number 1 sport in qatar and there are millions of fans in the middle-east and its a rich country with crazy ambition and they're gonna make it a first class luxury WC .. weather you go or not .. happy or not no one cares cuz there are others going so enjoy the WC 2018 in RUSSIA :)

Yes I have travelled extensively around that region in my work for the british embassay and speak fluent arabic. It is still a poor choice even for middle eastern fans for a whole host of reason. How can you compare South Africa to Qatar in terms of football? You sir are the one spouting khara
Its all good and well suggesting Egypt hold the world cup but a couple of reasons rule them out:

1) they dont have the resources to build the infrastructure
2) they are in Africa.

Why would you compare Qatari and South African footballing abilities, what baring does that have on hosting the world cup?

As for the environmental factor I believe they're aiming to be carbon neutral by using solar power. Technically it could be feasible but in reality only time will tell.
After getting over the initial distress of missing out to Qatar, i wish them all the best and hope they can put on a good show. They have the money to make it happen and i'm sure they have some amazing, state of the art stadiums and technology on show.

I really hope that Israel qualify also, the world cup is the only thing that could do such.

I have my fingers crossed that one day the World Cup will arrive on Australia's shores. In the immediate future i hold concerns for the development of the sport in this country. The world cup would have been the perfect target to expose the game to all different kinds of sport loving people in this country and take aim at the bigger codes (AFL & NRL).

It's a few steps back, but i really hope the new league doesn't end up like the old NSL. The Asian Cup is coming up next month and it's being played in Qatar (without the air con). I'm hoping that we can find a small piece of revenge and bring the silverware back to our beautiful country.

I, for one, will be attending the WC in Brazil and think it's gonna be something very special (both on and off the pitch).


NewbBlue said:
mike o said:
Read my previous posts.

I understand why it won and understand why Russia won. I'm not criticising Qatar or their bid. In fact given the economic climate there probably the only two countries who'll have enough money to put a world cup on in 2018/2022

I'm criticising the previous point that its tough luck for someone who feels scared to enter a country and that they need to man up.

We aren't talking about someone avoiding Italy because of Ultras or avoiding Russia through fear of how iffy its reputation is. We're talking about someone being scared to set foot in a host country due to their ethnicity and due to a fear for their life. And that my friend is fucked up.

If Qatar really can pull it off then fantastic but theres as much diplomatic off the pitch work to be done as their is stadium and infrastructure work

It's going to be that way regardless of who hosts the World Cup.

The United States would make Cubans and Iranians in particular feel uncomfortable. Japan would make Koreans and Chinese uncomfortable. India would rule out Pakistanis. Turkey would rule out Greeks. Israel would rule out Arabs.

Those Israelis have no reason to fear for their lives from the Qatari government. If they fear for their lives, it will be from terrorists or crazies that can strike in any country. I have never heard of a Jew being killed in Qatar because he was a Jew. Do you have some event to suggest why a Jew should "fear for their life" in Qatar in particular?

Theres a huge difference between different countries not getting along and nationals being banned from a country.

As for anyone from Israel going to watch the world cup in the Qatar I think they'd have to fear for their lives as every crazy in the region would want a piece of them.

Personally I've a lot of time for the middle east and have spent time in,and loved, Tehran and the misconceptions about the region in the west are unreal.

Same as all the scare stories about South Africa. I've been there a lot and loved the place

I think we just need to pray that Isreal dont qualify then all of this discussion is pointless and Qatar can put a world cup on without any major incidents just as South Africa.

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